Joined November 2009
Weight History

Start Weight
138.0 lb
Lost so far: 22.6 lb

Current Weight
115.4 lb
Performance: losing 0.5 lb a week

Goal Weight
115.0 lb
Still to go: 0.4 lb
After I turned 30, I found myself over 20 lbs overweight...it creeped on in about a year. I was at my heaviest ever, and running out of pants I could wear to work. I knew I had to do something. My usual 20-30 minute runs 2-3 times a week alone wasn't working anymore. So, I started tracking calories (using an app on my iPhone)...and was astounded at how much I was eating! I decreased my portions for a weight-loss calorie count goal of 2 lbs a week, but didn't restrict WHAT I was eating (because I knew it'd just make me want to binge). And I increased my workouts to 5 days a week, and added variety (boot camp, aerobics, swimming, etc). After a couple months, something started happening. Then suddenly, the weight fell off. Now I'm almost at the goal weight I set for myself (lost 22 lbs in just a few months!), and I look better than I ever have in my life, because I lost it in a healthy way. Because I'm fitter than ever, I'm actual smaller than I was at a lower weight, so I'm not looking to lose any more weight, just continue to tone and strengthen.

My mom has always struggled with her weight. So on my last visit, I couldn't find a good app for her cell phone, but I found fatsecret & suggested she try it out to help her finally succeed. She invited me to join to support her in her journey, so here I am. :)

32Flavors's Weight History

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hello all....I need your help!
I agree with Taslo, Mom, and you know it's what you need to do. You're your own downfall by keeping easy-to-eat treats in the house...especially sweets, your ultimate weakness. Keep the bucket of ice cream, and maybe keep something in the freezer that's place & bake...easy if you really crave something sweet, but not so easy that you'll cave at every craving (make sure it's packaged so you can bake a single serving). I don't buy premade cookies or keep bite-size ready-to-eat desserts at home b/c I don't want that temptation. You don't have to give up sweets altogether, but you do need to make them less accessible if you're going to win your war with food.
posted 11 Nov 2009, 16:18
hello all....I need your help!
Yeah, I certainly learned about those empty calories! After "wasting" 300 calories on a pumpkin roll, I was hungry again 30 minutes later...yet after my normal morning snack of a 50-calorie half of a banana, I wouldn't be hungry for a couple hours. Watching that bank of calories get depleted with everything I put in my mouth made me really reconsider what I was eating. I still enjoy a bit of something sweet after a meal, but it's now a small bit and not a meal's worth. Wink
posted 08 Nov 2009, 21:15
hello all....I need your help!
Mom, just remember...every day is a new opportunity to succeed...a new slate. If you exceed your calories today, you get to start over tomorrow. Smile Take it one day at a time. And you'll find that by tracking your calories religiously, you have the power to make your own decisions on how you spend them. You want that bowl of ice cream? You'll put in more time with exercise or eat lighter. You had a heavy lunch? Maybe you'll skip the dessert that day. You know a special meal is coming up? You can "save" calories during the week so you have them in the "bank" for when you need them. Remember that this isn't a diet, Mom...you're on the road to a healthier life. And you're not alone. Smile
posted 08 Nov 2009, 20:24
32Flavors has submitted 3 posts

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