Normadale's Journal, 17 October 2016

Did not want to input the weight but enough of procrastinating. 2 weeks of not watching what I ate etc is telling on my body and mind. First part of the 1st week while on vacation I was doing good. But being around other people who think being on vacation means non stop eating of whatever they want took its toll. Second week is all on me as was the first. There were some foods that I wanted while I was off any eating plan.
We went to Dollywood on vacay. I left my comfort zone and rode 4 roller coasters. Never have I done that. The last one was The Lightening Rod. The fastest in the world. Now the bad part. I either cracked a rib or bruised it on the wooden roller coaster. It was the second one I rode. It hurt when it happened then eased. Which is why I rode 2 more😆. Didn't feel it until later that night and of course next day. Had a very bad night of ragged breathing to the point of not knowing whether to tell hubby to get me to e.r. Toughed it out.
That week was a learning experience. One,by eating right my mental/emotional state is soooo much better. Two; by eating wrong I could feel it more and more every day. My body hurts more and thing that should not get me emotional does. I hate that more than my body hurting. Another is; I am tougher than what I thought or is stronger another way to put it.
I am now committed again, hence this post. I can do this.
168.2 lb Lost so far: 35.6 lb.    Still to go: 23.2 lb.    Diet followed poorly.
gaining 3.2 lb a week

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So true. My mind and my principles were put on hold so to speak. One I hope that does not happen again. As for lot of us, food and family played a big part in my life. I have to wrap my mind around the fact that how I am feeling, thinking etc is just not worth that taste. The sad part of all this is at first the stuff tasted not quite the same. The more I ate it though the better it tasted. Should a could a now is hindsight. Onward and forward. 
17 Oct 16 by member: Normadale
Thanks for responding. 
17 Oct 16 by member: Normadale
We learn from our failures as well as our successes. I am going to Hawaii in three months. I plan to eat off plan. Vacations are for fun and relaxation. If staying on plan is to stressful, be less struct for awhile. It's OK! 
17 Oct 16 by member: LadyinDenim
*too stressful 
17 Oct 16 by member: LadyinDenim
*less strict 
17 Oct 16 by member: LadyinDenim
Lady, it did not help while being on vacay, my sister that was with me and the rest of my family lives in Myrtle Beach, SC. Talk about stress. Being on the phone with my mother and you hear your brother say another tree is down. Or the water is up to top step of the house you grew up in and you KNOW that is a lot of water coming up. Whew. And they are still not out of it. Eating my stress is how I got to where I am and evidently have not learned how to deal with it any other way. I tell my grands " Don't be 62 and learn these things. Learn now". 
17 Oct 16 by member: Normadale
I would like to get to the point of eating correctly for me is as easy or as natural as breathing. I am a work in progress. Where I am today and where I was last year this time is like night and day. There has been a lot of stress and sorrow these last 10 months. If I had kept it up I would be over 200 lbs now. Baby steps add up. 4 months ago I would have said the he** with it and come off vacation and not looked back on the good way I had been eating. I would not have had the where with all to even be thinking about the differences I feel when eating poorly. So for one step back I have taken 3 steps forward. 
17 Oct 16 by member: Normadale
Its all about making the best choices possible. The more good ones you make, the less bad ones you can make. Each day has many opportunities to make several choices that can benefit your health. Step by step, choice by choice we can be better to ourselves and our weight loss journeys will Jane a better outcome.  
17 Oct 16 by member: bdmgoggins
Have a better outcome 
17 Oct 16 by member: bdmgoggins
So true 
17 Oct 16 by member: Normadale
Norma, this resonated with me "Eating my stress is how I got to where I am and evidently have not learned how to deal with it any other way. " I know how you feel b/c I do/did the same thing. But listen, think about how you can handle 90% of the daily events in your life and sometimes something comes up that just surpasses your coping skills. I had this happen to me last weekend. But it's not the end of the world. You are doing what you need to do - you are recommitting! And I did the same thing. You are not week or a bad example just b/c you had a few days of off-eating. You maybe lost a little time but you can come back and learn from your mistakes. Keep on rockin' it! 
17 Oct 16 by member: ny_shelly
17 Oct 16 by member: ny_shelly
Same for me! Today my new plan begins!! Good Luck! 
17 Oct 16 by member: Rckc
Oh, wow. How can you relax when your loves ones are in a hurricane? I feel your pain. Seems like everyone is safe, though. You are back on track, and that is awesome. 
17 Oct 16 by member: LadyinDenim
It's so significant that you observed your body was in more pain from eating poorly! That's what keeps me on track - that creeping joint pain that accompanies creeping carbs. 
17 Oct 16 by member: erikahollister


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