Joined July 2017
Weight History

Start Weight
196.9 lb
Lost so far: 31.1 lb

Current Weight
165.8 lb
Performance: losing 1.5 lb a week

Goal Weight
154.3 lb
Still to go: 11.5 lb
I am 64 years old - a wife, mother and grandmother, from Israel. I am an academic and teach in a school of social work in Israel. I also engage in peace-building activities, so life is very full.
I have weighed too much most of my life and have decided that again it is critical for me to get healthy. When I commit to something, I am usually good - it's a matter of psychological will power, and when I have it, everything - including strict diets - become much easier for me.

My goal - to be at a healthy weight where I feel good about myself inside and out.

kibbutz's Weight History

kibbutz's Latest Posts

back from the US - actually lost when on vacation
it was wonderful. and since then, have gone down another 1.5 kg. I am very happy with the progress. thanks for the support!
posted 15 Oct 2017, 03:40
back from the US - actually lost when on vacation
I was hoping not to gain, but I continued to eat healthily and came back 4.8 kg lighter (11 lbs) then when I left! I am down 11.6 kg from when I began the diet (25.5 lbs).

this makes me very happy and encourages to continue on this way
posted 11 Oct 2017, 20:38
so this is my diet...
I have been dieting for nearly 6 weeks now. Before I joined FS, I weighed about 90.5 kg. I am now at 84.2. Since I know my eating habits, I keep to a very strict diet and do not cheat at all. This is because I do not know what 'one cookie' is or 'one bite of chocolate.' That's why I do much better if I cut them out completely and categorize them as 'poison' for me.

I do my own diet since I know pretty much what I should eat from diets of the past. I am also vegetarian.

I eat throughout the day, so that I won't be hungry. My eating hours are about 5:30 to 17:30. I am not hungry after that.

I eat whole wheat (no sugar added) toast with a touch of butter in the morning with coffee with low fat milk (no sweetener) and 0% yogurt.
Once a day I make a big salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, red/orange peppers, part of a carrot, lettuce, humous (the beans, not the spread), 3% cottage cheese and one teaspoon of ketchup mixed with low fat mayonnaise.

I eat one - one and a half pieces of fruit a day (usually an apple with a few grapes or with some peach).

I make either hard boiled eggs or an omelet (with not oil/butter). Sometimes I saute mushrooms and an onion (with no oil/butter)

a cup of cold coffee in late afternoon (no sweetener)

a grilled soya patty or another 0% yogurt

3 whole wheat rice cakes with a smear of 5% cream cheese with chives/dill

I drink water and diet soda (too much of this, I know this is really not good for anyone...)

a fake popsicle (20 calories)

I rarely get to 1000 calories a day.

I haven't been doing routine exercise, but I walk whenever I can, move around, do a lot of cleaning, work in the garden.

I feel a zillion times better and am thinking about how to get more exercise in.

so far so good.
I carry on.

posted 31 Jul 2017, 23:57
down 6 kg! Yea
while I didn't weigh myself at the beginning of my diet (June 22nd), and only got up the nerve to do so on July 2nd, I am quite sure that I lost over 1.5 kg those first 11 days because the diet has been very strict and I did not deviate at all.

so, I am about 6 kg less than when I began and am very happy.
1. I feel much better already - amazing. Almost no stomach aches, lighter on my feet, better mood.
2. I am proud of sticking to it and choosing healthy options throughout the day.
3. This gives me more motivation to continue.

Just sharing...
posted 24 Jul 2017, 23:57
it's been a month since started diet
I lost 5 kg in the first month.
Now on to the second month
I will be happy if this month I can lose 4 kg - it will be harder since I will be on a family trip to the US, eating out much more, not being in my home, and therefore not having the strict control I have now over what I eat.
Here's to success with this new challenge
posted 21 Jul 2017, 21:48
kibbutz has submitted 5 posts
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