Joined April 2015
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Not eating enough calories?? Slow metabolism - fix???
Help! I am worried that I may have damaged my metabolism by not eating enough! Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Confused

I am 16 years old and about 3 months ago I started my diet and I have so far lost 5 kg (gone down from 54 to 49). I am eating mostly healthy foods and I do workouts on most days - 10 sets of 40 sec run/60 sec walk 3-4 times a week and an ab workout 2 times a week.
My weight loss has been pretty steady so far (about 0.4 kg a week) but recently as I got to 49kg, it has been hard to lose more and in the last couple of days, I have been gaining 200g a day even though I've been eating completely healthy and working out.

I did some research, and now I'm concerned that it may be because I am not eating enough and therefore my metabolism is so slow that I can't burn the fat because my body is under-nourished. I eat about 800-900 calories a day and I don't feel hungry to eat more, and I don't feel tired as I am energetic enough most of the time. But now I am wondering if my diet is too restrictive?

I read on many sources that restricting your diet to below 1000 calories a day can damage your metabolism, making your body gain weight quickly if you even eat a bit over 900 calories. My whole life I have never really eaten much because I don't feel hungry enough to eat that much.

Here's the thing: I'm pretty sure I used to consume more calories before I started my diet because I would often eat sweets and junk, maybe around 1500 calories, and maintained my weight. But now, even if I go a bit over my usual, I start gaining weight, so is that a sure sign of a damaged metabolism??

I used a couple calculators to determine that I need 1850 calories a day to MAINTAIN my current weight (49.5kg) and 1500 calories a day if I want to LOSE 0.33 kg a week.
I cannot imagine how I can ever eat that much without incorporating junk food into my diet!!
But apparently that's how much I should be eating for my metabolism to be healthy and be able to burn fat faster.

This article: describes a situation in which an obese woman who was eating 700 calories a day could not lose any fat so she had to gradually increase her caloric intake to the recommended amount before she could finally lose weight.

Do I need to do the same thing because my metabolism is stuffed?

I am not completely uncomfortable on the diet I am on at the moment, but I am really scared that if I continue with it, I am going to soon gain all my weight back because of the 'rebound effect' and my body trying to hold onto fat!!!

Please help me, WHAT DO I DO??? Do I need to increase my caloric intake from around 800 to 1500 before I start losing weight again, or do I have to increase it to 1850 FIRST and then decrease back to 1500?
How do I safely increase it to that number to repair my metabolism while still maintaining a healthy diet and not overeating?

Sorry for a long post, but I really need people's help. BTW, I just made this account but you can take a look at my food entries for today - it's pretty similar to that on most days.
posted 12 Apr 2015, 05:33
Anastasia_xx has submitted 1 post

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