redwinelover's Journal, 28 November 2010

Wow...okay.... a LONG week of eating and drinking. Family all left today, so tomorrow it's back on track! I know, a lot of us overdid things over this holiday and it's NOT the end of the world, but with not being able to work out at the same's a little scary. I won't lie. I know I'm up a few pounds...I won't weigh in for a couple of days. No need to get myself all freaked out, right? So sorry I haven't checked any of my friends' journals all week. It's all back to "normal" for a while again. That means recording food, journaling, keeping in touch with my friends here, reading others' journals and hopefully - I will start walking, too I need some exercise. I go for my six week post op check this coming Friday... have a few questions for him. And want to know when and how I can start working out again. And yeah, I'm scared... afraid I've lost that motivation, that drive. But I'll just do what I did in the beginning...some of that fake it 'til you make it!

I actually DID do stupid things while family was here. How do you NOT pick up an almost two year old baby who is lifting her arms to you and saying "Auntie" (although it sounded more like a cross between that and doggie!). So I picked her up way too many times (30 something pounds instead of my 5 lb. limit!) and got her very strong, very sharp elbow in my belly and breasts probably a hundred times. I went to bed sore every night...but man, I could not help it. Everyone in the family was very surprised at my new "look". I was asked several times how I did it, what I was doing, called "hot" a couple of times! lol... got a few examing looks, too... but it was only my brother that asked if I had a "boob job". I denied it! lol... I just said, no, why? And then told him that I had a very good bra, and with my waist being only 26", it made my boobs look bigger. He sort of apologized for "noticing", but said I looked great. I THINK he bought it...he's that way. BUT...if he and his daughter discuss it, I'm sure she'll say, THAT'S what she did! But everyone was very gracious and kind about everything. And flattering - I'm not gonna lie!

We all had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend here, lots of food, lots of talking, lots of drinking... but as great as it was, I'll be happy to get back to a normal routine. I am thankful for MANY things, and among them, I'm very thankful for my good friends here! You know who you are- you people are very important to me and I'm thankful to have you all as friends, thankful for this site that enabled us to "meet" and thankful for this opportunity to be supported by you all and to hopefully support you all in your efforts, as well.


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LOL ~ I love how you explained this to your brother. Not EVERYONE needs to know all your business. I'm really glad you liked that BBQ beef. I knew you would. My hubby has been bugging me to make it again, so I guess I will relent...... don't have to twist my arm! Yea, we gotta get serious again. Maybe for now just some walking or leg exercises. Something easy on your body but will burn calories. It's hard I know, but healing goes on inside for a while. Be strong, eat rabbit food (lol) and sleep well. Talk to ya later. 
28 Nov 10 by member: The Next Number
We're all thankful you're here too RWL!! Sounds like you had a great time with your family. Cracking up that it was your brother that ended up doing the "asking" Nice job shielding Thelma and Louise. :) I agree with Info...sure hope tata's are ok after baby. Here's to a great week of getting back on track!! 
28 Nov 10 by member: Junebug7210
LOL!!! I certainly enjoyed this entry, particularly the part where you keep everyone guessing. I think that that is probably the best way to go as there is no need to speak about certain things that you are entitled to be private about. Just bask in the sunlight/flattery and enjoy yourself. ;-) So glad to hear that you had such a wonderful Thanksgiving. I hope that baby didn't bang anything loose (lol). On a different note, I think you know how important I believe it is to especially record weight gains (of any kind); it's vital to face up to things *before* they get out of hand in this "business." Of course, everyone must do it in their *own* way. Keep up the great work buddy! P.S. I rewrote this after an editing error and broke it's correct position in the thread. It should be before Junebug's post.  
28 Nov 10 by member: information
I knew you were busy having a wonderful time with your family! Isn't it good to be back to normal routine? I am after coming back home from snowboarding trip. I miss going to gym. I miss just having my own schedule without being so surrounded by a crowd. Don't you worry, RWL, about your Thanksgiving feast. Once you're back to routine, you'll slowly shed what you have enjoyed. You're already so slim! Have a wonderful quiet week! 
28 Nov 10 by member: happynow
RWL. I am sooooo glad that you had such a wonderful week with your family! And 26 inches....OMG, that is tiny!!!! I am ready to get back to my routine also. My son and his wife left today. I did stick to my way of eating, though so that was good....lost 1/2 pound! You are doing so great, and I am sure that the gain, if any, is slight! I do have to say though that you should not have lifted the baby, but then you already know that. Hopefully you didn't set your recovery back any! That being said, I would have done the same thing :)!! 
28 Nov 10 by member: ctlss
Okay.....Picking UP toddlers??? Hmmm.....tisk tisk...... I don't know about you...... BUT I am so glad you had a nice holiday......I knew you would!!!!! And your brother NOW notices the change??? ha ha ha.... Your a sly girl..... BUT you are SO missed...... and glad you are back. I know we ALL ( all being YOU and I for sure....) have to get to that back to normal thing..... and heck I still Fake It till I make Love ya girl. 
29 Nov 10 by member: Klannoye
Good Morning RWL, Shaking off my tail feathers and am getting ready to take off into a new work week. Why fly with the Turkey's when we can soar with the Eagles? Let's keep a good birds eye focus in keeping the good energy level this week! Honk, Honk, TOWANDA!!!!  
29 Nov 10 by member: Lisa Online
Hi NN - isn't it funny how I can tell all of you on FS all of my business but draw the line at my own family?? lol...'s time to start some walking or leg exercises...anything! I have my follow-up appointment on Friday and will hopefully get answers to that and several other questions I have. And I know you're right about the healing going on inside, as well. At the park with the baby, I sort of used my abs to push myself off the platform to go down the slide...and man that did NOT feel good! And I still get those random sharp pains in various locations in my body... guess it'll take a while. Rabbit food might be the answer! 
29 Nov 10 by member: redwinelover
Junebug...I guess my brother felt it was okay to ask because we're close, but it might also be that he's gay and gave me a "Sisters" card for my birthday! lol... so, as a "sister", maybe he felt comfortable was funny, and I think I passed Thelma and Louise off as my own! (or not...I don't even really care at this point) lol  
29 Nov 10 by member: redwinelover
Oh, Info...I sure HOPE the baby didn't bang anything loose! lol... what a visual THAT is. So far, so good. I think, although still pretty sore in spots. I understand your take on recording gains, but I'm not so sure it works that way for everyone. Me? I don't want to get depressed and worried about a few pounds when at this point, the only thing I can do to lose them is to eat less over the next several days. And that's the plan, why stress myself out, right? (spoken like a true blond, huh?) lol...But, if I'm still feeling this way in a week, I promise I'll record it! Deal?  
30 Nov 10 by member: redwinelover
Hi Happynow! so glad you enjoyed your snowboarding trip! And yes, as much as I enjoyed the house full of people, it's definitely nice to have things going back to normal. Regular kind of food today, no alcohol, and a small shopping excursion for exercise today... getting back on track! Here's to a quiet week for us both! 
30 Nov 10 by member: redwinelover
ctlss... Only YOU could LOSE weight over Thanksgiving! lol... Congratulations on that feat. I know I shouldn't have picked her up, but man, is she CUTE. I hope I didn't mess anything up, either! Hopefully by tomorrow I'll feel "normal" again. I hope you're able to get right back into your routine, as well. I'm glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday, as well. 
30 Nov 10 by member: redwinelover
Klannoye... you've got my heart, girl! (gurl) Yep, back to the "routine". I'm finding it difficult to fake it without making myself get in there to exercise. Are you still working out for both of us?? :D ( 'cause I'm starting to feel kinda flabby over here!) love ya...looking forward to my CwK hour tomorrow! 
30 Nov 10 by member: redwinelover
Thanks, Lisa... you sound mighty perky and raring to go for the week! Must not have had the tryptophan overload I have! I'm STILL sleepy! lol...enjoy your week 
30 Nov 10 by member: redwinelover
Deal! You may be a true blond, but we both know that you are as bright as a penny. ;-)  I hope all is well...  
30 Nov 10 by member: information
And the crowd chants journal, journal, journal. 
30 Nov 10 by member: Junebug7210 crack me up. Well, guess I haven't had much to say! I'll try to make up something...I mean think of something tomorrow! lol... I HAVE managed to record food today and so far, so good. It's back on track for me....(finally) 
30 Nov 10 by member: redwinelover
And you talk about me not posting... Ha! ;-) 
01 Dec 10 by member: information
I'm still not exercising yet and I have no good excuse for it. My foot does still hurt a bit though but I could do my other exercises. I did finally make room in the living room to do them. Sounds like you had a great visit. So funny about your brother and what you told him. I have been so bad about sunflower seeds and diet sodas and not enough veggies that I haven't lost much in a month but I was down about three lbs. last week and another lb. this week. I have to get over this hating veggies problem. Don't worry about a few extra lbs. I'm sure it will drop right off when you go back to normal. I'm very thankful to have you as a friend. 
02 Dec 10 by member: Multiplicity1
Okay, where the heck are you, RWL??? Waiting, waiting! 
02 Dec 10 by member: ctlss


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