Joined September 2013
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How do i avoid being hungry all the time???
mummydee wrote:
Carbs are processed in the body much quicker than proteins, so when you eat that processed cereal for breakfast, it won't last long. Your brain will also crave the easiest to process food so that will be the simple carbs. Once you deprive your body of those foods it will stop craving them.
Sweet potato fries are just 1 mini step better than regular fries, Not a real healthy choice.
Try to eat more 'real food' natural foods, You don't have to be an "Atkins" fan to eat more proteins and good fats and i guarantee you that you won't be hungry.
I know because I quit all processed foods years ago and have never been healthier or happier.

I really agree with mummydee,

Reducing processed foods will definitely help you reach your goals. I have been doing the same for a while now Wink

I feel the same way!Smile

Kind regards,
posted 01 Oct 2013, 06:55
Dealing with Set-backs
Hi jmcca15,

I can understand that feeling...,

I don't think you should worry to much about that, it will only put stress on your system. And believe me, stress is not good if you want to lose weight.

So the first thing you have to do is, relax Smile

The second step is to make small changes to your habits. They are easy to do.

For example, I recently injured my back, and I had to rest for about one month without exercising.

I did not gain any weight...

My point of view is that, when you're able to do it you just "continue" doing it (I actually never stopped).

If you stress yourself it will relfect on your weight,

Kind regards,

posted 01 Oct 2013, 06:50
How do you choose your mini-goals if you make them?
Hi notjune1,

I guess I did have goals when I started losing weight, but my goals worked out a little bit different. I'll explain myself.

My goals were to introduce small basic changes to my diet everyday or as soon I felt comfortable with them.

For example, one major problem I had was that I used to ate like a maniac! I felt hungry all the time!

So two of the basic steps I included in my habits was:

1) To chew slower (it takes about 20 minutes for the brain to record your satisfied)

2) I always drank a glass or two of water before each meal

3) Eating the veggies and the proteins first, then the carbs.

There's more to it, eventually the pounds dropped and I lost about 50lbs in 6 months. That was for almost 3 years ago.

I still remember the day I started: January 11th, 2011.

Warm regards,
posted 01 Oct 2013, 06:35
What are some of your embarassing/emotional/eye opening reasons for loosing weight?

Well, it's been a while since I lost weight, but I do remember that tying my shoes was always a problem for me...

Another one, not fitting into chairs...(really embarrasing)

posted 01 Oct 2013, 06:22
How do i get back on track?! I need to find some motivation. :(
f_at wrote:
I've failed again and gone down the ''oh who cares'' route.

I care, of course. Sad

I've not been counting my calories on here for months. And when I was doing it, I actually really enjoyed it. But since then i've had a lot on my plate (pun not intended!) and have moved out, been dealing with new jobs and various new situations which have left me forgetting about food, dieting and exercise.

I can see and feeeel myself putting on weight. It's disgusting. I feel disgusting. Do i really have to wait until i hit rock bottom before I can start my healthy ways once again? I don't know when that'll be - but i'd rather just start now.... but how....?


I can understand that feeling of frustration, I have been there myself.

Even if it's important to check your calories, I would not be to obsessed with that. I personally think there is more to losing weight than just cutting calories.

And trying to diet, well, it's not easy to do either.

Something that has helped me a lot since I lost about 50 lbs for 3 years ago is to introduce small basic changes to my eating habits, one step at a time.

Here's a couple of things I do everyday.

1) Drink a glass of water or two before each meal:

Water will help you flush your system.

2) Don't skip your breakfast:

Try eating a lot of proteins in the morning together with some veggies. Some like to take 2 scoops of unsweetened whey protein.

(Let me know if you need any recipe, I think I have some, both with whey protein, and other foods as well)

A good foundation will stabilize your body all through the whole day, preventing you from mid morning cravings and night cravings.

How about you start with this... Very Happy

Remember, one step at a time, you will get there Wink

Kind regards,
posted 01 Oct 2013, 06:13
alexanderpalmer has submitted 5 posts

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