Fine125's Journal, 22 September 2012

Wow! I exercised before I weighed in today. I've been waking up and doing at least 15 to 20 min of high intense exercise - I run up and down my stairscase, jump rope or do the Billy Blanks Taebo Express (8 different 10 min workouts). Now, that video is no joke! It wakes you UP!!! lol. I tried Jillian Michaels 30day Shred, but I didn't like it at all. I need to give it way to someone. However,, I love her protein drinks, especially the vanilla cause I put Crystal light's lemon powder in it and it taste like a tropical paradise drink. I've been taking at least 1 protein drink a day, everyone and then two. I don't like to do too much of the protein b/c I heard it's not good for your kidneys...just what I heard. Makes since to me. I ensure I drink a lot of water after each protein drink.

Another think, I'VE BEEN GETTING MY REST! yes, I go to bed early so my body can do what it I'm happy I'm doing so well. I am still having thoughts and ideas about the "after life" when I reach my goal and maintaining it for life.

The things I'm doing are actually great and I can do this for life, but I don't want to keep loosing you know. I do at some point want to be able to eat pasta or rice (at night) Lord help! But I probably won't because I know my body now. I will eat pasta, rice, bread only before 12pm noon THANK YOU! Oh, ok, 1pm. May be 3pm and ensure that I swim that day or night!!!!

Just finished eating breakfast - egg whites, cheedar cheese, with a little spinach added, like an omlet, with orange mango crystal light. By the way, crystal light has been a life saver for doing this. I thank God I can drink it. I couldn't when I was younger in my baby making years! lol! It used to give me an instant headache from the fake sugar. Now there's so many fake sugars I've discovered: truvia, stevia, splenda, equal, aspertame...or what ever. I still can't drink all of them, I can't do truvia as well as stevia.

For lunch I will have salmon and spinach. Snacks: walnuts and almonds and a protein drink when I get a hunger point. Dinner, I'm thinking about making a soup out of a tomatoe and some fish - mahi, mahi with some broccoli, well see.

One thing I must do today though or tomorrow is exercise hard for an hour. I haven't done that this week, just my 20 minute sessions daily. May go swimming at the y. sounds good. I'm doing a lot of cleaning and painting today at home getting ready for family moving in so that will be calorie reduction so exercising hard will be tomorrow probably after church. Love my new church!

Thank you Jesus.

130.8 lb Lost so far: 11.2 lb.    Still to go: 3.8 lb.    Diet followed reasonably well.
losing 8.4 lb a week



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