Joined February 2007
Weight History

Start Weight
170.0 lb
Lost so far: 0 lb

Current Weight
170.0 lb
Performance: Steady

Goal Weight
135.0 lb
Still to go: 35.0 lb
Hi there - I started this diet after losing total control with my chocolate addiction. The first 6 months of last year I lost 25lbs on Weight Watchers. One new job and an evening masters program later I have gained it all back and more. I have 35lbs to lose and am trying the fat flush diet because I want my body to feel good on the inside. Now in my mid-40's I'm seeing people get sick with some serious illnesses. I want to try and stay as healthy as I can. If I can stay off chocolate and ice cream (my 2 addictions) I think I'll be okay.

teadrinker's Weight History

teadrinker's Latest Posts

bathroom issues?
Rolling Eyes I'm on day 6 and I had the same problem as you. Now, when I go, there's not much to speak of but it has taken on a completely different color (sorry to be graffic). I don't feel full in that I need to go to the bathroom but I do feel I should be going every day.
posted 16 Feb 2007, 17:28
New with a couple of questions
I am also frustrated by the incorrect reference pages at the back. I'm trying to find the answer to the following questions. If anyone can help, I will be forever grateful.

1. How do you consume the whey powder if not in a shake?

2. Can you take flaxseed oil capsules instead of the actual oil?

3. Can you add stevia to the long life cocktail?

4. Has anyone actually noticed a difference in their cellulite? (not to be too graphic)

5. I'm assuming that 2lbs a week is the realistic goal of the weight loss. Is this correct?

Thanks everyone. I started this diet yesterday and so far don't crave any food because I seem to always be eating or drinking. My downfall has always been sugar aka chocolate and ice cream. I'm hoping this diet will curb those cravings once and for all.

Thanks to all and I hope to stay in contact with you all through this diet journey.
posted 12 Feb 2007, 15:44
teadrinker has submitted 2 posts

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