Joined January 2014
Weight History

Start Weight
159.0 lb
Lost so far: 5.0 lb

Current Weight
154.0 lb
Performance: losing 3.5 lb a week

Goal Weight
152.0 lb
Still to go: 2.0 lb
Hi. I'm a 50 year old mom of 2. I am a dental hygienist. I am currently working out daily and do intense incline/treadmill workouts, core work and weight lift. I am a nutrition enthusiast and read the latest books on the subject, Dr. Oz, Joel Fuhrman and Andrew Weil. I don't believe there is one system that works for everyone. (wish there was) I think there is a balance between paleo and vegetarian that works for me. I don't eat franken wheat. I avoid dairy. I add in pseudo grains that are far superior to wheat like amaranth, millet and quinoa. I use almond and coconut milks. I also try to avoid sugar as much as possible because diabetes runs in my family along with heart disease. I average 4.5 to 5 miles a day on the incline trainer at 4 to 4.3 mph at an incline of 15-20 degrees up. I average a calorie burn of 1,100 to 1,500 a day and do core work for 16 minutes right after. I weight train 5 to 6 days a week rotating what I do. I also walk every night with my husband for 2.5 miles. I lost 40 pounds I gained 10 years ago after getting my degree (stress ate). I workout the way I do to not only keep that weight off but hopefully keep that pesky diabetes and heart disease far, far away. so far my cholesterol is 135, my B.P. is 100/50, resting pulse is 48 and my triglycerides are 25. I look forward to chatting with other people interested in food and exercise like I am. : )

Hygienebabe's Weight History

Hygienebabe's Latest Posts

Anyone here get heartburn regularly?
I wish mine would go away. All started when I lost my job almost 2 years ago. Been on many interviews and I'm hoping if I can land that hygiene job maybe it will leave with the stress of not finding a job in my chosen field. After 30 years I don't know what else to do. Dentistry is my home. And at 50 I am not going to college for a third time with 2 kids in college. Money doesn't come from a hole in the ground. Wish it did.
posted 22 Jan 2014, 15:01
How Often Do you weigh yourself?
Sure. Why not? If you know you are eating properly and exercising and watch your calories then logic is that you should lose weight whether you weigh yourself or not. I love trying on a pair of jeans that used to be tight and one day they either fit well or are loose. I actually had a pair of "goal jeans" that I laid over a rocking chair in my bedroom to remind me that I wanted to wear those someday. As I lost weight, this was years ago, I would periodically try them on. One magical day after months and months of working out and eating right they fit. Since then I readjusted my goal weight and size many times as I got smaller than I ever expected to. clothes are a HUGE motivator. I went from an 18 to a 6. I'm 5 feet 10.5 inches tall and weigh right now 154. 45 pounds down from the very, very beginning. Now it's the maintenance slip ups I'm watching. And yes I use my skinny jeans as a guide when the scale says something that's IMPOSSIBLE.. : )
posted 22 Jan 2014, 14:54
How Often Do you weigh yourself?
Thank you Zebdavison. I thought "stupid" was kind of mean. It works for me to weigh in daily and I'm sticking with works for me. Just like exercise and diet, everyone has to find what works for them. Just like I love the high incline trainer treadmill. A lot of people hate the treadmill. My daughter loves the elliptical. The elliptical destroys my knees. To each his own.
posted 21 Jan 2014, 15:58
Anyone here get heartburn regularly?
Hi. Thanks for all the replies. I do not eat wheat and have not for 2 years. I don't eat processed foods and avoid simple carbs and sugar all together. I have tried everything. I had testing for yeast over growth and leaky gut. Both were very negative. The only thing left for me is food allergy testing by blood test which is not really accurate. I think if I took any hydrochloric acid it would just kill me all together. Will keep pursuing all avenues. I did do a test on my arm with cinnamon and water and I got a big red stinging patch where I put it. I tried it on three other family members and they had no response. I was using it in a lot of things to help with lowering blood sugar. oh well for that.
posted 21 Jan 2014, 15:51
How Often Do you weigh yourself?
Hi. I weigh in everyday. I have a fancy scale that tells me my fat/water content and weight. I have used this method which is tried and true for ten years now. I lost 40 pounds then and this is one of the ways I keep myself in check. I body build also so I use a measuring tape, my clothes and calories as guides also. can't be too careful with those pesky fat cells now can you. Very Happy
posted 20 Jan 2014, 09:14
Hygienebabe has submitted 5 posts

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