BadAndee's Journal, 03 September 2008

dude!! what's wrong with scrolling down my loooonnnnnnnng pages of comments from yesterday's journal? We can talk there, can't we?? DO you ever stop complaining! NOW I KNOW WHY I LOVE YOU ALL!!! YOU REMIND ME OF MY FAMILY!!! complain complain complain!!!

I DID have a plan! I was plotting to get more comments than Mary Beth did on her page last week! That way she'll quit braggin that she's the most loved! She may be right about that, but I don't think it's very nice of her to constantly remind me, do you?!
I'm looking out of my computer screen at you...all gathered in a crowd on HER side like some outta-control parents at a kid's softball game! LOL (BTW, have you seen those very videos on UTube??) LOL! I'd bury my head in the sand if I was one of those parents!! Haa!!! knowing my luck, there's probably a couple of you reading my journal RIGHT NOW! LOL...

Anybody out there interested in knowing how many miles I ran on my treadmill last night?? 8 1/2 miles!! non-stop! well...sort of! You see, I work on my Sudoku book while I'm running and i have to hop off for just a brief moment, every time I need to fill in a missing number, which is pretty often, because I'm getting really good at that stuff! I probably look like an idiot to anyone watching from afar! running along, pop off the belt, running along, pop off again, running along, popping off again...and so on!

speaking of runningggggggggggggggg!!!! I'm head out the door in about 5 min to do just that! I want to get it out of the way early so that I can meet up with ALL OF YOU FOR A PAR-TAY!!! We're gonna write graffiti all over each other's journal!! We're gonna talk schmack about dieting! NAW, JUST KIDDING! I'd rather talk schmack about all of YOU! LOL Now is the time that i say I LOVE YOU! before you REALIZE I'm up to my rotten ways again! sooooo....



1 to 20 of 135
Okay - I've written you like 10 really long messages and my internet keeps popping in and off, so I can't leave long messages anymore because its frustrating me... 
03 Sep 08 by member: Paige E
So, I'll just write a few short ones. 
03 Sep 08 by member: Paige E
You have a funny way of showing love. If there was true love you would be hauling our as--- with you. But noooo all for yourself. I was not one of those parents with the video camera, I was one who helped coach and remembered every detail (my interpretation anyway) so that I could help them relive it at my leisure. TA-TA for now. (Miss America wave). 
03 Sep 08 by member: juanab
So, as I was saying in all those messages you didn't this - I am slightly confused.... 
03 Sep 08 by member: Paige E
Are you mad at us or do you love us? OR do you love being mad at us? Or are you mad because you love us (I've had boyfriends like that....). Or are you madly in love with us? 
03 Sep 08 by member: Paige E
Or are you loving to be mad at us? 
03 Sep 08 by member: Paige E
I wrote a lot of other stuff, too, but now I can't remember it.  
03 Sep 08 by member: Paige E
hee hee hee.. you're NEVER going to beat me, Sista! And, NO, we don't want to know how many miles you ran on your treadmill last night! You trying to make us all feel bad??????  
03 Sep 08 by member: mbhpro
03 Sep 08 by member: BadAndee
I'll have you BOTH to know that I DO HAUL YOUR A$$'$ around!! I'm gettin' pretty darned sick of it too! why don't you both quit whining and start pulling your own weight!? OR better yet! why don't you two loveys CARRY ME AROUND for a while!!  
03 Sep 08 by member: BadAndee
03 Sep 08 by member: BadAndee
Mary!!! yes you do want to know...because I don't just run all those miles and then start over! I failed to mention that I'm running toward YOUR HOUSE, so you best start adding up those miles! dontcha wanna know when I'll be arriving??  
03 Sep 08 by member: BadAndee
Its hard to pull my own weight!!! I weigh ALOT Right now!! Can't I pull someone else's weight?? Like yours or Shannon21!!! That's the kind of weight I could carry around. But not mine. At least not right now. Maybe in a couple more months..... 
03 Sep 08 by member: Paige E
it might prove dangerous to your health if you don't! 
03 Sep 08 by member: BadAndee
Paige, no more COUPLE OF MONTHS! grab a shopping cart to lean on and let's get the heck down the road, girl! WE'll be true bag ladies!! 
03 Sep 08 by member: BadAndee
Pagey, those are quite the boyfriends you've had!! LOL  
03 Sep 08 by member: BadAndee
a-ha! looks like BA's got the party started already!! And now EVERYONE's a Comedian!! Paige, I LOVED that Seinfeld-like comment above!! And now you guys are planning on being bag-ladies, or shouldn't it CART-ladies?! Be careful, that BA's gonna make you do CART-WHEELS next!!! Me? I just stray clear of Ms. Energizer Bunny's path! ;) 
03 Sep 08 by member: 08willbegreat
BA is more like a bag eyed lady.... 
03 Sep 08 by member: Paige E
Oh my....did she really say that???? I think I'm possessed. That wasn't really me, BA. I'm NEVER mean like that, you know....I just came here to watch everyone else. Isn't there a show tonight or something? Who's performing?  
03 Sep 08 by member: Paige E
Oh, I crack me up. Bag eyed lady. DAM I'm funny! 
03 Sep 08 by member: Paige E


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