Joined June 2012
Weight History

Start Weight
200.0 lb
Lost so far: 0 lb

Current Weight
200.0 lb
Performance: Steady

Goal Weight
156.0 lb
Still to go: 44.0 lb

tapnjojo's Weight History


last weighin: gaining 5.2 lb a week Up

tapnjojo's Latest Posts

chat room
I guess I am stupid...lol. I have been going on so many websites for diet help that I got confused. I think I was on the Atkins site when that happened. It was a yesterday...oops! Induction is a hard phase, I guess I will add dementia to my list of side effects of this diet, or it could be menopause. Anyway...thanks!
posted 03 Jun 2012, 16:23
I need advice (long)
I'm glad you are feeling better. I know you have gotten all kinds of advice so I asked my husband what he thinks and I'm gonna share that with you. Let me start by saying we have just celebrated our 32 year anniversery so I do know a little about marraige, even though everyone is different. You do go through phases and there are times when you can't remember why you are together. It's very hard when you have kids, because Hubby leaves most of the work of raising them to Wifey and the result is, they view you as the mother of the kids more than their lover and companion. Anyway, here is what my husband said; He says that your husband probably feels that if he brings you out then he can't relax and enjoy himself as much. He said that if you go out then your husband will feel the need to behave himself and protect you. Ken never would take me out when we were young, he always said there were too many *!#*!#$'s in bars and he didn't want anything to happen to me. What I remember is when he would start drinking he would get really jealous and accuse men of staring at me (which believe me was definitely not happening). Anyway, Ken (my hubby) says you should talk to him, but don't expect miracles. I'm curious why he needs to tell you whether or not you can go. Why don't you call a sitter and go. Let him know that if he is going out so are you. It's only fair. If he gets mad and insists on leaving you out, go somewhere else. Go to a movie or find a group of interest. My sister just joined a knitting circle. It sounds silly to me, but she loves it. I'm not good at meeting people so I can't give advice on that. On a final note, someone asked us on our anniversery what the secret to a long marraige was and surprisingly Ken answered with "don't push eachothers buttons" I thought that was brilliant and true. I can promise you that as long as nobody is abusing drugs, alcohol or eachother, everything else can be worked out. I think people give up way too easy. Marraige is very hard and there are times you want out, but I have discovered that over all it is worth it....just remember you fell in love for a reason. Good luck!
posted 03 Jun 2012, 16:14
chat room
I peeked into a chat room and when someone said Hello to me I tried to answer, but it wouldn't work. I typed and hit enter. Am I stupid? I didn't see a button to click and now I feel like I insulted the person who was nice enough to speak to me Sad
posted 03 Jun 2012, 15:27
losing really slow
I have been dieting for 34 yrs...one thing I can tell you for sure is that the faster you lose the weight, the faster you will gain it back. It also requires some pretty dramatic eating changes and starvation to lose weight really quickly. You will lose a lot of muscle and when you gain it back it will be pure fat. It's not worth it!!! I have destroyed my metabolism and now at 49, it's nearly impossible to lose anything. Please-Please-Please don't get discouraged. Focus on eating in a way that you can live with long term and let the weight loss happen in it's own time. Remember, no matter what the scale says, if you are eating right, you are a little healthier today than you were yesterday! That's a great thing! Have a wonderful day Smile
posted 03 Jun 2012, 15:24
49, Weight Watchers, 1 hr a day on the eliptical and I'm not losing!
I lost 125lbs on WW 6 years ago, the first year I took off 100 lb the second year I dropped 25lbs during my first few months at a new job that took me away from a desk and put me on my feet. After that I stopped losing completely. I never did reach the goal weight they required and I couldn't get a doctor to give me a note. Anyway, over the next 5 years I fought to keep it off. I am proud that I didn't put it all back on..like past exp. I did gain about 65lbs back slowly. I tried to keep to the 22 points a day, but that only maintained. I rejoined WW online a year ago when they changed their program and lost 24lbs in 5 months then stopped losing again. I did have my Thyroid checked and they say it's fine. It is frustrating. I just started Atkins because I'm thinking the carbs are really hurting me. I'm reading the book and there is science there. Anyway, I'm sorry you're frustrated I know how discouraging it is. Maybe you just need to try something new. I know I quit going to the WW meetings because I was feeling like a failure after losing 125lbs that's just wrong. Good luck and hang in there!!!
posted 02 Jun 2012, 15:38
tapnjojo has submitted 5 posts

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