FullaBella's Journal, 03 August 2014

I feel as if I am squatting in reflection land lately. One of my dear friends here recorded the following comment on their journal recently and hit so close to home for me that I am finding myself, too, repeating it several times a day. The phrase was:

“What I do to other, I do to self.”

I catch myself so many times a day noticing overweight people and judging. Ridiculous because I am overweight. I think my mind seems to calculate ‘not near as overweight as I used to me’ and rationalizes it is justified.

It is not.

Because, if I judge others by noticing their weight and appearance, I am judging myself. And I think it’s a chicken or the egg type scenario as I m concluding for all the ‘love and forgiveness and acceptance’ I am seeking for myself, it’s obvious I am not there yet. Maybe because I am doing it to myself first, I am doing it to others to distract my consciousness from dealing with myself?

It’s not just overweight. It’s attire. Mannerisms in public. Overheard conversations. Grammer. Posture. All of it.

How I must still hate myself that I wish to project this judgment on others? Will I ever find that peace and acceptance with me that feels, naturally, ‘can’t we all just get along?’ as the initial reaction rather than at the conclusion of yet another mental exercise in recovery?

I literally grew up at the bottom of the barrel on the wrong side of the tracks. I came from what others would label ‘white trash’. I was reflecting last night at the auction, as I looked around feeling ‘superior’ it became glaringly apparent that I’m so deep in denial and unacceptance of myself it’s … overwhelming.

I recognized I like the country auction because, well, sure, it’s something to do, somewhere to go. And unlike the upscale auctions with the yield of six figure item nods from a room full of designer labels and old money, it’s casual and affordable.

But I was sensing a dull, subliminal emotion akin to a binaural beat in relaxation music. It was an ugly version of judgment and superiority.

I’m so close to connecting these dots and praying once completed I will solve the puzzle. I feel as if I’m staring at one of those rebus puzzles combined with a 3D stereogram. If I can just think about this and maybe shift my focus, I’ll discover the answer.

How bad could I have been made to feel as a child to still carry this much hatred for myself as an adult? Who do I need to remember and forgive as it’s obviously not just ‘me’; I’ve done this exercise to love and forgive myself. Over and over. But until it really sinks in… I stay on edge. Judging and forgiving. Assuming then concluding. Reminding myself for every single person I stare at with opinion and criticism there is someone likely doing the same to me.

“What I do to other, I do to self.”

Will I ever sit in a room full of people, walk thru a crowded store or stand in a group without looking around and comparing? Will I ever achieve the beauty of a flower ~ intent on being as beautiful as *I* can be without comparing myself to the others in the garden?

This is rambling but not nearly as jumbled as within my own head. At a family birthday party yesterday I ate food I’d have politely passed a year ago. Was it surrounded by people heavier than me that I felt it was okay? Why did I do that? Why does what I do have to be a reaction to my judgment of others rather than coming from within and being my own choice? Had I been in a room full of people lighter than me would I have passed on the mac and cheese? Would it have even been served?

Is it a really screwed up version of retribution? Years of self defense over my weight, imagining others judging ‘me’ because of it settled in so deep that I feel as if I’m finally on the right side of the tracks to judge as well. Yes, I know that’s not true. I’m trying to find the source.

I’ve not slept well for several nights and I know this is a contributor to my inability to solve this riddle.

I just consider myself blessed that I am recognizing it isn’t healthy and I want to do better. I pray the serenity prayer and pray for self acceptance.

Some day.


Diet Calendar Entry for 03 August 2014:
2110 kcal Fat: 89.57g | Prot: 86.45g | Carb: 241.67g.   Breakfast: Tap Water, Butter, Bacon, Smucker's Strawberry Preserves, Powdered Sugar, Cheddar Cheese, Egg, Sliced Ham (Regular, Approx. 11% Fat), Texas Toast, Starbucks Caramel Macchiato (Grande), Chicken Tortellini Soup, Starbucks Banana Walnut Bread, Potato French Fries, Bennigan's Monte Cristo Sandwich. more...

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Well, that hit home.  
03 Aug 14 by member: ClassicRocker
Bella, interesting you bring that up today. I've been struggling with that as well. I'm surrounded at work with people who aren't taking care of themselves. A few friends here at the lake I feel the same way, last night at the beach with everyone in swimsuits made that apparent. I often wish I could shake them or something to get them to lose weight, exercise, not eat the junk I watch them eat. I've over this vacation week decided it's not so much that I'm judging them but I want them to travel the journey to get themselves healthy. I know it's a personal decision and I cannot make them do it. Am I judging them or wanting to help them? I'll see how my week back to work plays out. Especially since I need to get back on track myself with the gym 3 times this week.  
03 Aug 14 by member: wholefoodnut
03 Aug 14 by member: 2toofat
Bella, I'm exactly the same way. I catch myself judging overweight people - especially women, interestingly enough - and literally have to force myself to stop. I think part of it comes from the flawed self-righteousness of "If I can do it, why can't you?" and the other part of it is the deep hatred I felt for myself when I was obese. How disgusting I imagine I looked shoveling food into my face in public (I'm still self-conscious about it). But that was coming from internally, and now I project that upon others. And I hate that about myself. So I'm working alongside you on finding the source and peace within ourselves. 
03 Aug 14 by member: PepperMill
Adding another note. I have a friend who always feels the need to tell me she's losing weight. She hasn't. I am making people uncomfortable. Some bigger relatives hardly talk to me now. Once close when I was obese, that closeness is gone. I don't want this, so when talking with another friend on facebook the other day and she mentioned she's lost a little I told her this: Listen, it's your body and if you're comfortable with it and are healthy, you do what you want to do. Me... I didn't like my body the way it had gotten over the 20 years of not taking care of myself, the amount of meds I was taking and how much pain I was in, and realized I could be healthier and chose to lose it. Do what works for you and don't base anything on what I've done. You have to approve of yourself. 
03 Aug 14 by member: ClassicRocker
Loving the person in the mirror is the most important part of this journey. You are worthy of that love.  
03 Aug 14 by member: kclab
I can completely relate. For me, I think that others judge me, so I judge people. Or possibly the other way around - because I judge people, I think others judge me. But either way it's the same result - people judge people. I think most people judge others, because we're all born with egos - a sense of self - and it's more prominent in some people than others. But the ego is not our true selves. Truly, we are all spiritual beings and connected. This is hard for me to believe, but it's what is said in a book I'm reading about the ego. If you like reading, you could pick up a book about it. It's hard to stop judging people, because it's in our nature and personality to do so. I think finding inner peace would help, which meditation helps with. 
03 Aug 14 by member: ChristyLA
CR, I have a friend who does the same, she's not healthy, I worry about her. Her doc tells her to lose weight, she just keep getting heavier. I feel badly, I've let her know what I have done. I think the only thing that will help her is a life threatening health situation. I've decided I can do no more, she will have to decide for herself to take steps to help herself, I cannot do that for her.  
03 Aug 14 by member: wholefoodnut
The best way to change people is to lead by example :) 
03 Aug 14 by member: ChristyLA
What is better than the recognition that there is something that needs some attention. ?? Like a splinter that is causing pain in a finger- you know it's there but it may take some digging to find. DO the work and dig it out. Very temporary pain for a longtime relief. I always think there's going to be something to work on. Even when I learn things I have to relearn them because old habits die hard. To me it's a life well lived to be interested in self improvement. Is there a more noble goal than to just wanting to be a better person?? That can take all forms. One day at a time- one goal at a time. There is so much love ahead. 
04 Aug 14 by member: sharonfriz
I figure I learn something new everyday.  
04 Aug 14 by member: wholefoodnut
I love this entry, Bella. I'm not sure why but I've not been able to see it until today - and I check your journal every single day! So, here I am two days later, reading the entry, your inner thoughts and hearing the love you have for yourself and others. Yes, I'm hearing L-O-V-E in every word your write. You are cultivating awareness of this facet of yourself - just as you tenderly, patiently, aggressively, forthrightly, bring ALL of yourself to your "church" - you are bringing all of yourself to this moment with you. I stand and applaud. Another friend of mine recently reminded me that what I see & appreciate in The Other is a reflection of myself. You can only see what you know in yourself. You are getting to know this side of yourself more clearly and in doing so, you are helping me and so many others. As you see this side of yourself and gently reclaim her, teach her new ways of interacting, you are nurturing the real you. I believe that one reason I "judge" or am "intolerant" is because I want everyone to fully support, appreciate and buy-in to my way of life. I want acknowledgement, accolades, etc. from the outside because I find such internal self-doubt. Like you, my upbringing taught me to that what I saw was not what I saw...I'm learning to trust myself, but only slowly.... 
05 Aug 14 by member: Sweet Ce


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