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01 June 2024

Quite a week this week with getting ready for the Used Book Sale for our Women's Shelter. This has occasioned a fair amount of eating out. It also means pretty constant walking and lifting of boxes of books! In the end, as the dust has cleared, I am up 0.2 pounds. Frankly I am taking this as a win! Restaurant meals especially when I am limited to the restaurant where I am setting up the books tend to be high.

Good strategies have been: eating a good breakfast before leaving, splitting my meal with one of the other workers and choosing a chef salad as I can control the dressing and it is 'real' food! Versus deep fried everything!!

Yesterday I put in 12 hours at the sale. We finished putting out the last 75 boxes and then opened for business for 4 hours! In those 4 hours we had 121 people come through!! We are in a small town so that number is pretty significant. People have been generous on top of the bags of books they have bought. $1500 made thus far! Today we have 6 hours of seeing. Tomorrow will be 4 hours and then done!

I tried to upload a picture but no luck!
Weigh-in: 212.0 lb lost so far: 56.5 lb still to go: 42.0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   add comment gaining 0.4 lb a week

25 May 2024

This is a 2.4 loss from last week. Last week I had just returned from my trip to Portugal when I gained 7.6 pounds. Definitely didn't lose all of it! Didn't actually expect to since that has never been my pattern. At one point this week I was 0.8 less than where I ended up however the rest of the week I was higher!

I have been weighing my food and with summer coming on I have been out in my yard 2-4 hours daily. This has helped. Next week, however, I am spearheading a Used Book Sale in support of the local Women's Shelter. I will be working there 7 hours daily for 6 days. That means not much in my yard will be getting done!

I have started back to making meals and freezing them rather than buying premade frozen meals. Food is better and more filling. Presently I have 4 different meals and around 15 total in the freezer.

This week has been about picking up all the things that got dropped while I was on vacation. Lots of paperwork, getting my father in law's house cleaner for its sale, a presentation to a town council on behalf of the Shelter, planning for the book sale and my July party and yard work!!
Weigh-in: 211.6 lb lost so far: 56.9 lb still to go: 41.6 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (2 comments) losing 2.4 lb a week

18 May 2024

It has been 18 days since I have checked in. In that time, I travelled to Portugal and truly I had little to no restraint! I ate delicious unfamiliar foods such as octopus, goosenecked barnacles and a variety of foods made differently than I am used to. And the desserts! Mmmmmm! Very good and much variety!

Yesterday was my first day at home and it was time to step on the scale and see what the damage was. I had gained 9.2 pounds. I ate carefully and well yesterday while still overshooting my usual window of calories by 80 calories. This morning I lost and now the damage is 7.6 pounds up. I don't expect the rest to come off as easily as yesterday's!

I did have to face that I had some limitations on this trip. My right leg is a bit 'wonky' in that it will unexpectedly start to buckle every once in a while especially if the terrain is challenging (stairs, up or down hill). I will be getting to work on that because I don't want to feel like I can't do things because of it. Basically I will need to strengthen my thigh muscles and ankles/calves.

We had a fabulous time - my daughter, my grandchildren (ages 16 & 19) and myself. Besides eating interesting and amazing things we also went to a number of outdoor markets, kayaked (not the plan but couldn't reverse an error in the booking so went with it! Managed to burn my legs pretty good), visited an Oceanarium, walked through old sections of various towns, gondola boat ride, a tile workshop, a fabulous bookstore (looked like something out of Harry Potter!),TukTuk tour in Sintra, swam in the ocean, museums, and my daughter and granddaughter scaled some cliffs and jumped into the ocean (Daughter did it twice and granddaughter did it 7 times - all different spots) We did a lot of driving from the North to the South of Portugal. Beau1tiful country!

Next week is going to be relatively quiet so I will be able to focus on my self-care more.
Weigh-in: 214.0 lb lost so far: 54.5 lb still to go: 44.0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   add comment gaining 3.0 lb a week

30 April 2024

I am weighing in today simply because I am leaving to go to the city and will board the airplane tomorrow. I will not be traveling with a scale. I will be recording to the best of my ability what I eat each day. I find that kind of accountability keeps me more aware.

My general plan is all about seafood. In Portugal seafood is fresh and plentiful. Seems like a good idea! I also know that I will be sampling the desserts. I do find desserts in Europe tend not to be so sweet which will help!

I also know that we will be walking a lot. This, however, isn't necessarily a weight loss situation. I did 5.5 hours of dragging deadfall out of my yard area - yes my yard is that big and I have a lot of poplar which dies often! My reward? A two pound weight gain that it took two days to go away! This sort of thing is often my experience. My sister comes across the same thing. One summer she walked the El Comino about 20 km/day for 12 days. She did not lose weight! Walking is good for muscles and toning and cardio. Not weight loss!

Next weigh in is May 18!
Weigh-in: 206.4 lb lost so far: 62.1 lb still to go: 36.4 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (1 comment) losing 0.4 lb a week

20 April 2024

I gained 1.6 pounds this week. I also ate approximately 80 calories extra per day. Certainly to be expected.

Areas of improvement for me: I need to not purchase any peanut butter for awhile. I seem to be eating it often and it is calorie dense. Not a good idea for me! This is in combination with eating out. I was gone from home for two days and was eating out. Definitely high calorie as we were eating East Indian food and I had two fancy coffees during that time. There were also some desserts eaten.

Next week I am subbing two days. I will need to pack a lunch both days as that will keep the calories down. I see one other day where breakfast and lunch will be eaten out. This is the last week home before I head to Portugal.

This past week was a busy one. I had a neighbour come in and mow down some heavy grass areas with a big machine. My granddaughter stayed with me a couple of days. My granddaughter and I loaded and emptied two truck loads of shelving from my father in law's to my house. I have been making sure the Used Book Sale, a Casino event and reporting to the local municipalities is all organized before I leave on my trip, one evening meeting and proctoring apprenticeship exams. I had a nibble at selling my father in law's house but it fell through. Today I am meeting a friend for lunch who I haven't seen in 5 years.
Weigh-in: 207.0 lb lost so far: 61.5 lb still to go: 37.0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (2 comments) gaining 1.6 lb a week

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