Joined December 2011
Weight History

Start Weight
261.2 lb
Lost so far: 4.2 lb

Current Weight
257.0 lb
Performance: losing 0.8 lb a week

Goal Weight
240.0 lb
Still to go: 17.0 lb
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ended: 04 Jun 12
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ended: 04 Jun 12
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last weighin: losing 3.8 lb a week Down

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Changed over to the Keto Diet
FOr my whole likfe I have been conditioned to eating low-calorie, low-fat.....and have been a perpetual dieter since I was about 25. At 39 now, I thought I would try something completely different seeing that the last howevermanyso years.....I have not had any great, maintained success with weight loss. Paired up with working out at the gym almost every day, doing interval training..you would think I would weight about 100 lbs....SOAKING WET! This, however......has not been the case. I have yo-yo'ed, plateaued, gained....it has been extremely frustrating and depressing.

After doing much reading and chatting up my neighbor....and hearing the results her daughter ( who is my age) has been experiencing.....I thought I would give it a try. I went shopping. I bought more meat then I ever had before in my typical shopping trips, loaded up on eggs, real butter, cream, bacon....I was actually getting a it queasy thinking that in just a few hours, I would be invading my system with things it had not had in a very long time, and feared getting deathly ill in the process.

I weighed myself on Sunday. I was 264. I weighed again on Monday. 263?? Today I weighed....and I am down to 260!!!!!! I am not kidding. Never in my wildest dreams, did I ever think that eating meat, cream, butters..would result in weight LOSS??? But, after educating myself...it makes complete sense. AND, it totally explains why for me? Eating low fat, fat free, butter substitutes, etc....DID NOT WORK! By ridding my system of the sugars which the body uses as a fuel source, my body would now start using the fat! I had absolutely NOTHING to lose but weight from trying this. I am truly amazed with what is happening, what I am eating, and the energy levels that I am sustaining. I did the 2 day *load*...actually about a day and a half.....I couldn't take the carb overload. I am not used to eating a lot of them as it is, and figuring that factor in, I did not feel it to be imperative.

I am now enjoying eggs, bacon, chicken WITH the skin, and there are so many recipes I am overly excited to try. What makes me even happier, is that we as a family, can actually enjoy meals together......not cooking 2 separate meals because I could not have *normal* food. My husband and daughter are ecstatic to now see LOADS of meats in the fridge and freezer.

I would highly recommend to those out there that have battled relentlessly, year after year to lose weight, to give the Keto Diet a try. Do your reading, educate yourself....DEFINITELY request the guidance of your PCP...and drink as much water as you possibly can. It flushes your liver from what could potentially be a protein overload. I just can't say enough about this diet.

I will post again next week after I log in my weight.

posted 05 May 2012, 15:08
Newbie....just putting it out there :)
Thank you. ALL of you!!! Looking forward to this next little journey in my life!
posted 02 May 2012, 19:38
Newbie....just putting it out there :)
Hey there. I am a 39 year old mother of 3 kiddos. My oldest daughter is turning 16 in July. My son just turned 13 in January, and my youngest daughter just turned 9 in April. I have been a care giver, auto body specialist, auto refinisher, Mechanic, LNA, Bus Driver, and am currently a licensed Stylist. I have done everything EXCEPT focus on myself, and my health for my whole life. Suffering migraines since I was 16, back issues since I was 18, diagnosed with chronic fatigue in my early 20's, DDD, Fibromyalgia, Arthritis in my spine, and permanent nerve damage in my 30's.....you can see I have had my fair share of illness. Up until this past January when I blew out my already compromised back while doing a transfer on my father who suffered a stroke in December of 2010....I never viewed my own well being as being too important. After ending up in the hospital from this back injury, and being bedridden for a little over 2 weeks, I started to reevaluate my whole life. I reflected back on all my years of being a mother, not being able to do the things that all normal kids love to do, because I suffered global body pain with everything I did....it started to become clear to me, how boring I was to them. I looked at my new husband, who I married in 2007 after dating for 2 years, and saw how much we were robbed of, due to my ailments. I always remember being extremely active, and on the go as a young kid. I played soccer for 10 years, pitched softball for 8.....how in the hell had my life gone from one extreme, to the next??? Because it happened so gradually over 20+ years......the immediate effects were not visible........to me. It was hard enough for me some days just to get out of bed.
January 27th was a turning point for me. In excruciating pain, unstoppable tears......I made a decision. I decided that I was going to take control of every aspect of my health that I could possible control. I take anti inflammatory prescriptions for my arthritis, another prescription for my migraines, yet another for the nerve damage and fibromyalgia, pain medications 3x a day to cover all the above....it is crazy! Then, because I take all that crap, I have to take a stool softener,(2-3 times a day) because everything I take, slows my insides down..... I DECIDED TO ELIMINATE ALL synthetics from my system. I knew I would have to do this slowly...and there would also be a few that I would not be able to eliminate completely....but I could knock down the dosing frequencies.

In February, after consulting with many doctors, and spine specialists, I opted to have injections into my spine, over any type of surgical procedures. If the injections did not work, in conjunction with Physical Therapy.... I would then explore other options, but, I was going to give this my all........one last time. I ended up having 2 sets of double injections into my spine in a matter of a month, and paired up with my incredible physical therapist......I WAS GETTING STRONGER! I remember coming out of the procedure room and into recovery after my first injection......To LEARN what it was like to wake up pain-free for the first time in 20+ YEARS, was almost a joke to me. I couldn't believe it. I bawled my eyes out! The nurses thought I was hurting.

I continued faithfully with my PT, until he cut me loose mid April. It was bittersweet for me. However....that opened up my time for the gym! I go now, almost every day, for at least 45 minutes. I normally start by tanning for 10 minutes, to get the warmth into my spine....it loosens me up a bit, and gets my body warmed up for my workout. Then, I jump on the treadmill, and have successfully increased my time, and intensity with each week. Sometimes even trumping myself and my goals. I leave every day feeling accomplished and so proud of myself for not giving up, and for finally putting myself on the very top of my priority list! I have my off days, days when the weather aggravates my arthritis so badly that I don't want to move.......but I do. Even if it is to walk for 20 minutes, or do my home strengthening exercises with my fitness ball, at home. It is so easy to keep your word to other people.....but keeping your promises to yourself.....can sometimes seem unattainable. Keep your promises to yourself. First and foremost. Everyone else can wait. You have only one life, one body.....love yourself enough to honor that, and your self worth.

Thank you so very much for reading through my rambling. I appreciate it, and look forward to chatting with you, or even buddying up. One promise I can keep to anyone and everyone out there...... I will always be a positive aspect to those around me. I will be your biggest cheering squad, encouraging you to keep going. I KNOW how discouraging this whole process of getting healthy is, and can be. I WISH I had someone there for me, pushing me, encouraging me......keeping positive, in my toughest of times. One thing I have learned. You cannot resent anyone for *not being there*, or not understanding. They honestly, do not *get it*. How could they, unless they themselves, were in our shoes? Wink

Many Blessings!!!!!!!!!
posted 01 May 2012, 20:22
Karisue73 has submitted 3 posts

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