Joined December 2021
Weight History

Start Weight
283.0 lb
Lost so far: 3.4 lb

Current Weight
279.6 lb
Performance: losing 15.4 lb a week

Goal Weight
183.0 lb
Still to go: 96.6 lb
I'm a former SparkPeople member (same name there) hoping to find the same or better community support here. After having gastric bypass 5-1/2 years ago, I've lost 130 pounds total (was 180, but gained 50 back due to poor choices and Life Stressors). I want to lose the rest of it and get excess skin surgery. My first goal is to get to a BMI of 33 to have the consultation with my plastic surgeon. Go me! :)

WytchHazyl's Weight History

WytchHazyl's Latest Member Challenges

  Daily Accountability 2022-#11
status: Completed
ended: 21 Mar 22
view progress

WytchHazyl's Latest Posts

Hi there!
I'm a former SparkPeople member since 2008 and was heartbroken when they closed up shop. I didn't like their new platform so came here to FatSecret. I had RNY gastric bypass on 07/05/2016 and lost 180 pounds the first year (383 to 203). "Life" happened, 18-year work-from-home job loss, new in-the-city high-stress job, gutted the house we were living in to remodel, husband diagnosed with cancer (chemo nightmare, but he's in remission now, yay!), finished remodel nightmare, sold that one, bought another house and moved. Through all that, I gained back 80 pounds and have been struggling since to get rid of it. I can't seem to maintain weight loss eating habits. Still under a lot of stress at work, even though I love the job, it takes a toll (coroner's office in a big city). My husband's health isn't so great anymore since cancer, and our love life is nil at this point. I want to lose enough to have excess skin surgery with a fabulous plastic surgeon I've been following since 2017. I get close (was 213 in August of last year), and get scared or something, and eat mindlessly until I'm further away from goal than ever. I KNOW what to do, it's just the motivation to KEEP doing it that I need. I'm hoping to find that motivation here. I like to blog and will be writing often. Maybe I can help someone else along the way.
posted 14 Mar 2022, 23:28
"Small Bites"
From "Small Bites - Daily Inspirations for Weight Loss Surgery Patients" by Katie Jay and Julia A.F. Persing

March 13 - Accept your body.
Are there parts of your body you find so undesirable you hide them from your spouse or significant other? Body image issues are common among weight loss surgery patients. It seems that some people expect perfection in themselves and find any slight flaw a reason for self-loathing.

Resources exist to help you loosen the grip a poor body image can have on your life. While you may not love every aspect of your body, you can work on acceptance, and perhaps even learn how to avoid obsessing about your body and how it looks.

Action for the day:
If body image is an issue for you, check out a book from the library about this topic today, or better yet, find a therapist who can help you work through your body image issues.
posted 14 Mar 2022, 00:40
WytchHazyl has submitted 2 posts

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Gastric Bypass gainers
Weight gain after gastic bypass! I didn't think it could happen Let's help each other get on track.

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