kingkeld's Journal, 18 January 2012

Yesterday, something amazing happened. The day before, I had made a decision to FINISH this weight loss journey (or, at least the part up until surgery and maintenance) STRONG, and to quit self-sabotaging. I took a look into myself and decided that I was ready for this, and that this was something I needed and even more WANTED to do.

Then, yesterday morning's weigh-in gave me a whopping 2 kg weight drop.

This made me think. I can't recall the last time I have had a drop of two kgs (that't a little over 4 lbs!) in ONE day.

Is this something that can happen simply because you make the decision? I saw this back when I started to. I made the decision. I made it SOLID. I made a pact with myself that this is what I will do, and this is how I do it.

The question that kept teasing my noggin was, whether making the decision can actually make you lose weight, just as NOT making the decision whole-heartedly can make you NOT lose the weight you really want.

I'm not only talking self-sabotage, of which I think I have been guilty of lately. I'm talking about that our bodies will simply react. I am focused on a weight number, and if I am not ready for it to reach "next level" then my body simply won't give it to me. Now I am ready to shed the last kgs, and now my body lets me.

You see, not only did I lose 2 kgs for my weigh-in yesteray. I also lost 1.2 kgs for today's weigh-in. That's 3.2 kgs in two days! I can't grasp how that's even possible. I'm not even counting fluctuation from Indulgence Day in.

This means, that I can today announce this picture:

I am now officially under 80 kgs! Woooo hooo! I've been doing my little happy dance all morning - hopefully that'll burn some calories! :)

Thinking back to yesterday, I see what I have been doing right.

1. A good breakfast (the one I always eat: Rye bread, boiled eggs, ham. Not sure if I had the ham, actually...)
2. A light and sane lunch. Work served sandwiches, and I got a ham/cheese one. It was served in a bun, about 100g, and the bottom half had mayo. I tossed the bottom half of the bread with the mayo, and kept the top half. That left bread with no mayo, a slice of ham, a slice of cheese, lettuce, bell pepper and tomato. Not bad. I weighed the bread to make sure of my intake.
3. Chicken salad for dinner. Basically a lettuce/tomato/cucumber salad with pieces of chicken. No dressing. Yum!
4. Snacks were two bananas, a pear, and carrots.

I did all good, healthy choices, and I'm gonna try to keep doing this. Sure, I will still do my ice cream dessert at night, I truly don't think it causes any damage to me, and it's only 90 calories for one serving. And I will only have one serving. I'm pretty set on this. If I see it messing me up, then I will skip it. Then again, I might end up skipping it anyways. We'll see.

Today, I have a BUSY day at work. I didn't sleep haft the night, pondering on my damn cases. I hate being stressed about this. I'm gonna spend this week trying to work out what I can do to get sharper on the trouble cases, get ahead of them and deal with them. I need them gone, gone, gone from my head. I need my sleep, if I want to focus at work (and in life in general). Don't worry, I'll get there.

Then, after work, I will be going to the gym. I have music and movies lined up on Tabby, and I'm really looking forward to it! I didn't go on Monday, as the gym was jam packed. I guess that's the downside of going to the cheap gym sometimes. There was a line by the treadmill, so I opted to go home and do my bike instead, which I did for a full hour. If it's packed again, I just might do this.

Other than that, not much more going on today. I'm so excited about the weigh-in though. I can't believe that I am finally under 80 kgs. I remember thinking, way back when I started, that I'd be happy if I could only get below 110 kgs. That would be a perfect accomplishment. 110 kgs was a huge deal, as I would have to lose 45 kgs to get there. It was quite a mission to go on.

When I look at profiles here on Fatsecret and see that people have goals that are up that high, I often think to myself that it's great. I think that it's awesome that they set a goal. I think it's awesome that it's reasonably accomplishable. But I also hope that they will change that goal again after. I hope they don't just say "Well, I made it, that is it. Good enough is good enough". I hope that they ask themselves if they can keep going, and then do so. Change the life style. Change the habits. Become the better version of yourself. Then continue to come down in weight.

This journey is so emotional sometimes, all the ups and downs. We all have them, and it's so good to know that there are people out there (that's you, buddies!) who care and can related, who'll listen when the going gets tough, and cheer when the tough gets going. I'm glad I'm back in the latter category again. Let's try to stay there.

Today I am thankful for:
- and AMAZING new lowest weigh-in.
- being able to brag about being in the high 70's!
- wife being a super support (Love you, babe!)
- a lunch sandwich yesterday that wasn't as bad as I feared.
- a good day coming today.

Take care, my friends, LIFE IS GOOD!
175.5 lb Lost so far: 166.2 lb.    Still to go: 0 lb.    Diet followed 100%.

Diet Calendar Entries for 18 January 2012:
1215 kcal Fat: 24.06g | Prot: 73.06g | Carb: 171.94g.   Breakfast: Sliced Ham (Extra Lean), Rye Bread. Lunch: Pork Chop, Mixed Vegetables (Frozen). Dinner: mixed vegetables, chicken breast. Snacks/Other: Werther's Original Sugar Free Hard Candy, tangerine, apple, kakaois. more...
2870 kcal Activities & Exercise: Standing - 6 hours and 30 minutes, Walking (moderate) - 3/mph - 20 minutes, Sleeping - 8 hours, Sitting - 7 hours and 10 minutes, Desk Work - 2 hours. more...
losing 18.5 lb a week


That is freaking AWESOME. I'm singing a rousing chorus of "We are the Champions" in your honour. I also dig your celebratory Happy Feet. =) 
18 Jan 12 by member: ferlengheti
its nice to meet ya, and sure!! I'll dance with ya already LOL! This is fantastic! I have a lot of catching up to do (in your journey).  
18 Jan 12 by member: cindyshine
Congrats for the new low...Thankful for your journals...:O) 
18 Jan 12 by member: BHA
Congrats!! Mind over body. Amazing. So very happy for you! 
18 Jan 12 by member: petuniak
Cindyshine, I'm glad to have you aboard! I'll be looking into your journey too. I think I can learn some things from you. I need to know all I can about maintenance.  
18 Jan 12 by member: kingkeld
Everyone! I can't say enough how much I appreciate you guys. I kinda picture you all with little kingkeld-banners, horns, and facepaint in kingkeld colors, with We Are The Champions blaring over the PA. :) Made me smile. Thanks, guys.  
18 Jan 12 by member: kingkeld
nice one man. I think you're pretty much the posterboy for this site ;) well you and a few others who have had similar amazing journeys getting their former selves back. congratulations :D  
21 Feb 12 by member: JosephBlade


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