TJCoker's Journal, 13 May 2014

Open to suggestions, advice, HELP!

I am trying to follow doctor's orders: a healthier diet, etc. The results from my blood work were pretty scary. I know that I have to make a permanent change as well as lose about 90 pounds and keep it off for life. Changing my eating habits to healthier foods, while expensive, has been easy for the most part. However, I cannot seem to find the motivation to exercise during the week. I have a very stressful job as a paralegal. I listen to my clients' concerns, fears, rantings, and problems and it is my nature to try to solve everything or give them the answer they want to hear even though I know I sometimes can't! So, when I get home from work I am exhausted mentally and I don't want to do anything, including cooking a healthy meal. I just want to zone out in front of the TV with a box of "reduced fat" wheat thins or bag of grapes, or both!

I know that working out relieves stress, but I just can't find it in me to get to the working out part during the weeknights. Weekends are easier, as I don't have to deal with clients and I can get out and do yard work.

Does anyone have any suggestions for how I can overcome the stress and exhaustion of the day and find the energy to workout?

Diet Calendar Entries for 13 May 2014:
1304 kcal Fat: 30.41g | Prot: 99.76g | Carb: 153.50g.   Lunch: Arnold Multi-Grain Sandwich Thins, Fresh Express Baby Spinach, Hannaford Low Fat 1% Milkfat Cottage Cheese, Tuna in Water (Canned). Dinner: CiCi's Pizza 12" Buffalo Chicken Pizza, CiCi's Pizza 12" Zesty Veggie Buffet Pizza. Snacks/Other: Merex Fresh Blueberries. more...
3336 kcal Activities & Exercise: Sitting - 2 hours, Weight Training (moderate) - 20 minutes, Housework - 1 hour, Desk Work - 7 hours, Driving - 1 hour, Sleeping - 8 hours, Resting - 4 hours and 40 minutes. more...

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If something is important to do, do it first thing in the morning. Otherwise it always slips by and it's too easy to put it off until 'tomorrow'--when we do the same all over again. I have two things that are important for me to do every day and have found that one of them I must do in the morning or it won't get done and the other I am able to do at lunch time. I've tried to switch them around and I fail every time not doing the one at lunch. So I have to do it first thing in the morning. 
13 May 14 by member: sjdallas
Hi TJCoker, that is great that you are looking at ways to become healthier. I'm on a similar boat, I'm working in a stressful job and with multiple outside work projects, but something that I have been starting to do is incorporate little changes into my routine. For example, I have propped up my monitor and keyboard so that I work 80% of the time standing up. I also try to walk more even if it is just a block. Sometimes that helps get me motivated to do more, and sometimes that is all I do. Little by little hopefully these changes add up. Hope that helps!  
13 May 14 by member: mrbananna
If you can't do it at the end of the day, is there any way you can fit it in during your lunch and breaks?  
13 May 14 by member: Alex_is_Hawks
Or first thing in the morning? If I tried to get my exercise in at lunch or after work, I know I'd never do it; too many excuses. I know it's a hard habit to get into, but now I just don't feel right not running early in the morning (and I do mean early - up at 4:15, out the door by 4:30). And it feels great to know that I've gotten it out of the way and don't have to think about it the rest of the day. 
13 May 14 by member: berley1
I find that when I eat well and by that I mean veg and fruit and a balanced diet, I have tonnes more energy. I suggest trying to think of something that you 'love' to do. Whether it is something fun like Zumba or peaceful like Yoga. And it doesn't have to be every night. What did you like to do when you were a kid? Or what about lunchtimes? Even walking is a great exercise. Do you know that dog walkers are fitter than gym bunnies? I read it somewhere and will probably get blasted for making such a sweeping statement D) Cooking when you come home from work can be a right pain. Try prepping veg and stuff ready to put on when you come in. Simple stuff that you really like to eat. I make yummy curries and soups and freeze portions. If it's summer I try to make lovely salads. There are so many brilliant recipes on the net. Everyone has problems with motivation it seems. Get creative and addicted to your new lifestyle. For a brainy girl like you, that shouldn't be difficult. Start with a few small changes. You've got to feel good about it for it to work. Wishing you all the power to achieve what you need x Oh! What about meditation? Ohmmmmmmm 
13 May 14 by member: Buffy101
If possible plan your healthy meals out ahead of time. Maybe fix on the weekend and put in the freezer. That way you just have to pull something out of the freezer at the end of your day. Or find some healthy crockpot recipes and let that cook all day and you can come home to a cooked meal waiting for you. After you eat, just take a nice walk outside. Nothing strenuous but rather enjoyable. If you like yard work one of the things I like to do is walk through my neighborhood and admire the neighbors gardening. Gives me ideas to do in my own yard. 
13 May 14 by member: BeckyBaby65too
perhaps broken into a handful of "mini" workouts a day .. 10 min in the morning.. a 10 min walk at lunch.. 10 min after dinner.. that adds up to a 30 minute workout per day!! 
13 May 14 by member: courtneymsp
I do that too BB65! 
13 May 14 by member: Buffy101
Low fat does not always mean low calorie. Just look at and track what your eating. Myself I choose to exercise early in the morning before my day really starts that way I knock it out I have no distractions and don't have to think about anything except what my minds wants. You will find something it might take a minute but you will find it hang in there and dont give up. 
13 May 14 by member: Rockiesfan
Hi! I also work very long stressful hours and feel like I never get two min to myself to just stop! I have a very active 4 year old, a husband and a dog that are also dependent on me! My first 25LBS came off easy! Just changes in my diet, no exercise! This was awesome I could lose it without having to try and fit in the time to workout. I couldn't even imagine trying to find more time or energy in the day to do this! After getting home I have to take the dog out, get dinner ready, get lunches ready, get my daughter in the tub and ready for bed. (isn't this exercise, LOL) By the time I'm done I have a little time to spend with my husband and its time for bed to be back up at 5am! Well, after realizing I wasn't going to lose 100LBS without exercising I played with the idea of joining a gym near my work (lets get real I've paid 100's of $ to gyms and cant even tell you what they look like inside) so I wasn't going to do that again. I started walking home from the train station everyday after work (1 mile) about 20 min... realistically I was waiting for the bus anyway so it really didn't push me back in time that much! instantly the weight started dropping again! That was motivation! it was REALLY hard at first to push myself to walk after a LONG day at work but the feeling I had of accomplishment when I got home was amazing and enough to keep me from munching mindlessly in from of the TV at 10pm when everything finally settles! So, from there I decided to start taking little walks at lunch time! 20 min out of the office with my head phones and fresh air did me good! I now look forward to those walks! About two weeks ago I decided to purchase a stationary bike! I like watching my TV shows at night so I placed it in front of my TV and ride for 30 min every morning while I watch the news and night, NO MATTER WHAT! Let me tell you, I feel so energized! I'm proud of myself! (I still hate doing it) but once its done I feel great and when you see the weight dropping off you will be even more motivated! I've started incorporating a little weight training 10 min before and after the bike once a day!. I've realized I DO have time, I NEED to have time because if I don't make it I will die! Food prep happens for me on Sundays. I buy all my proteins (chicken, meat) and cut into portions put in little plastic bags and marinate them.(Tastes amazing) I cut up all my veggies and fruits in portions and put them in containers for the week. that way when I get home I don't have to prep or try to figure out what to have and make bad choices. I take out what I have cook and go! fresh food is easier prepping a salad for lunch is quick and easy. Its NOT easy this journey but it can be done! it will become habit for us eventually and we will live longer happier and healthier lives! its all a battle with the mind! Good luck to you!  
13 May 14 by member: sanjorjas
I am so thankful for your suggestions! Planning and preparing ahead of time and exercising in the morning are excellent ideas. I've always allowed myself to believe that I am not a morning person, but I know I can do it if I put my mind to it. Especially if I break it up and not try to get a complete workout in in the morning. THANKS Y'ALL, YOU'RE AWESOME!!! 
13 May 14 by member: TJCoker
Are you a member of a gym? If so, can you pack a bag and take it with you and go to the gym right after work before you get home? If conditions are right maybe that would help, because I can relate. As long as I am already out it won't be as bad as coming home and then not wanting to go back out. You will find what you are looking for when you least expect it. Best of luck to you. 
13 May 14 by member: SherrieC
Well, I like to dance. I'm 48 and a stay at home wife. I do not have a stressful job, although some people might say being married is stressful enough. Lol. My day starts at 5:30 in the morning with a newspaper and a cup of coffee. 1 hour later I'm in the living room in front of my "XBOX" with the kinect and the "JUST DANCE" video dancing away for the next 1 1/2 hours. I have found that this type of exercices for me has done well and works best for me in the morning. I definitely have better motivation in the morning than I do in the afternoon or evening. I'm not all fit and healthy. I was a smoker fo 30 yrs, I have arthritis in my hips, my spine is slightly curved and I wake up every morning with pain. Its not always easy to get motivated. I'm not really a "GYM" person, I hate "WALKING", unless I'm shopping, I have no need to "RUN" anywhere and my ride consists of 4 wheels not 2. So, maybe you need to change what your doing and when your doing it. Hope I could help.  
13 May 14 by member: brenda L T
Thanks for the encouragement sanjorjas, SherrieC and brenda L T. All of your suggestions are great! I do like me some dancing! :)  
13 May 14 by member: TJCoker
For me, exercise in the evening after work used to be a source of procrastination. But the trick for me was to make it a habit that I didn't even think about, much like brushing my teeth every day. If I had a chance to think too much about exercise as a choice or an option I would always choose to do something else instead. Give yourself a month where you simply don't allow yourself the choice about whether to exercise or not. Start slowly--go for a 15 minute walk around the block before dinner, for example. I bet that after a month of daily exercise you will miss it if you don't do it, you will naturally increase the amount and intensity of your exercise, and you will see improvements in your health and weight loss efforts. And, ironically, you will also find that a brisk walk gives you much more positive relaxation and rest than sitting on the couch and watching t.v. ever did. Good luck! 
13 May 14 by member: skinnyjinny
I was lucky enough to find a Tony Little's Gazelle strider at a yard sale for $50! I have that puppy set up at the end of my bed and work out 20 minutes in the morning & 30 at night. It's been a lifesaver for me as it allows me to get a good cardio workout without any impact! 
13 May 14 by member: Grammie57
TURN OFF THE TV, find another way to entertain yourself, you will be AMAZED!!! 
13 May 14 by member: puhpine
I do not have a TV at my house. At all. I discovered I LOVE cycling and I actually look forward to mountain biking after work. Road cycling is fun with friends too. If I had a TV I would/used to say 'oh, I will just watch for a minute then go'. Also, joining a club or training for a race is great. If your friends want to hike/run/bike/walk/rollerblade/whatever you will be more likely to do it. BUT - find something you can do or go to alone, if you are relying on someone and they crap out you can fall into the old issues again.  
13 May 14 by member: lightedkeypad
I totally understand where you are coming from. However, if you can push your self to start walking even just 15 minutes a day during your lunch break, before work, or after work you will see a major differences in how you feel I promise. Just tell yourself "I can do anything for at least 15 minutes" once you start your body will want to do it all on its own with in a couple of days. Mental tiredness I think is worse then physical tiredness. Hang in there.  
13 May 14 by member: DEBORAHMARIE1
I walk around whenever I can, like when I am on the phone with someone. I used to stand at the coffeemaker or the microwave, waiting for something to get ready. Now I walk around in the kitchen while I am waiting for my drink or food to be done. Every minute adds up. I also used to sit on the couch and watch television. Not any more!  
13 May 14 by member: Deb_N


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