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08 December 2014

Weigh-in: 178.4 lb lost so far: 13.8 lb still to go: 58.4 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (6 comments) gaining 0.5 lb a week

08 December 2014

Weigh-in: 178.4 lb lost so far: 13.8 lb still to go: 58.4 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (3 comments) gaining 0.5 lb a week

06 December 2014

What an *amazing* concept.
We live in a society where everything is hurry,hurry,hurry! People think if we aren't multitasking then we aren't being as productive as we could be.If a cell phone isn't attached to our ear we are told we are out of touch with the world. The list of things we should be doing or shouldn't be doing is endless & we just want to be able to keep up. Have we allowed this to be OUR lifestyle? If we have,is it *working* for us? I must say that *I* fell into this trap,so cleverly disguised as something I MUST have/do. But since a buddy,Deb_N,has reached her goal weight earlier this year,I have come to realize that SLOWING DOWN...TAKING TIME has been *so* much more *productive* than all the claims that are bombarding us!
When Deb reached her goal weight I asked her what she thought contributed the MOST to her success. She said:the baby steps. "Really?!" I thought. So I gave baby steps a closer look. Here I was trying to do everything I knew I needed to do in order to lose weight & I felt as if I was running myself ragged getting nowhere fast. It turned out that I *was*. (If you always do, what you have always done, you will always get, what you have always got.---If you don't like what you are always getting then *change* what you are doing!---Makes sense,right?)
So I..... SLOWED DOWN..... & TOOK TIME......
MID-OCTOBER-I focused on *DOING* what I said I would do.(Walk every day for 30 min's)You may recall some of my Journals that month,they all began the same way(That was how I kept focus on ONE thing & not multi things):DAY (#) OF DOING WHAT I SAY I'M GOING TO DO.(The results of this FOCUS was I am now walking 2.5 miles daily usually in 40 min's--my goal is 3 miles in 30 min's.--I *will* get there!)
MID-NOVEMBER-I added daily weigh-ins to my newly formed *habit* of walking! Still focus is on ONE thing(walking) because it only takes seconds to step on a scale & get my weight.You may recall seeing,or commenting on,or touching my heart in support of,my posted weigh-ins.(They were/are baby steps,as Deb called them.I call them my bricks.Results are listed below)
MID-DECEMBER-I turned my focus to EATING as a Shortie Losing It! (I continue the habit of daily walking & weigh-ins,with the exception of adjusting weigh-ins to every 3-4 days so I can read the weight chart better.)You may have only noticed my change in focus if you checked out my food diary.But I have included the RESULTS from FOCUS experiment below. I hope you enjoy it as much as I am!

Nov.23=183.8 lbs...............Dec.1=179.2 lbs
Nov.24=181.8 lbs...............Dec.2=179.0 lbs
Nov.25=181.8 lbs...............Dec.3=178.6 lbs
Nov.26=181.4 lbs...............Dec.4=178.4 lbs
Nov.27=181.4 lbs...............Dec.5=178.2 lbs
Nov.28=180.4 lbs...............Dec.6=177.6 lbs
Nov.29=180.2 lbs...............Dec.7=(Tomorrow)
Nov.30=180.2 lbs

Not only are the results visible on paper but they are visible on my body! I am a

05 December 2014

Weigh-in: 178.2 lb lost so far: 14.0 lb still to go: 58.2 lb Diet followed 100%
   (4 comments) losing 1.4 lb a week

04 December 2014

Well it is the 4th day of the Core Challenge & I must say for me it is more difficult than I imagined! BUT I DID 3 DAYS & today is a scheduled rest day from it.
Since the exercises are hurting my back & I know that will cause me to give up completing this challenge,I decided to take time to find a way to adjust the exercises so I can continue to do them while eliminating the back pain. Here's what I decided.
According to Harold Sanco(he's a group exercise director of Results the Gym & has his own Core DVD called Prime Time Abs) we can attack ab muscles we never knew we had by doing 1/2-3/4 sit-ups while our knees are bent & our feet are on the ground-- like we learned in school during gym class.But he recommends when we come up at the top to alternately twist our torso from one side to the other then slowly roll down,working the obliques.
As for crunches,he says getting on our back & tucking our knees into our chest then extending them & our arms out to form an "X" with our hands & feet off the floor, hold before tucking back in,will get him more complaints,but that's how he says he knows it's working.
He also says that doing regular crunches will not do away with a tummy pooch of jiggle right below the waistline. But REVERSE CRUNCHES will. he explains: Lie down on your back with our knees bent at a 90-degree angle & feet raised where our shins are parallel with the ground.Then rather than lifting our shoulders off the ground,do a pelvic tilt bringing our knees toward us. Switch off swinging our knees to the sides during the motion to perform what he calls "twisters".
I found this information in an article written by Vicky Hallett,special to the Washington Post. I think I will divide my crunches up between the 2 different kinds talked about here & then switch them with the amount the Core challenge sets out with the sit-ups,(was that understandable?)in hopes that it lessens my back pain.
Here's to finding a way NOT to give up!
Hope everyone else is finding success :)

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