Joined May 2012
Weight History

Start Weight
147.2 lb
Lost so far: 0 lb

Current Weight
147.2 lb
Performance: Steady

Goal Weight
135.0 lb
Still to go: 12.2 lb

ScienceLee's Weight History

ScienceLee's Latest Posts

As a super-geek I always go with the science: The reason for vivid dreaming while losing eight can be explained by biology - it has to do with neurotransmitters (the stuff that transfer messages between neurons) and blood sugar level.

First, serotonin and endorphins are two neurotransmitters that are involved in dreaming, and increase with higher physical activity (and when youre losing weight more chances your working out more).

Secondy, blood sugar level, I have just recently learned, is also involved with vivid dreaming; One of the side effects of hypoglycemia (commonly known as low-blood-sugar) is vivid dreaming. And when we are losing weight, we have lower than usualy bloog sugar level (especially at night).

posted 28 May 2012, 22:16
When should you weigh yourself?
I've heared that weighing yourself on a daily basis isn't reliable because of hormonal/water flanctuating.

Also, I understand that during the day we eat/ drink which add on weight, so when weighing oneself it must be in the morning before one eats or drinks.

So my question is - how often (and when) do you weigh yourself?

Thanks =)
posted 28 May 2012, 21:47
I have found that trying to hit my minimum fiber requirement
What kind of foods with fiber do you eat though?

Im asking because alot of things that have high level of fiber in them are also very very high in calorie such as cereal etc.
posted 28 May 2012, 21:35
My love-hate relationship with Atkins
I am very wary of Atkins. There are many anacdotal stories, as well as some research, suggesting that zero carb diet is unbalanced and unhealthy. I remember that when asked on her weight/diet Jessica Simpson also used to say in intefviews that Atkins caused her to develop an intense, unnatural craving to carbs that brought about an eating disorder.

That having said, when I followed Atkins (many years ago) I saw great result. I lost steadily and quickly. Nevertheless, it seems to me that the only way to preserve an Atkins weight loss is to continue eating protein and zero carbs for life. which is hard (if not impossible)

I was surprised to learb that PeeFat had lost on Atkins and was able to keep it off by going back to a regular diet.
Is it really possible?
posted 28 May 2012, 21:31
The new Weight Watchers plan
Essentially the one biggest change is that fruits and vegtables have no points.
I signed up for it a few months ago but ended up cancelling my perscription after a month or two. It just didn't work for me (I ended up eating ALOT of fruits, which is not very best for dieting (although fruits have alot of vitamins and fiber they are also very high in sugar and tend to spike the blood sugar level).
posted 28 May 2012, 21:09
ScienceLee has submitted 5 posts

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