Joined October 2007
Weight History

Start Weight
165.0 lb
Lost so far: 0 lb

Current Weight
165.0 lb
Performance: Steady

Goal Weight
140.0 lb
Still to go: 25.0 lb

Jalarti626's Weight History

Jalarti626's Latest Posts

I was a Center Director for LAWL
I agree with all your comments. I never really connected with any of the "counselors" when I was going, and although I lost all the weight I wanted, and got through stabilization and maintenance, I never felt warm fuzzies about any of the people who worked with me. I really felt like they were more interested in selling the products then really helping people lose weight and dealing with emotional issues. Every time I had a question regarding food or nutrition, they really didn't have an answer if it wasn't in the "manual" and always told me they would contact the "nutritionist". A lot of times I never got an answer. Now I see they've come out with an "exclusive" new product that helps you feel full and fight hunger pangs. Gee -- what a unique idea. They did help me get my eating under control (although I'm fighting it now and losing so far) and learn about portion control, and when I was on it I did feel pretty satisfied for the most part. The problem is when you get back into the real world with the knowledge that you don't have to see a counselor once a week, it's so easy to backslide into the old habits again. Just like every pay-to-lose program out there, they count on that and fully expect a certain percentage of people to return and spend more money.
posted 18 Oct 2007, 16:06
Losing motivation since switch!
I just signed up to fatsecret, and I am a former LA Weight Loss member -- lost 55 pounds over two years ago. But then my husband became very ill and was hospitalized a lot, and the emotional eating took over, so I'm up 25lbs and not happy with myself! So I thought I would just go back on my LAWL plan without the bars. Now I hear they've revamped the program and it doesn't sound like it's very popular. I'd be curious to know what changes they've made. Anybody?

I too was one of those that was made to believe that without the bars I wouldn't be successful, plus I wouldn't get my 50% refund at the end of it all. I liked the bars until they changed the formula to remove the trans-fats, and then the only ones I could stand were the caramel and the peanut butter.

So can anyone tell me what the extra food amount would be without the bars? I'm not planning on buying any more from LAWL, and I really want to try to do this on my own without spending any more money re-joining LAWL.
posted 16 Oct 2007, 12:14
Jalarti626 has submitted 2 posts

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