Joined September 2022
Weight History

Start Weight
193.0 lb
Lost so far: 23.6 lb

Current Weight
169.4 lb
Performance: losing 0.4 lb a week

Goal Weight
167.0 lb
Still to go: 2.4 lb
Summer 2017- At 37, I realized that it was time to hit the weights again and get back into shape. I hit them hard for 5 months or so. I was 212lbs (20-22% BF) and was at my peak strength. However, I had lots of pain, especially in my shoulders. I pushed through the pain bicep tendon tore from the shoulder. Major depression began.

Aug 2021- This mental health disorder has made me sedentary for 5 years. I had dropped from 212lbs in 2017 to 193lbs in 2021. This wasn't a good loss though. It was all hard earned muscle and I was left with a 38" waist and man boobs. I had chest pain one weekend and CT found multiple clots in my lungs with pericarditis, and fatty liver disease. Bloods had elevated liver enzymes and D-dimer >4k. I was pretty unhealthy mentally and physically and it looked like the end was near.

Feb 2022- The beginning of my current journey. My wife has helped me a lot. She started this journey with me as a "100 day challenge". This challenge was to get in better shape so we would look good on our trip to Florida which was the beginning of June. It was a very difficult start and I had some health challenges but we managed to each drop 15+ lbs. I went from 193 to 174. She went from I think 138 to 120.

Sept 2022-(175lbs) After vacation, we both fell into maintenance mode for the summer but my wife and I are back on track. We are eating better and exercising again. The 100 day challenge only had 2 cheat/fail days. However, this time I seem to be cheating at least twice a week. I try not to get too upset when it happens but it sucks. I will keep pushing forward knowing that I am much healthier and have a chance to be with my wife and children longer. I'm also looking forward to seeing a one year transformation picture. :)

TheUnhealthyDad's Weight History

TheUnhealthyDad's Latest Posts

Marijuana and alcohol
When I cut down on sugars, I got bad headaches and nausea daily. It lasted about 5 days and then became less intense. After 30 days of eating healthy on taking fewer than 60g of sugar, I felt great.

Prior to quitting the sugar, I would get sugar crashes and the shakes from not eating for a few hours. The hypoglycemia feelings. I no longer get them.

I am now in the process of removing other toxins from my body. I am off energy drinks for 10 days and only drink a cup of coffee daily with only almond milk added.
posted 10 Oct 2022, 09:35
I lose close to 1kg from the night before. This is after I empty my bladder though. It could be that and the inaccuracy of the scale. Most are off +/- 1kg at any time. Take daily weight each morning then average it for the 7 days. That will be your most accurate.
posted 10 Oct 2022, 09:24
I think depression ruined my life
This sounds very familiar. I have little interest in anything. This self-improvement goal of eating healthier and exercising is mainly for my wife and kids. But with my bipolar, it is difficult to do anything when the depression hits. I take advantage of my manic phases but they have become shorter and shorter over the years. Mine didn't hit me until my mid 30s but it ended relationships and a career as a RN. In my mind, it isn't if I will choose to call it quits, it is when. Last year was pretty close. However, I am still here and fighting the darkness daily.

Nobody truly understands what it is like to be depressed until it happens to them. I admit that I didn't know how my patients were feeling. If I had known that they felt the way I do now, I would have had a different understanding and maybe taken a different approach.

My wife is my best and only friend. I can't talk to her about everything though. It would be too much stress. I still need to find a therapist to unload on.

Find a workout buddy. You need someone to push you. Daily exercise with help with your mental and physical conditions. Also, find someone to talk to about your depression. Your partner isn't the best choice. It can push them away if they don't understand. Tell them as much as you can but don't go too far or speak about it too often. Nobody enjoys hearing constant complaints.

Make long-term and short-term goals. Make the short-term goals relatively easy. Hitting those goals will help with your confidence.

Therapy helps so many. You can try solo or group or both. You can learn from others in the group and also find a friend to talk to about your feelings.

Meds is my last suggestion. Yes, they can help out. However, psych meds can lead to more weight gain and worsen depression. They also have many other side effects. I literally can't control what I say and have frequent outbursts since taking psych meds. So be very careful and understand the side effects prior to taking them.

posted 04 Oct 2022, 18:59
what is your goal weight, 5'3 and 5'4 ladies?
I think once you get around 120lbs, you will have different goals. It will be more about building muscle and losing fat by changing the composition.
posted 04 Oct 2022, 18:28
Everyone is different. Some can have abs at 12-14% and others have to be at least 10% like me since it does there first and comes off last. Keep a strict diet and hit the abs to help them pop. There is no "trick" to this. It is just a lot of hard work.
posted 04 Oct 2022, 11:35
TheUnhealthyDad has submitted 5 posts

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