Ceebee's Journal, 17 August 2011

Things have been kinda sucky.. My brother was a total douche bag about our mom on FB. He asked her to come and help him with some stuff over the weekend. Then on Friday posted that she made him crazy and needed advice on how to deal with her. So then he proceeded to mock her and make fun of her with his chums. FTR my brother will be 50 years old in 3 months.. so he is a bit old to be needing his mommy to help bail him out, but she is willing to help anyway she can. And the nerve of him bad mouthing her just makes me insane with rage. Our mom does like to get in our business so I have always chosen to not involve her in my life other than for social things. But I can tell you that if I did need her help and she was willing to give it to me I certainly would not belittle her on facebook with my friends.

Then Monday night around 6pm my son poked his eye pretty badly. He seemed ok after 20 or so minutes so we just went about our evening. Tuesday am he seemed fine so we went to the open swim at the REC center at 1 and swam till 3 about that time he said his eye was bothering him. We left and he said he felt ok.. then at like 745 pm he was playing with legos and he started crying and saying his eye was hurting. I held him for a bit and called the dr. She said to take him to the ER. We went there and they said he had a pretty bad scratch on his eye. The cornea. They put antibiotics on it and an eye patch. Well last night he got no sleep so neither did we. And today he says it hurts worse than yesterday. Now light bothers his eye and so does touch. So we have a follow up apt at our pedi dr. I was off track all weekend and most of Monday. I am trying to stay on track and I did well yesterday.

I also came down with a cold on Friday night and it is leaving me now. everything will be fine.. but I do feel really overwhelmed with my son's eye. It is kinda freaking me out.

Diet Calendar Entries for 17 August 2011:
1854 kcal Fat: 43.94g | Prot: 154.64g | Carb: 242.08g.   Breakfast: Grillers California Turk'y Burger, light bun. Lunch: fat free hot dogs, light bun, relish. Dinner: corn on the cob,  rebeccas stove top bruschetta chicken bake. Snacks/Other: large egg, egg white, skinny cow truffel bar. more...
2793 kcal Activities & Exercise: Bicycling (moderate) - 13/mph - 30 minutes, Stretching (yoga) - 8 minutes, Sleeping - 8 hours, Resting - 15 hours and 22 minutes. more...


oh poor baby, when it rains it really pours for you. 
17 Aug 11 by member: pixidaisy
Oh wow! I hope your son's eye heals quickly. :( Glad you are feeling better (cold-wise). ((((HUGS))) 
17 Aug 11 by member: kcook323
I hope your son heals quickly - poor little guy! Sending positive vibes your way. BTW - your brother does sound like a douche bag! I would have to tell him off if he was my brother! 
17 Aug 11 by member: tglenna
we are back from the dr. she wants me to put in eye drops twice a day for the next 7 days.. and if he does nto show dramatic improvement by tomorrow she wants to send him to an eye dr. He is much more comfortable right now. I gave him motrin at like 8 am and he managed to sleep some so that I am sure is helping him cope. The dr said we dont have to wear the eye patch because his eye is weeping so much it just get soggy and gross to fast. What a day.. and I am so sleepy. 
17 Aug 11 by member: Ceebee
sounds like you have had quite the run lately! Eye injuries can hurt so much and I think that they are a little scary for the small guys! Fortunately they do heal quickly! Families are always interesting - that is a nice way to say it!  
17 Aug 11 by member: krystynecar
Try to get some rest while he is (if you possibly can). ((((HUGS))) I irritated my eye somehow and would wake up almost every night (still do on some nights) and feel like there is something in my eye. My doctor prescribed me Muro 128 eye drops (it doesn't really require a prescription, but the pharmacy keeps it behind the counter). It has helped. Hopefully his eye will heal fast.  
17 Aug 11 by member: kcook323
Yeah my brother is very self centered. I did call him on saturday after I read his post and was was like "so why are you baggin on mom on FB" and he was like what.. that is not how it started out to be.. and I said well that is how it ended up. and he said well what else is going on and I said nothing and he said ok well good bye. and I said well if you are going to keep doing stuff like that then please unfriend me cause I dont want to read that crap. Then he hung up on me.  
17 Aug 11 by member: Ceebee
Wow, D-bag is the right term for your brother. I mean, who does that?? Yes, sounds like he still has growing up to do... I'm sorry to hear about your son. I had a scratch cornea at least 4 times as a kid, and it really does hurt. I hope he heals quickly and you get some needed rest! *hugs* 
18 Aug 11 by member: deb_bluerose


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