Joined April 2008
Weight History

Start Weight
221.0 lb
Lost so far: 8.0 lb

Current Weight
213.0 lb
Performance: losing 0.8 lb a week

Goal Weight
160.0 lb
Still to go: 53.0 lb
I am a 60 year old diabetic who needs to lose weight to enable myself to be healthier. I have 3 kids all married but no grandchildren yet. My husband is retired however I am still working and probably will for another couple of years. We have a dog (black lab) 3 cats and some fish. I enjoy doing crafts, doing sudoko's and reading however have not had a lot of time for the crafts or reading lately. I was diagnosed last year as diabetic and at that point weighed 240 lbs. I got down to 210 however have put some of it back on. I want to lose what I put back on and my goal will be to get to 160 however I will evaluate it as I go. My husband says that he will be happy if I get below 200. I find it easy to get off track and do not particularly like exercise however no I must do it to both help me lose weight and also so that I hopefully will not have piles of hanging skin when I have lost it.

nancy48's Weight History


last weighin: losing 0.5 lb a week Down
last weighin: losing 0.3 lb a week Down
only visible to followers
last weighin: gaining 1.4 lb a week Up

nancy48's Latest Posts

With head hung low, I am back. I have been missing in action and making all sorts of excuses but they are not valid. Working long hours at work and not always eating properly. I have forgotten what exercise is Sad
I know that I will be working long hours this week but I am going to try to eat better, drink my water and work in some exercise. Probably good thing I was not here for the sleep challenge. My sleep is very erratic. Even if I get lots of sleep, I wake up several times. Actually my doctor is sending me to a sleep clinic as she thinks I may have sleep apnea. My appt is July 5. Perhaps if I sleep better it will make it easier for me to stay awake and do some exercises. If I get to actually eat at home this week, I will try a new recipe and then post it. Good luck to all.
posted 15 Jun 2008, 21:48
50 LB WLC - WEEK #3
Sorry do not know how but my height got messed up. I am 5'8". forgot one other thing which probably has been a contribuitn factor. Although I have been overweight longer than I was underweight, in the back of my mind, I keep telling myself that my metabolism is going to go back to the way it was. Because of this, I am adding another goal and that is to change my thinking and acknowledge that my metabolism is not going to magically change. If I am being honest, I must accept that this is me and if I want to lose weight and get healthy, I must accept that it is going to be a long hard journey with setbacks but that I can do it. I will prove that I was right when I said that if I gained weight, I would lose it.

Here's to a successful week for us all.
posted 19 May 2008, 13:18
50 LB WLC - WEEK #3
Why do I eat? I definitely am an emotional eater but any emotion will do. If I am being honest, I need to go way, way back. As a child an young adult, I was skinny and actually saw a doctor about trying to gain weight. He told me ' don't worry, my dear. One day you will be wishing for these days'. I always said that I would never be fat because I knew how hard it was to gain weight so I would have no problem losing it. I was 107lb on my wedding day (I am 5'Cool. Must have been very contented because in the first 6 mo, I gained 28 lb but that put me at a good weight. I maintained that weight for a long time. After I had my son, I lost most of the baby weight. Then he went in and out of the hospital and I ate and ate. That started my eating and although I have lost weight at times, it has always found its way back and then some. I vowed for each of my kids weddings that I would lost weight however my love of food and other things always got in the way. Last year I was diagnosed with diabetes and high cholesterol. I have had high blood pressure for years. I decided it was time to get serious. I lost 30 lbs. This year I put back on 11 lb before I asked myself what I was doing. That same day I saw an article about this site and resolved that this time I WILL be successful.
I eat when I am happy, sad, bored, tired whatever.

My goals 1) eat 3 meals a day
2) think about what I am eating & eat slowly
3) try to distract myself with an activity if I get hungry at non-meal times or eat a healthy snack
4) do not beat myself up if I go off track but try to contain it

Thanks for helping me keep on track.

posted 19 May 2008, 13:09
Started off great with exercise but then did zippo. I had gained a lb right at the beginning of the week but I managed to end the week down 0.8 lb. Not terrific but better than nothing. That extra pound stayed there til Sun but what I have been doing as well, is monitoring my body fat on my scale and it was going down. As well, once a week, I record my measurments and they have also been going down so even though the pounds are slow, there are other improvements and I am using them to try to keep me on track. So far I have not had too much trouble following a diet (except for Sat when my daughter took me out for dinner) but I do need to work on the exercise. I am truly amazed when I see how much most of you are doing. I know I cannot walk home tomorrow as I have a meeting downtown but as soon as I finish this post, I am going to walk home and that is an hour away. Will try to do it at least 2 other days this week.

What is my greatest barrier. ME!!! I know why I need to do this and I do want to do this however there is a part of me that says you have other things to do so don't worry about the exercise. Others don't really think you can stick with this so why not just give in to what they think. Instead of listening to the negative side of me, I need to listen to the positive side of me. It is funny. People are always asking me for advise and say how positive I am and what a wonderful way I have of looking at the world. I just need to have that positiveness about ME!!

I will be positive this week. I will do what I can to be a bit better each day and will try to listen to the positive voice that says, even 10 min of exercise is better than none.

Good luck to all this week and thanks for all your posts. They are most encouraging.
posted 12 May 2008, 18:01
My final straw was that my feet and legs were so swollen that I could hardly walk. I knew that this was not good and I had put back on 10 of the 30 lbs that I lost last year. I did not want to continue to jeopardize my health. I have diabetes, high blood pressure & high cholesterol. I hate exercise and manage to make excuses for why I am too busy.
My goal this week is to exercise every day, even if only for 15 min. Here is to a successful week for all of us.
posted 04 May 2008, 22:36
nancy48 has submitted 5 posts

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