Joined August 2007
Weight History

Start Weight
221.0 lb
Lost so far: 10.0 lb

Current Weight
211.0 lb
Performance: losing 0.7 lb a week

Goal Weight
175.0 lb
Still to go: 36.0 lb
Well, this has been a BIG year and now it's time for some changes!!! I turned 40, had my first grandchild, got my first bifocals and graduated college. If this is a year for change, then I need to make it HEALTHY change. I have read hundreds of books over the last 4-5 years about weight loss, Chronic Pain and health and now I need to apply what I've learned! I HAVE to stop making excuses or "waiting" for it to happen and MAKE it happen! I have to get better so I can persue a career, not just mope around and let pain win. I HAVE to learn to be pro-active!!!!

overw8's Weight History

overw8's Latest Posts

There is no TRY...
There is only do or do not, Every minute of every day is a choice to put good or bad in your mouth, to move and be active or to sit on the couch. Some one on here said we have to celebrate the small stuff and she was right. Each and every choice is to be celebrated. It's a full time job to get healthy. We didn't get fat over night, but one bite at a time, we didn't get "too tired" over night, but the less we decided to move, the less we did, and now we think we can't, "but I have fybro and chronic fatigue, and arthritis and chronic pain and sciatica and heel spurs" well I DO, but I'm not dead Yet !!!! and so I got up and walked, and it hurt!!! but it didn't kill me!!! and then I walked a little further. and then one day I walked with my teenager, and we walked 6 miles!!! now mind you I walked slowwwww and took sit down breaks every so often, and it took me HOURS!!! but I DID IT !!! When some one tells you to push yourself, you don't know what that means, did i hurt later, sure I was pooped, and ached, but I didn't die! We can all do more than we think we can, and the only way to prove it is to get up and move, I don't mean run, I mean walk, however slow you have too, and walk farther than you think you can, If you think you can walk to the mail box, walk to the stop sign, you get the picture... Don't let others push you, push yourself. So you're stuck in a bed... lift your arms and legs more than you though you could even if its one more time, you will see you are capeable of more movement than you thought. every day you're not dead is a new chance to get better!
posted 21 Oct 2007, 08:49
overw8 has submitted 1 post

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