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08 November 2022

Since everyone seems to be giving up something this November like no shave November I've decided to hide my scale from myself and do No Weigh November. Because well.. I can't not shave but I can totally not weigh myself. If I didn't shave I would end up looking like bongo the circus chimp and well.. I like my boyfriend. I'd rather not compete for the hairiest legs. Plus I'm pretty sure he would win and I'd have that weird awkward leg hair that's missing patches and doesn't grow evenly. I have enough things I'm self conscious about. I don't need to add weirdly growing hair to my list.

It's been a whole week and I'm now forced to focus on how I feel rather than a number. It's forcing me to check off days I exercised and ate well vs did I gain a mysterious 5 lbs and have no idea why. Or did I lose 5 lbs for absolutely no reason? The scale god is now in permanent time out in the linen closet. Getting healthy doesn't have a number... BUT.. if I could get below 210 this month I would be happy and healthier.

Speaking of health. I'm currently playing a game of chicken. As of today I am drug free. I finished my last round of steroids yesterday that the doctor had me on to see if it would affect the vertigo I keep getting. So far I'm still upright. I'm hoping that eating healthier and getting that part of my life under control will help eliminate whatever is wrong with me. Who knows maybe I just have fat ears. Whatever it is I'm taking all of this as a sign from the universe that I should stop taking my health for granted. I should also stop eating like a toddler. My new plan is to not eat like a toddler and put healthy things in my face hole.

03 November 2022

In todays episode of how the world spins. I got to start my day out with an MRA. Similar to an MRI but it apparently checks blood vessels. Fun fact.. if you say things like "sometimes the ringing in my ear pulses" a doctor may in fact murmur that's not good. And then they want to check for an aneurism. SO... Today's motivation to get fit is brought to you by the words panic and WTF?? I have gone through 40 years of life and was able to list a few child births as my list of major medical events in my life. I'm kind of curious to see what they test for next. Good news is the MRI machine didn't spin while I was in it and now I miss tanning beds.

I managed to escape the office today for lunch with a friend. We grabbed Garlic lovers chicken from Thai Thai. I'm pretty sure Thai Thai doesn't list the nutritional content anywhere. Thai Thai has had it's grand opening going for the last 2 years... the NOW OPEN sign in front is looking slightly worn. It was delicious though. I'm guestimating the calorie count because I don't know what else to do. I THINK it was around 600 calories? I'm logging on myfitnesspal but logging is exhausting when things don't have a defined amount. I'm trying to see if food or what I eat makes anything better or worse. So far I have no idea but repeatedly being told I may be dying of several things like a brain tumor, an ear tumor, or an aneurism has me eating less like a toddler.

That is my boring update.

02 November 2022

I haven't been on here in a hot minute. Mostly because the vertigo/ health issues keep escalating so diet hasn't really been high on my list. It's always on my list I just had more important things to do. Like figure out why my world keeps spinning. It has now been proven that I do live in my own world. Mine spins and feels like an amusement ride. Hopefully your world is much less spinny. Unless you like spinning. You can spin all you like. I have nothing against spinning unless it's my head.

Honestly I have become that person that walks around telling random strangers about what ails me now and it's both fun and slightly upsetting. Plus sides.. the looks of confusion and horror when you ask a stranger standing next to you to please stop spinning, meeting lots of fun new doctors, being told I'm special.. multiple times. Downsides.. Need to randomly lay down and take a nap in weird places, requesting people drive me places when I don't feel right.. wait.. none of these are downsides. Not knowing which way is up sometimes. That's about the only downside, or upside. I honestly can't tell half the time.

Anyways... we tested the vertigo.. at Universal Studios. Turns out the doctors are right and this isn't caused by sudden movement, flashing lights, or sudden drops. BUT.. lots of walking, yada yada yada, lots of aleve, yada yada yada, vertigo seems to be an inflammation of some sort.. maybe. So now I'm back and researching all the anti-inflammatory diet things. Being less inflamed seems like a good thing. I'm not sure what it could hurt.

So yes still alive. Still talking about health things that are boring. Somehow lost 6 lbs in the last month! Yada yada yada.. maybe I should try intermittent fasting.

07 September 2022

I feel I should explain more since you guys are full of ideas and good advice. So here it goes... (the following will be completely boring and I suggest skipping it unless you are very bored and like medical things)

I have had on again and off again hearing loss in one ear for almost 2-3 years. The tinnitus has been around about a year. I used to be able to go to the doctor and they would put me on steroids and an antibiotic and that would cure the hearing loss for a bit. Unfortunately it would come back after a few months. The doctor thought it was an inner ear/allergy thing so they put me on on Claritin for long enough to know its not doing anything (6+ months). During the Claritin time I wasn't able to hear out of that ear.

The vertigo started 1 year into this over covid when it was impossible to get a doctors appointment I laid down on the couch one day and had vertigo for the first time so bad that I couldn't move. I also couldn't hear at the time. Since then the vertigo comes and goes a couple times a week. It lasts probably 30 minutes to an hour then clears up slowly. Every once in a while its so bad I can't walk. Funny thing is I had a bump on my heel 6 months ago that the doctor proscribed aleve to bring down the swelling. It also helps with the vertigo. If I take one it passes more quickly.

Enter the ENT. I finally had enough of not being able to hear. Unless its at night because then I don't mind. If I lay on my good side the bad side is like a white noise/earplug and I can sleep through anything even the dogs snoring. This started the "well you probably have a tumor on your brain stem" discussion. I have no tumor. I still can't hear. I still have a white noise machine in my ear. I'm supposed to go back in 2 months for another hearing test.. I have 30% hearing loss in the one ear right now.

I'd like to fix this. I'm getting slightly tired of yelling "WHAT YOU SAY?!?!" I kind of wonder if its a food allergy or something causing swelling. It happens at my house, at the boyfriends house, at work, in walmart.. I will try some of the suggestions from the last post. At this point my doctors are ignoring me for a couple months so what do I have to lose?

Good news is I have a clean bill of health in every other way and I've been called normal and healthy! When a doctor tells you that you probably have what is basically a brain tumor it puts life into perspective. I did all the adulting. I got all the blood tests getting life insurance. I'm a healthy weeble wobble. Maybe life is telling me to drink more.. then I wouldn't know when I was weebling or wobbling.

06 September 2022

I have proof that my head is normal! Good news is I can go around telling everyone that a doctor called me normal. This is good. It means I don't have anything weird causing my hearing loss, ringing, and dizziness. Bad news is they still don't know why I can't hear and I'm a weeble wobble. So.. yay? I think. I don't need brain surgery so I'm going with Yay.

I'm still trying the Pilates. I've thrown some "walks" on the elliptical into the mix as well. I'm still plugging along. Nothing exciting. I do have a question though.

Soo.... I hate having my picture taken. I never like how I look in pictures. I also rarely get my picture taken. I'm not sure if this is one of those things where I've said "oh I don't like that picture" enough times. I don't remember voicing this to others but maybe I did. Sometimes I talk to myself and don't realize it until one of the kids responds to me. Or maybe it's a looks thing. Maybe non-model like people get their pictures taken less? I'm leaning towards that but I'm also slightly broken. In my mind if I lost weight people would want to take pictures with me. This all came up because we went to my very first Mets game on Sunday. Everyone was taking pictures. I took pictures of others. People took pictures of themselves, with each other, etc. No one took a picture with me. I could have taken them and no problem but I was to struck with the realization. People don't take pictures with me. Theories? Conspiracy theories are my favorite.

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