FullaBella's Journal, 09 October 2013

I've been up since 1am with a sick Mushy. Not sure what it was. She seems settled but weak now so I'm keeping a sleepy eye on her.

I'm going through that 'what was the point' phase again because it's aggravating that after the cleaner eating, weight losing, more moving, attention to healthing I still feel like crap. But I keep giving myself that patented pep talk that goes 'imagine how much worse you would feel right now if you hadn't done all that so stay dedicated and give it time.'

Reading journals lately I know I'm not alone on this. Others have voiced disappointment their weight loss didn't yield the 'bliss on tap' expected. The bills keep coming, economy keeps crashing, and there's nothing good on TV now that Breaking Bad had their final episode. Maybe that's it - I just miss Saul.

My left leg hurts. Self diagnosis is bursitis and underlying old-itis. I went yesterday for a deep tissue massage. On intake she asked 'did you do something' (to cause the pain) and I answered, 'yeah, got old.' My right shoulder feels better but not so much the left leg because I stupidly said 'hip' instead of 'thigh' and rather than confess my stupidity just 'hoped' the treatment in one area would affect the other. Sometimes it takes a few days so am going to cling to naive optimism and hope for the best. Already planning for a follow up next Tuesday. I need this.

I scribbled volumes in my deck journal yesterday exploring a thought - do you suppose the reason so many of us cling to one addiction or another is that we ... you know what.. let me just take that back to me and not include all of you in my insanity.

I began to think about how many years and times I've justified my morbid obesity with 'hey, at least I'm a good person, pay my taxes, give to charities, earn an income..' blah blah blah. But then, when I did get down to 'normal weight' ... I'd start the regain. Was it simply disordered eating my emotions that I hadn't addressed without food?

OR... was it that without the weight I knew people would look closer at me and realize I have far more faults than I care to have recognized? That of all things the weight robbed from me it did provide a nice shield from close inspection as I knew few people cared to dig beyond the double chin.

This leg pain, for example. I have trouble bearing weight when I first stand, so I limp. After a few steps I recover but if I can't just stand and wait for the pain to pass and the strength to return, it's noticeable. I probably limped 110 pounds ago too but no one said anything about it; the other night at the dinner theater two people commented on it.

Yes, it's likely they were being kind to observe, notice and comment BUT you get where I'm going here in my own stupid head. 'Great, I've gone from the elephant in the room to the gimp in the gallery.' I don't like that.

I'll recover and adapt. I'll make it a point to stand STILL and pretend to adjust my clothes, gather my personal items, whatever it takes so that I don't limp away. And I'll stay on track and pray with time it will get better.

Until then ... ice, heat, and Netflix.

Hope you're having a good Wednesday. I'm going to go stand at the counter before I fall asleep in my chair.



Hope she feels better. :( And hope you find something good on Netflix. :) 
09 Oct 13 by member: waynem37
God, I thought I was the only one who analyzed everything. My therapist used to give me hell for doing that because she said the majority of the time we're wrong. But you brought to mind a reason I used in my mind about being overweight. Of course, after watching Oprah and other shows with large ladies loving themselves. I'm healthy and I love myself the way I am. And I was not healthy and hated myself and was ashamed of my body and never would have pictures taken unless I was halfway hidden behind someone. Hoping mushy is feeling better. Is she grazing while outside?  
09 Oct 13 by member: ClassicRocker
Poor Mushy, hope she feels better soon. One journal today encouraged me by posting a link that says my emotional eating might just be a habit and not an addiction. For "me" this is what I am going with so that now I can focus on breaking the habit and not the whole enchilada known as "addiction". My simple self doesn't bother to dig in real deep to figure out what is going on inside my inner child. I did over 10 years of therapy and think I'm pretty good in that department. Don't know that I have the energy to delve into the inner middle ager that I used to be. You are right that stuff keeps happening so our unhappy moments are based in what my DH calls reality. He says that every time I fuss at him for being so pessimistic. I am lucky to have you, Evelyn, DFW, Keld and several other buddies that are so good at writing I can just cheat and get my aah ha moments from you guys! Thank YOU! xxx 
09 Oct 13 by member: Neptunebch
Oh yeah. When I stand up after sleeping or sitting a long time not only does my back hurts causing me to limp...but now I have to stop and do keegle exercises to contain my bladder. ugh...grrrr. TMI :) 
09 Oct 13 by member: Neptunebch
Neptune... love the keegle line. Which reminded me 
09 Oct 13 by member: ClassicRocker
Awwww hope Mushy feels better soon...Isn't it funny how we think that things will get better after we lose weight..buy a house..etc..and then we feel let down when things really don't change at all.....I feel your pain...if I sit too long when I get up..I hobble around for a few steps...not pretty...but hey...I'm old and that goes along with it I suppose...Enjoy your evening...Hugs..:O) 
09 Oct 13 by member: BHA
The bottom line is that we have to work on ourselves just as we are period.. Nothing like losing weight or anything for that matter will fix what is inside us. We have to learn to love ourselves...inside first and learn to be happy with who we are inside...but we all know that don't we? Hope Mushy is feeling better and hope you are feeling better too.. Hugs Bella!! 
09 Oct 13 by member: chattycathy1955
Oh my Angel, we are so alike in so many ways! Addiction, habit, unresolved emotions -- if we only knew what causes us to be this way, and how best to deal with it. It seems to me that I've dealt with the deep emotional issues that could be the cause, if they're ever truly dealt with, but this horrible habit of turning to/craving food for comfort, distraction, friendship, etc remains. But I hold out hope that we will get through this together one day at a time if we keep journaling, expressing, feeling and trying! Xoxox. (P.S. Hope Mushy is better and you get some sleep!) 
10 Oct 13 by member: Ruhu
Bella dearest, I didn't take the time to read your journal, I just wanted to say I'm back, and I will catch up on your life over the next few days. Thinking about you and hoping that you are okay. From the little glance of your journal, you aren't in a good place, so hugs and know I love you, if that helps :) xxxxx Chat again once I'm caught up on your life.  
10 Oct 13 by member: sarahsmum


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