Joined December 2015
Weight History

Start Weight
191.0 lb
Lost so far: 10.0 lb

Current Weight
201.0 lb
Performance: gaining 0.1 lb a week

Goal Weight
170.0 lb
Still to go: 31.0 lb

amorgan67's Weight History

amorgan67's Latest Posts

1200 calorie per day but most of the calories still come from carbs
Rguarino wrote:
As I near my target weight Ive been thinking about how to maintain. Ty for this.

Google "Phase 2 Atkins" and check out
posted 17 Feb 2016, 05:59
How Often Do you weigh yourself?
About a zillion times a day it would seem. But I'm kind of nerdy - I have charts, tables, graphs and extreme logs of everything I do, everything I eat. LOL - I've gone so far as as to weigh myself before and after urinating, Bowel movements, and drinking coffee Smile But I agree with Prayerguru - my only weigh-in that I actually count on is daily, first thing in the morning.
posted 17 Feb 2016, 05:52
1200 calorie per day but most of the calories still come from carbs
trickiernikki12 wrote:
There are differing amounts of macros/ratios...weight-loss, maintenance, and weight gain.

LCHF is not really a "diet", per se, but a lifestyle choice that is meant to be permanent. And everyone's carb limit/sensitivity is different. When you reach your weight loss goal, you need to figure out what your carb limit is so you can maintain your goal weight. Increase your carb intake weekly (10 carbs a day extra for 7 days at a time), and lower your fat intake a little to balance out the carb increase. Do this until you start gaining, then decrease until weight is stabilized.

Hopefully you will add better carbs...if you go back to doritoes and pasta, of course the weight will come right back.

There are charts floating all around the internet for set ratios for weight-loss, maintenance and weight gain...Google and find, that will give you at least a rough idea, although, again, the " magic numbers"vary GREATLY from person to person.

Good luck!!

Love seeing this.! Because this is the part of LCHF/Keto/Atkins type diets that so many people miss and or screw up on. It is in my opinion the most important long term phase of these type of diets - you ease off weight loss mode until YOU find what macros work for YOUR body and YOUR activity levels. Doing so will help to insure that one's hard fought weight loss can be for a lifetime.
posted 17 Feb 2016, 05:47
Keto Diet Questions
Hey all - I am about as educated on the Keto style of dieting as you can possibly get - but one thing I continually see, and I seriously question, regards salt/sodium intake.

It seems that every resource out there says to increase sodium intake while on a Keto/LCHF diet. But sodium is notorious for causing water retention and thereby increasing water weight. Almost everything seems to have a ton of sodium in it. On days where I have over 2200mg of sodium, I see stalls in my weight loss. It is very predictable. It is very hard for me to get sodium levels down at all. I also use Potassium NoSalt as a salt alternative when adding my own, but still....

These web resources all call for adding as much slat as possible. Several suggested over 4500-5000mgs a day. Are they wanting a heart attack Smile

Anyway, my point - does anyone have any knowledge regarding salt intakes on Keto and the whys and hows etc??? I have dry mouth to such an extreme on the days of and just after higher salt days too. Ideas??
posted 14 Feb 2016, 06:39
All food items have a gram choice as the last choice in the drop down list. Grams is a required field when adding food items too, so the gram choice is always there for me. That is how I usually measure my foods.
posted 24 Jan 2016, 19:15
amorgan67 has submitted 5 posts
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