miteslur's Journal, 25 November 2007

Eeesh! Okay, so the last 2 weeks (or so) have been pretty crappy as far as making good food choices. I already ate breakfast this morning but plan to weigh in, anyway. I'm scared to see what the scale has to say, but I need to check in with reality, you know?! It's time to start the journey, again. I say "start" only because I've fallen away from keeping track of my food/calorie/carb intake. I've decided that I need to start focusing on my carb intake per meal. I haven't done that since being pregnant with gestational diabetes. Obviously, I'm not doing something right as my weight hasn't been dropping like it should or as I'd like it to be. I also haven't been making it to the gym 3 days a week like I had promised myself.
One thing I've learned about myself over the last couple of months is that I must maintain constant control of the reigns. If I don't, I leave myself open for easy weight gain. I've had to accept the harsh reality that "constant control" over my eating is going to have to be a way of life.
Today I'm going to work on setting myself up with preparation for the week and creating myself "reminders". I'm going to print some "ucky" pictures of myself to remind me of how I DON'T want to look anymore. I plan to post them in places that I think might help me make better food choices. I'm also going to print out words of encouragement and tape them to my fridge, cubbards, and mirrors. (Nothing tastes as great as THIN feels!)
It is SO important for me to lose this weight. I forget, too easily, that I'm putting myself at risk of dying at a young age...packing all this extra weight around. I just can't keep doing this!
I'm not going to let defeat or surrender enter the picture. Not at all. Just continued determination in finding my own self discipline. It's there! I just need to tap into it and use it!

I saw a news clip this morning about a little town in Italy that has taken to "the biggest loser". The mayor put together a team of people (about 30) who want to lose weight. For every 9 pounds they lose, they get $70.00. At the end of each month, he hands out money. They already have over 65 people signed up for the next session. The key to the story was that people do better in groups. They need support from one another. I thought that was so interesting. "Fatsecret" immediately came to mind when I saw that clip! I'm glad I have fatsecret available to me.


Sounds like you are back on track, with a plan in your pocket... very good! *handin' ya yer chaps* Now, get along lil doggie!! Join me in my journey, rustlin' these darn pounds on down the mountain, to be forever corralled away into tight, lean muscles! =D It's a hard, dusty, dirty ride, but WE CAN DO IT, BABE!!! Because we want to, because we need to, because we DESERVE to, because WE CAN. Let's GO! 
25 Nov 07 by member: bullytrouble

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