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01 August 2017

Where is the time going? It seems I have been in a whirlwind of activity. I have not been logging my eating into the FS, but I am losing. I have been working my ass off with household chores, helping my daughters with their goat farming and renovating a house to boot! I'm a bit exhausted, but keeping an eye to what I am putting in my mouth. I'm pretty happy with having the food consciousness be enough to keep the weight down. My goal is to be down about another 8 pounds by my daughter's wedding on September 23rd.
We suffered a loss in June. My father-in-law passed suddenly, even though he was 90, he was healthy and robust right up until his affliction that ultimately took him in 10 days. That was a stressful time and I felt like I was tapping into food for coping. Maybe that is the traditional reasoning for eating at funerals and memorials. Food IS a comfort and the socializing around eating WAS a comfort. Now that this is in the past the confusion in my mind about those thoughts of mindless eating over the duration of that are not daunting. There is a clear distinction in my mind between a short stint of not being food-focused and in a good way being otherwise focused.
Anyways, for me, a somewhat lengthy journal entry with thoughts are equally reflective, no.... more reflective than just watching my weight numbers move up and down. I rarely look over my eating entries to look for good or bad trends, so...
Maybe looking for trends of eating might be a good idea... Hmmnnnnn New for me!
Weigh-in: 153.5 lb lost so far: 31.5 lb still to go: 8.5 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   add comment losing 1.1 lb a week

16 July 2017

Hello Secret Friends,
Ten weeks until my daughter's wedding in September. I have been really good at trying to eat well, but to not be logging food or calories. I have been experimenting with that trying to reach an 'organic' pattern for me of eating and maintaining etc. Well let me tell you how that went...
I was doing just fine, until a series of life events compounded. It wasn't that I stressed and began to eat. It was more like the food opportunities (once in a lifetime) were presented.
We were invited to a very close friend's wedding in Germany for May. This was not on our radar, but when we learned of the wedding, we knew that we would go and that other Europe to do travel plans, on the back burner were also suddenly imminent-- Visit relatives in Norway, visit a sick friend in England, check in with another friend in Antwerp, Belgium. A couple weeks in france added on for our 35 anniversary (Normandy, Brittany and the Loire Valley).
I don't have to tell you that hospitality involves feeding the guests and we were invited to numerous homes and out to gatherings. After 2 weeks into the trip, my husband could not button his dress pants for the wedding! Even so,I did well overall I gained 3-5 (my weight, at any given time is a changing#). My husband gained 10+, but he loses weight by just blinking!
On the return from our trip, my father-in-law suddenly fell ill and passed. This has been hard because the heart heaviness makes you feel physically ill/off and in a kind of limbo from reality. I found myself snacking on stuff I don't, usually touch. I recognized this from when I get sick I tend to eat more, trying to get some relief from symptoms. Do any of you experience that?? So the grief triggered the same kind of subliminal actions in me.
Time to be back on track - recording to get to my goal 10 pounds down.
Weigh-in: 156.0 lb lost so far: 29.0 lb still to go: 11.0 lb Diet followed poorly
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02 April 2017

Coming back from a few days away. Kept the regimen pretty well, although we have had quite a bit of socializing, dinners. Springtime is a busy time for us because we have visitors and friends are heading back to their northern homes for the summer and we all want to connect, one last time.
We took a few days to meet up with friends in a great Florida state park with endless biking trails and hiking. Did a lot of riding each day, so my bigger indulgences of food were definitely earned fuel.
Yesterday, I had an unnatural hunger. The temperatures were 90F and very humid and I wondered if a body burns more calories in the heat. I could not drink enough and found that the only thing that would make me feel OK was to drink a lot AND also eat fruit. I guess the sweating depletes you so fast that liquied alone don't hold up. I have a history of getting heat stroked. This is my experience.
So I ate a lot yesterday by my standard.
I weighed myself today for another benchmark. I have a goal to be 145 by the end of May. I have a wedding to attend. These kind of goal points help me stay on track.
I will enter my regimen specs starting again today.
Weigh-in: 152.4 lb lost so far: 32.6 lb still to go: 7.4 lb Diet followed reasonably well
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14 March 2017

Weigh-in: 153.6 lb lost so far: 31.4 lb still to go: 8.6 lb Diet followed 100%
   add comment losing 5.4 lb a week

08 March 2017

Greetings fellow Fat Secreteers!
Again it has been quite a while since my lasting posting. I have been on several trips;
First on a family reunion cruise, then hosted several house guests and then with much anticipation began a one-month long camping trip to the Florida Pan-handle. This was all great, but it does
throw some strategy into your weight maintenance schedule.
Skip ahead to this morning. We arrived home yesterday from camping. I weigh myself with much trepidation. 158.2 pounds. Wow! Everything in the world IS ok... The camping trip was a great outdoor retreat. Lots of swimming, fishing, canoeing, hiking, biking, walking, RV maintenance. I continued with 50% of my daily yoga practice.
I am assuming that all the activity plays into my feelings of being fit and strong with possible muscle mass gain. I also assume that the feelings of being over-carbed irregular, bloated, round, cricky and mentally checked-out at times has everything to do with what I was eating.
I posted that I adhered to my diet..... NOT APPLICABLE. It's true. I did not think about caloric counts, portion sizes, but allowed a conscientious regimen of healthy choices to be the foundation to a kind of free snacking allowance, popcorn, corn chips, nuts, energy bars, daily apertifs and a scoop of ice cream whenever I wanted from our handy RV freezer. These foods are treats when I am on a regimen. On our trip they were daily fare.
You see, I was on a downward weight trend before the camping trip. I had resumed my normal eating habits after the cruise and before the camping. I was then at 153 pounds on my way to a 145 goal.
So it's good to be home. Back to resuming my Fat Secret consciousness and to reaching that 145 goal. I have some excellent 'carrots' to help me maintain. Last year my daughter got married. Of all the logistics for a wedding, what I was going to wear was not a problem. That was great. This year my other daughter (the identical twin) is to be married AND an our (exchange student) son, from Germany will also be married. Yes, two weddings coming up. One in late May and the other in late September.
My husband can afford to lose a few too and he will likely lose weight too, since he does this seemingly, by osmosis, when I am on track. He reaches for pretzel bag, I intercept with a small bowl of pretzels for him. His favorite – chili is 80/10, veggies to meat and so on. He loses... and faster than me. I on the other hand I gain weight by my association to him. I know this sounds like a little blame game. I blame myself! When camping, I might say, “Here honey, want some cookies to sandwich your toasted marshmallow?” If he ate it then it gave me kind of permission in a way. A weird working of how people establish intimacy. He he.
Good to be back.
Did anyone hear about the fella who was recently on the national news. He was upwards of 700 pounds and joined a social media based weight loss support group and has lost over 300+ pounds.
I get it! The people connection is more of an important factor in weight loss than we know..
Weigh-in: 158.2 lb lost so far: 26.8 lb still to go: 13.2 lb Diet followed N/A
   (2 comments) gaining 1.1 lb a week

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