Joined July 2010
Weight History

Start Weight
150.0 lb
Lost so far: 0 lb

Current Weight
150.0 lb
Performance: Steady

Goal Weight
130.0 lb
Still to go: 20.0 lb

debroby52's Weight History


last weighin: gaining 1.5 lb a week Up
last weighin: gaining 0.4 lb a week Up

debroby52's Latest Posts

RaelenePA wrote:
Thank you for the advice! OneCrazyHorse where did you find your calorie intake? I used Web MD, and put in my height, weight, pant size and put myself in as 'very active, hard exercise" and is says 1645 calories per day. If I change it to moderatly active, then it takes me down to 1427 calories per day. Maybe my exercise is considered 'moderate'? I didn't think, but who knows?

I always work out as hard as I possibly can with each workout. I never take shortcuts, and most of the time I am a little too hard on myself if I can't keep my form in strength training and have to lower my dumbell weight. With cardio, I give it 100% and burn about 200-250 more calories than other people who are around my size weight at the Zumba class (I make it more of an aerobic workout than a cardio dance class)

My strength training is a full body workout, but certain days have more emphasize on certain muscle groups. We always do squat and lunges of some sort for about 10 minutes straight. Then we might work bi's and tri's, then we might to wood choppers with the weighted ball, flies, then some ab work. Then on Thursdays, squats again, then more emphasise on legs like dead lifts, and ankle weights with leg lifts etc. I use 10 lb and 12 lb weights for most of the weighted workouts. My Butts and guts class also has lunges, but we the focus more on pushups, planks, more core work I guess. It never seems like I am working the same muscle groups, but maybe I should ask specific questions to the instructors. Each class has completely different type workouts each week though, so it's not like every Tuesday I know I will be working mostly bi's and tri's...the instructors are constantly mixing up the workouts.

I will start looking at my fat intake too. I was so used to really doing like the low carb/Atkins type diet that I wasn't too concerned with my fat intake before. I do not eat any fruit with the exception of what I put into my protein shakes, as I always thought fruits had too many carbs for someone eating low carb. You can see in my diet calendar where I even tried carb spiking, but didn't realize they had to be 'good' carbs for I was eating bad carbs!!! So, sounds like maybe I need to change up my diet and my exercise LOL...I do thank you so much for the advice, and I am going to look over my diet/exercise calendars and see what changes I can make !!

Your workout schedule leave little time for recover from the strength training you're doing. That alone will delay weight loss.

Since you are doing full body weight training each session, you MUST give yourself a full day of recover before doing another weight training session. So adjust your schedule to do weight training (under any name- with free weights or machines) 3 times a week.

The other days do your cardio work (cardio, aerobics .. different names for the same intention workout). You can do those up to 6 times a week. Your muscles recover from cardio overnight; weight training can take 1-3 days to recover from.
posted 08 Nov 2010, 09:08
Water weight loss
vicolisted wrote:
I've got a question, perhaps someone knows the answer, or even just has some thoughts on the subject.

A lot of people always go on about the first two weeks of induction being mostly made up of water weight loss.

Ok yes I understand how that is true and how it works but what if you started Atkins and you were already losing weight for a few months or however long before, is the majority of the first two weeks still going to be water weight loss?

Thanks for any thoughts on this subject.

I would think that especially with Atkins -regardless of if you've been dieting before- most of the early weight would be water. Water weight is linked directly to carb intake. The extremely low carb intake in Atkins induction diet will lead to high water weight loss.
posted 08 Nov 2010, 08:53
6 Ab Myths/ Dare I post this?
Six pack abs are over-rated. They only share if you're baring your middle and are mainly the result of a very low body fat. (16% or less if you're a woman. 7% if you're a man). More important is to work your core -the deep abdominal and lower back muscles to support your body while you're moving.

Abs, Shmabs.
posted 24 Oct 2010, 22:53
Serves me right! (or wrong)?
You can go out to eat and order more than a salad or a cup of soup. Any protein that is BROILED is a good choice- with colorful vegetables instead of any potato. Don't eat the bread or the butter. Eating like a normal healthy person.

I would have returned the fish for being poor quality. And asked that they substitute a piece of broiled or steamed fish with lemon.
posted 24 Oct 2010, 22:48
Any one still awake. I need more calories NOW and not hungry.
Shocked you ate a ham dinner and only have 880 calories. You can look at this two ways:

you weighed and measured and reported everything accurately. In which case, i'd say have a glass of milk (some protein and calcium and fat) before you go to bed. And track your calories throughout the day.

OR recognize that when we report what we eat without measuring and weighing everything, we tend to underreport by 30-50%. And guess that you are really in a good place calorically.
posted 24 Oct 2010, 22:44
debroby52 has submitted 5 posts

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