WendyMaq's Journal, 11 June 2020

Confession. I'm so fed up I stopped logging my food completely. Not here, not in writing... It makes me obsess and the world has been so crazy, I didn't need another thing to be anxious about. I had two days where I had reduced breast tenderness and it came right back. I was really hoping these hormones would take a freakin' break. My whole body hurts, I can barely move in the morning. I'm not sleeping well because I hurt. ...and, as you can see, the weight just keeps going up. Until I even out or I can find someone who knows how to even me out, This is going to keep happening. I feel helpless. As a 52 year old sendentary woman, I should be losing if I eat less than 1300 calories a day. I talked to a nutritionist who said I was doing all the right things, hormones are a bitch. Okay. So maybe, for my sanity, I should just stop. Then I saw the scale and panicked and tried to remember everything I'd eaten over the week. (shaking my head) I finally succumbed to some ad somewhere and ordered one of those women's supplements. I can't wait for those to arrive. I'm thinking about having my husband hide the scale and going dark until things even out again. I'm pretty sure my stressing about this is part of the problem.
202.4 lb Lost so far: 24.8 lb.    Still to go: 37.4 lb.    Diet followed reasonably well.
gaining 1.0 lb a week

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Stress and hormones sucketh. I hope it gets better. 
11 Jun 20 by member: tatauu22
Gonna throw this one out there. Yoga or particularly Pilates. I had a racing accident and broke my pelvis and nearly pulled my foot off. I was bed bound for six weeks. I scoffed at the idea initially but my physio insisted I do it. Since then I’ve never looked back and my pain is nothing compared to before and I’m more flexible than ever. It may help with the pain and give you something to look forward to. Don’t become focussed on the weight loss or gain. You clearly limiting your intake and exercise and movement will only improve. It’s great out now with all that’s going on. Chin up. You’re doing great 👍🏻  
11 Jun 20 by member: Wiggyjp
So sorry. Stress is not a helping factor. Do what you have to.  
11 Jun 20 by member: liv001
I hear you. Both my hubby and I are high risk re: Covid. So with all the craziness, we choose to wear masks when out in public and self isolate at home. Stress is definitely bad for health. Your body is in constant fight/ flight mode. Ive been coping with breathing techniques and meditation plus I’m walking 🚶‍♀️ at lot more. Take care of yourself, friend ❤️ 
11 Jun 20 by member: Chow moore
We are the same age and i also hear you. Just take it one day at a time and you will be fine. I can share my Thursday meal plan with you ,Breakfast;bowl of oatmeal and coffee, Chair cardio for 30 mins, I have two bad knees. Lunch 2 boiled eggs, 15 small turkey pepperoni and 1 string cheese. Dinner for my it is always chicken and salad or veggies or both I count every calorie and i only eat 1000 calories a day. Just remember you have to find food you enjoy. Most important . "NO BREAD" This has worked for me i have lost 51 pounds since January. "YOU CAN DO THIS" 
11 Jun 20 by member: virginiatalamantez
Wendy, don't fret! Stress is the arch-nemesis of weight-loss. As long as you are doing everything right...keeping at calorie intake goals, fat and carb intake...you will get there. I know from personal experience how devastating it can be to see a weight increase even you are working so very hard to lose, but don't let it get you down. We are all here to offer our support and there are plenty in this community that have very good, sound advice. Perhaps they have a little insight into some things you and your doc haven't touched on. I have had more success watching carbs more than calories, but have found that keeping both low and upping my proteins and good fats have been even better for me. Everyone's body is different, so the way we all reach our goals will differ at least slightly. Try some different things, see what works well for your body and concentrate on those methods. Whatever you do, don't let your stress or your weight get you down and beat you. Remember that you have all of us here...and YOU'VE GOT THIS!!! You can do this. 🤗🤗🤗 
11 Jun 20 by member: KAGrimm
Hi Wendy, I'm 77 years old, sedentary, eating 1500-1600 calories, no food restrictions and I've lost about 75 pounds in 16 months. You can do this, we're here for you. Good luck on your journey. 💛 
12 Jun 20 by member: shirfleur 1
your weight does not define you. give yourself a break and love :)  
12 Jun 20 by member: bananabel
Hi Wendy, taking a break from counting calories for a day or two won't hurt u as long as u remember that not being mindful of what you are eating will emotionally hurt you in the long run. I personally hate calorie counting. I get tired of doing it real fast so to be honest, I don't do it everyday, but I still will log often to help me to compare the portion sizes that I visually see to equip me to make an educated guess as to the approximate calorie amount that portion has. Like 1 cup of white rice is the size of my fist = about 250 calories. Guesstimating becomes easier over time the more that you pay attention and learn from what you eat. Just stick to lower calorie amounts per item that u eat throughout the day using this method and that should get u through the days that you don't want to log every item you ate while sticking to your goal ultimately giving urself a logging break. Don't be so hard on yourself. You are doing very well! Don't discredit the work that you have already put in. It's not something that everyone can do, but YOU are doing it and THATs awesome. 
12 Jun 20 by member: Katmurry
It took me a while to figure out the right way to use calorie restriction to lose weight... it is not the same for everyone. For me, dairy (specifically skim milk) messed with my hormones and caused all sorts of problems. I switched to almond milk and limit my cheeses to a select few types. Sugar was another trigger so I cut it way back and that helped. Carbs from bread and pasta were another huge trigger, I now eat very little bread and no pasta. Pasta Zero is made from Shiritaki and Veggie Made Pasta is made from lentils (Banza is made from chickpeas but I’m not a huge fan of the taste). Looking at what TYPE of calories I am eating and not just how many has helped me in so many ways. I have also started my day every day with a glass of water, it gets my metabolism going and helps my internal organs “wake up”. Message me anytime if you need support. 💕 
12 Jun 20 by member: Betheroo
Take one day at a time. Remember to be patient and gentle with yourself. Stay hydrated water is key to weight loss. Remember it takes time, my weight loss journey started November 2015 and I was 357 pounds. . I’ve lost 163 pounds so far tweaking what works for me along the way. I’m 51 It just takes a little more time & patience You can do this!! Keep moving forward and stay focused. 🍀🍀 stay safe and healthy. 
12 Jun 20 by member: damablack13


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