showing entries 1 to 4 of 4

08 August 2012

Weigh-in: 156.5 lb lost so far: 4.4 lb still to go: 13.2 lb Diet followed N/A
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23 February 2012

Okay so day 3 wasn't the best. My muscles were so sore from day 1 and 2 ( I forgot to stretch) that i decided I would take a day to rest. I ate a smaller a breakfast than usual and as a result snacked a bit more than the last two days. I think 4 meals works better than 5 for me. Big breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner. On my daily walk I had a sugar craving. Gave it 20 mins and caved, with the thinking that 1 piece of cake will not be the end of all, and after my piece of cake-not particularly sugary-think cheesecakeish- i didn't have another sugar craving for the rest of the day. This could work. As long as I only have the resources for a small bit of a sugar hit, it will stop me snacking on other foods as a result to satisfy the craving.

so bigger breakfast, occasional sugar hit (if it will prevent more snacking) is okay

And as for my day of rest.... I went for a half hour run instead, and stretched afterwards in the hopes of loosening a few muscles...not at all sure it worked, but i don't feel as if my day has been a waste either now

21 February 2012

Here starts another diet and exercise plan. I have an history of starting and stopping quite soon after starting. But this time, I am much more determined to make it stick! While this effort is mostly about losing the weight I put on again over my visit home that I lost since summer holidays, It is also trying to make daily exercise and healthy eating a lifelong goal. If it becomes a habit now, it should be much easier to maintain as I get older... Right? I have just read Mark Lauren's Bible of Bodyweight exercises and have just started the beginners 10 week plan. This is all well and good. I am fairly active most days, but it's the afternoon sugar snack craving that brings me low time and time again. I used to drink a cup of green tea everytime i had a sugar craving. That doesn't work so well any more. I try eating fruit, but I am not actually hungary-just craving sugar. Any one with ideas on breaking this habit? It is all in my head, but it is a nuisance none the less.

21 February 2012

Weigh-in: 160.9 lb lost so far: 0 lb still to go: 17.6 lb Diet followed N/A

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