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28 December 2010

25 December 2010

Well its is a Christmas to be greatful for and thats the truth. We planned on a winter in LaPaz and ended up home before Christmas because my husband had a severe diverticulitis attack that put him in the hospital in Mexico for 4 days...very scary. The Dr's said he may end up needing surgery so home we came, the best choice for sure. We ceretainly enjoyed the time we had there, we just loved it. The people are friendly and so laid back..they work a day to live a day. They do with little and smile and sing and just enjoy life to the fullest, I learned alot from them and hope someday to go back. I got on the scale this morning and got a gift of a 2 lb lost, havent weighed since September and holidays and all I was very pleased. Merry Christmas to all my old buddies and friends. I am going back to work in the oilsands on January 11th and hope to spend far more time on FS and see how you are all doing...thanks Ruby for keeping me smiling...:) Luv Lenny

09 November 2010

Hola,Well friend I am finally here in LaPaz after an awesome journey to get here, cleaning all those toilets was certainly worth while. We just got our internet yesterday so it will be so much easier to keep in touch with family and friends. We are in a house here in LaPaz its been in the mid 80's since we arrived. I think Dr.Atkins never made it this far because rice and beans is the dish of choice and lets not forget the corn tortias ( not spelled correctly ) The hot weather and walking is helping to even that out. The mexicans look at us like we are from another planet of course we are with 5 dogs (perro's) and that just throws them for a loop, 3 crazy canadians and 5 I hope everyone is doing well, I miss you and will keep in touch. Feel free to tell me to step away from the taco' take care Lenny :)

11 October 2010

Only 3 days until lift off. We leave Thursday morning and counting the hours. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with all the family 23 for dinner and it was awesome. We will only get internet at the cyber cafe's in LaPaz so we decided Facebook is the way to go. I can keep in touch with everyone and post pictures there too so you can all see if the ass is getting to wide and to step away from the burrito' Please send me a friend request I would love to see you, my name on facebook is Linda Watson and I have the same picture as here my dog Tyson. Lenny is a nickname my husband gave me 30 years ago and it stuck. I hope each on of you have a great winter and take care of yourselves...keep your goals in mind and before you know it you will be there. I am sending all my love to each buddy and each friend and thanking each one for the part you played in my weight loss journey you will never know how important you all are to me, I could not have done this with out your support. I will keep the weight off because "I promised my heart I would" Lenny

01 October 2010

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