nomoyoyo's Journal, 12 June 2008

I'm so excited! I reached my 10% goal. I can't believe I was 20 pounds heavier only a few months ago--10% of my total body weight. It seems like a long, long, time ago. Still, I don't ever perceive myself as fat or skinny, so it's hard to remember that weight, or imagine I ever had it. I sat down with my leader yesterday and we talked about setting a final weight goal for the future. The top of my range is 155 and the bottom is 124. The American Med. Association recommends something ridiculous, so my leader suggested being in the middle, at 136. I felt very squeamish about that. Really? Do you think there will be anything left??? So I wrangled two more pounds. Ok, let's shoot for 138.

Something else happened this week. I read "Skinny Bit@(-)", a New York Times bestseller. Actually, I've one more chapter to finish. It's a crazy book and will kill your appetite if you get through it, so it's great for an extra boost if you want it! Mostly the authors are so precocious with sensational information about modern eating that it's mild entertainment. Did you know, for example, that the hormones they put in milk have traces of rocket fuel? Or that the FDA is so extremely corrupt, the guy who invented aspartame faked the medical testing results and then bought off the whole investigation team assigned to prosecute him? Or that the USDA will accept almost anything as organic? That its inspection system is such a joke, horse meat has been frequently sold as beef? That the US banned terribly toxic pesticides, but allowed the former manufacturer to sell them to Mexico, from whom we then import our produce?

As far as a diet is concerned, the overall anxiety from the skinny bit@(-)es is as unnatural to me, however, as going ahead with eating rocket fuel. I do try to be careful. I try to eat as little pre-packaged food as I can and I do buy organic items because they have flavor. As a sustainable diet, I don't know. I lived in Europe, what can I say?

I remember assimilating without even realizing, to what is European eating, probably no different, by the way, to Asian or even African eating. I remember going for months without a single piece of dessert crossing my lips, and then my roommate's parents would visit from out of town. We would spend all day eating a dessertless, four course meal very slowly, piece by piece and talking. And then we would drink coffee or herbal tea, very slowly, for another hour. And then the next day we would go shopping in the places the family couldn't get to in the country and then we'd hit the bars where they served dainty bits of food with amazing flavors, and drink wine while the bartender entertained whoever was there to listen to his stories. Then, on the way home, it would happen. We would stop by a pastry shop, where everyone there had an advanced college degree in making pastries and my roommate's mom would make everyone pick out a little work of art that appealed to us, and she'd have them box up enough little tartlet and bon bon thingies for us to have two each. We would come back to our flat and do something mindles like watch a movie. Hours would pass. The day's purchases were arranged. Then the pastries were brought out, the neighbors were invited, and everyone indulged and talked about it like they just got back from a trip, a sugar trip, that is. Heaven.

Then no more sweets for two months.

I saw what pleasure food could be. And this book, the Skinny Bit@(-), while a very poignant read, is the microcosm of what's wrong in our attitude about food in America, that food is no higher form of art and beauty, it's something material. A lab test, an afterthought. Nothing connects it to an evening of people watching with your friends and the great conversations to be had in an outdoor cafe. People don't plan a meal for weeks when they know they'll have out of town guests. We got things to do. We got responsibilities. We are fat, yet we just don't get a kick out of eating.
172.0 lb Lost so far: 20.0 lb.    Still to go: 17.0 lb.    Diet followed 100%.
losing 0.3 lb a week



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