Joined October 2007
Weight History

Start Weight
150.0 lb
Lost so far: 7.2 lb

Current Weight
142.8 lb
Performance: gaining 0.1 lb a week

Goal Weight
138.0 lb
Still to go: 4.8 lb

Alisister's Weight History

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Post-menopause weight loss
DragonLady wrote:

Thanks . . . I've bookmarked all your strength training sites . . . I plan to start tonight! I'll keep you posted on my progress!!! Thanks again!

DragonLady, you're very welcome. I'm impressed that you jumped right in! I wish you every success with your program.

I hope you can continue with your walking regimen. It's my understanding that low impact exercise is very important for keeping those arthritic joints lubed! Are you on any medication and or glucosamine/chondroitin supplements?

I have damaged meniscuses (menisci?) in my knees. I had surgery in 2000 to have one severed mensicus reconnected. I've got my aches and pains, but I've never been diagnosed with arthitis of the knees. I know it's very painful. When you lose the weight you want to, your knees will be less stressed and you should get some relief!

And, do keep me posted!
posted 21 Oct 2007, 16:21
Post-menopause weight loss
YellowRose, I hear you! It's our journey with estrogen and yo-yo weight gain/weight loss that's put us in the boat we're in. You have the added stress of caring for a disabled child. Stress is reputed to be another reason we pack on the ellbees! No wonder you are struggling!

I recommended weight training to DragonLady because of her difficulty with her knees! But, the best way to jump start weight loss is with addressing eating AND starting an exercise regiment. Walking is, hands down, the single most effect way to exercise and the safest. It's probably the least expensive, too!

But you say you don't like it and that's going to interfere with your commitment to exercise! I have a couple of suggestions, however.
First, make a commitment to get out and walk for only 10 minutes. It's doable. Worst case scenario is you'll get 10 minutes of good exercise. But, it's more likely that you'll find you want to continue on!

Second, get yourself a Walkman or iPod, MP3 player or such and make your walk your own personal enjoyment time. You can either listen to music as you walk or, as I do, listen to books on CDs or audio downloads! I run for ½ hr. with pleasure as I listen to books like Harry Potter!

Third, get yourself a walking buddy with whom you make a date to get out there. With a disabled family member you may have to grab time when you can. But, perhaps you can recruit someone to accompany you!

And fourth, clip on a pedometer. Counting the steps you accumulate every day is an effective way to make you walk off the weight! Start at endeavoring to accrue 10,000 steps a day. You'd be surprised at what a challenge that is. But, if you start parking in the parking spot furthest from the store, taking stairs instead of escalators/elevators, walking to the corner store instead of driving, you'll find you can rack up those steps!

There are inexpensive pedometers or sophisticated ones which allow you to track your mileage and or number of steps on line (much like you track your weight here at fatsecret) with graphs and charts. There are walking communities out there, too, for support and advice!

Bottom line is we can't keep doing what we've been doing if it hasn't been working. And, what used to work for us 10 years - or even 5 years ago - doesn't keep working as our bodies change!

I don't know where you live - I'm guessing TX. But, if you can, do yourself a favor and try to get out there (or onto a treadmill, elliptical trainer) for just that 10 minutes. The best I feel all day is after I've gotten my exercise in!

Another trick is to start taking your dog (or, if you don't have one, your neighbor's dog) for walks. No one is better at shaming you into getting your daily exercise than that wonderful pupper who will relentlessly remind you that it's time to hit the streets. Laughing

And, lastly, a huge congratulations on having quit smoking! I did it, too (and had to take off the inevitable weight I gained) and consider it one of the major accomplishments of my life!
posted 21 Oct 2007, 16:12
Post-menopause weight loss
DragonLady wrote:

I have some 5 pound hand weights & some 5 pound ankle weights . . . should I use these while walking do you think??? Or just do some repetitions daily?? I've never done weight training before hmmm, let me look into this! Thanks, by the way. I need all the help I can get. The pain is something I've lived with for a long time . . . I try not to let it get in my way of healthy living!!!

Hi DragonLady! I'm glad you asked before you tried walking with the weights on! It is not recommended that you walk with any weights on your arms, wrists or hands. The repeated motion of swinging your arms with added weight puts you in risk of repetitive use injuries of your wrists, elbow and shoulder. Definitely 5 lb weights are not a good idea for walking.

Ankle weights shouldn't ever be worn when walking! They are good to use as resistance when doing floor work for your glutes (buttocks), adductors (inner thighs) or abductors (outer thighs).

I can recommend some good, inexpensive weight training videos. I also will try to find out if there are some programs you can access on the Internet.

Working with free weights gives you a great sense of well being, strengthens your core muscles (abdominals) and helps your posture. It also strengthens the musculature around your joints, helping to support them - an important health factor if you're suffering from arthritis!

>>Here<< is a link to some good advice and even some exercises to get you started!

You can find exercises on >>Click here << this site, too!

If you prefer to go the video route the people >>here at Collage Video<< are kind and knowledgeable. You can even call them for a recommendation! You can also view short clips of the exercise videos on the site.

I lost my entire library of exercise video tapes in a flood in April or I'd be able to recommend a particular one.

But, I can tell you definitively that any strength training video by Charlene Prickett is enjoyable, informative and effective. Click here for Charlene's site. Note that Charlene's videos come from Canada and have a long shipping time!

Hope something here is of some help to you! But, I can tell you that if you haven't been working out with free weights, you'll want to start off with 3-pounders, available at any Wal-Mart, Target, etc. If you want, you can even start with 1 lb. cans of food! Before you know it you'll have to graduate to 3 pound weights, then the 5 pound!

Here's to your success!
posted 17 Oct 2007, 19:41
Post-menopause weight loss
Oh Ladies! I feel your pain! I weaned off of HRT this Spring and now I'm suffering killer hot flashes and more than 10 lb. weight gain!

My toughest challenge is that I'm a rabid exerciser (have been for more than 20 years) and eat pretty healthfully already. So, I feel like I have to take drastic measures for losing this weight.

In one of the women's magazines I read about The Anti Estrogen Diet and they had sample menus in the magazine. Now, don't rush out and buy the book .....yet. I only started the diet yesterday and it's pretty Spartan.

But, the diet is based on the premise that fat is stored in order to store estrogen. When we stop producing it the body stores all the hormones it fat.

The diet is supposedly designed to rid the liver of all toxins (preservatives, hormones from dairy products, etc.) in order for the liver to start functioning more efficiently and metabolize body fat better. Dunno! I've heard this reasoning before but never could stick to the kind of diet that would help. This one is taking some getting used to. But, then again, the entire process is only 6 weeks and then I can go back to healthful eating without the cravings and inevitable weight gain.

If you can get your hands on it, the magazine with the article is the October 22nd issue of First. The book (I ordered it Embarassed ) is The Anti-Estrogenic Diet by Ori Hofmekler. Again, I'm not recommending the diet just yet - it's too early. But, I'm passing on the information.

Oh, and I joined particularly to meet people who are struggling the way I am. I also feel like membership here will keep me accountable!

I wish you two ladies success from the bottom of my heart! I know what it is to get out there and exercise in spite of a lot of pain (altho', frankly, some pain is going to be there whether or not I exercise! Rolling Eyes )

DragonLady, you have the right formula - diet plus exercise. Have you considered adding weight training (free weights) to your regimen? It might be just what you need to boost up your calorie burn. Weight training creates muscle which increases your metabolism, goosing up the weight loss!

posted 16 Oct 2007, 20:15
Alisister has submitted 4 posts

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