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06 April 2010

01 April 2010

So with the exception of a wedding this weekend with way too many bacon laced appetizers and an open bar I have been pretty good lately. I am actually back to where I started. On the one hand that is a bit demoralizing, but on the other it is motivating. There should be a way to reset your start weight on this thing. Sure I was 185 and wanted to be 160 two years ago, but what does that have to do with me getting up to 205 four months ago. It sucks working down from 205 to 185 and not seeing the little red bar move, not even a little bit, not at all. So in that respect today was a great day, that freakin red bar finally budged. It didn't move far but it moved.

Now I just have to get the stupid bar to blue. Go Blue!!

So the diet is actually going very well. I have a routine that seems to work. I get up in the morning and have a protien shake. 9:30 a Kashi trailmix bar. 12:30 lunch (either a Kashi frozen meal, a lean cuisine, or a frozen lean ole burrito) with a small low sodium V8. Eating at the office is somewhat limiting. 3:30 I have a dried fruit bar or jerky. 5:45-7:15 gym. Then it is home to dinner which is whatever we are having but I serve it on a small plate and make sure there is plat visible on all sides of the serving.

I just wish I was as disciplined on the weekend. It seems like half of the progress I make during the week gets shot to hell during the weekend. Ah well, progress is progress. now lets just see if I can get from 185 to 160 for real this time.

12 March 2010

Well the new commitment to eating right and hitting the gym seems to be paying off. It is amazing what happens when you do the things you know you are supposed to do. SO tonight is date night. The wife wants to see Alice in Wonderland so I got the tix to the 3-D IMAX. I am not really al that in to it but I am sure it will be fine. The show is a rether late show so we will probably have dinner before hand. That will be tough. For some reason date night always means eating to much of what isn't good for me and drinking more calories than I should. It is strange, but if we go out and I order a salad water my wife get upset. It is like I am not committing to having a good time. Don't get me wrong 9 times out of 10 I am the bad influence when it comes to overdoing just about anything, but it is strange to me that what I eat alters her perception. Oh well, at least I got tickets late enough that I can hit the gym before dinner.

10 March 2010

Wow, how depressing. I am almost back to where I started. Let's hope this go around has a bit more staying power. Who knew that working out not at all, and having a bottle of wine with pasta dinners for a few months would put all that weight back on. What is it about fall that means falling of the diet wagon. When the temp drops motivation is quick to follow. Stupid motivation! I think my motivation needs to get motivated before I am going to be willing to reenter a relationship with it. Ah forget it, motivation, you no help me know I say screw you motivation, i will do it myself.

I am back up and running, eating right and working out so the pounds should start to fall off like motivation in Fall. See what I did there, brought it back around. Clever right. Ok back to work and then the gym.

03 November 2009

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