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03 May 2015

Sunday morning and I am the only one up in the house - I often can't sleep in because my body starts aching in bed - I guess that makes me an early rise (but not as early as WFN). I like the quiet! Late last night my two girls decided to bake chocolate chip cookies - the smell was all over the house. Oh my goodness - I had to pack it in and take my 'sweet tooth' to bed immediately - it was too much! Thankfully they ate all the cookies last night so nothing is left to tempt me this morning. All is going well. I have stayed 100% focused on my eating since coming back - I did not stray from plan even once. I have eaten within my time boundaries and calories and macros. One food that is helping me to stay focused in 4% Cottage Cheese. It is so filling and keeps me satiated for hours on end. I am planning to use it to make a cream sauce for eggplant lasagna or zucchini lasagna. I have been told by Drag that its great in smoothies too - I am going to try it! So, this Summer I am off on a cottage cheese discovery adventure....hehehe! Today, I plan to do some cleaning inside the house. The hardwood floors need a good cleaning, as well as the kitchen floors. I need to pack away some tubs that belong to my kids and my suitcase needs to get back to the basement. I plan to do some cooking at the same time to stock up my meals for the rest of the week. I will start the cleaning now since everyone is asleep and won't get in my way for at least another 2 hours or so - it will give the floors the opportunity to dry! That will be my exercise today. It's supposed to rain tomorrow so I think I will move my lunch date to Tuesday! Have a great day all - be golden!

02 May 2015

02 May 2015

Interesting ...... Still feeling good since having my omelette (cream cheese/spinach)followed by cottage cheese and berries earlier today. I have deleted my planned evening meal and instead will have some coleslaw with coconut oil. I am beginning to realize that 4% cottage cheese has become the magic food for my WOE (along with the bulletproof coffee). Here's what I have been experiencing: 1) When I was at Disney my go to breakfast item almost every day was cottage cheese with cinnamon. I started my day with coffee (only with whipping cream added) and along with the cottage cheese, it kept me completely satiated most of the day until my evening meal. I think the magic ingredient was the cottage cheese which kept me feeling full.
2)Since I started IF I have achieved pretty good success with my bulletproof coffee to sustain me until my first meal of the day. Since I started adding cottage cheese to my daily routine, I find that I am full longer and eat less that I normally would. The fact that its such a good source of protein and good fats just makes it that much better.
3)There are so many ways to use cottage cheese but I love it emulsified best! Once I get it to a smooth and creamy consistency, I can do so many things with it. I have added unsweetened cocoa powder and sweetener for a delicious chocolate goodness. I have added cinnamon and sweetener and poured it over black berries (my personal favourite). I have had it plain with strawberries - very good. I am going to try it with vanilla bean and nuts emulsified into the mixture for a nutty, vanilla treat. I am going to look at many other ways to create new mixtures (chia seeds? savoury cream sauce for an eggplant lasagna? etc.). It is just so daaarn good!
You know the very best part for me? It doesn't take the whole 2 cup tub to fill me up completely! Yes sir, I have found my new "it" low carb food and I am enjoying the benefits. Quells hunger and taste like a dream - who knew?

02 May 2015

02 May 2015

Weigh-in: 193.0 lb lost so far: 20.0 lb still to go: 38.0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (4 comments) losing 7.0 lb a week

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