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06 September 2017

Well! Another new low.
Here's the weird thing. Yesterday, I ate twice, AND had spaghetti (shrimp scampi) for dinner. And the weigh-in today, instead of being first thing in the morning, was after being at work briefly, and grocery shopping. Kes CAN eat wheat???
So I haven't had anything to eat today (5 PM now, 26 hours from yesterday's dinner), and while there's an empty feeling in my belly, I don't find anything appetizing, so I may just fast through the night. A good friend brought me a 3 lb. slab of pork belly and 2 bags of dried hibiscus flowers (great tea!). So now I have to decide what to do with the pork. There are some AMAZING recipes for the belly meat, but I remember being at my grandparents' farm and having 'sow-belly' bacon for breakfast. Basically, uncured streaky bacon... YUM! Whatever I decide, there will be cracklings!
Keeping an eye on hurricane's still unknown what direction it will take. I bought a portable litter box and small cat food containers in case I have to get my fur babies out of danger. For myself, I've been a prepper since 2012, and I have plenty of preps. At home, I could last about a year with no groceries. If I have to bug out, I have plenty to choose from. I also have 3 alternative cooking methods, at least 3 lighting methods, and as long as my car doesn't get flooded out, a way to keep my phone charged. I have a huge, round Jacuzzi tub in my master bath, which should hold about 100 gallons of potable water. I also have 4, 10 gallon jugs I can fill. Clean water: covered!
I've had offers of shelter in the mountains of Georgia, Alabama and South Carolina. All viable options, except for the cats. If it's going to make landfall as a CAT3 or less, I will stay here. Anything higher (or closer), I will head north and west with the cats. I can ride it out in my car if I have to. I have a full tank of gas, plus a 5 gallon jug in reserve. Traffic heading north out of Florida has been heavy-ish on the Interstate already, so I will stick to back roads if I do scram.
So yeah, I'm skinny, prepared, and alert. *smirk* Still, any good thoughts, wishes and prayers are appreciated!
Wishing all my buddies and followers peace and and success.
Weigh-in: 156.6 lb lost so far: 43.4 lb still to go: 6.6 lb Diet followed poorly
   (16 comments) losing 9.1 lb a week

04 September 2017

Hi, gang. Just checking in after a brief hiatus.
Still keeping with OMAD, but straying a bit into higher carb territory. I weigh daily, and see the variance from what I consumed the day before. No big gains, no big losses.
I just finished reading "Deception Point" by Dan Brown. Have you ever read such a thriller that leaves you shaking? Whew! Mr. Brown grabs your attention in the first paragraph, and doesn't let go until the last.
I've been sending love and compassion to the people of the US Gulf Coast since the devastation of Harvey. I know there are other places around the world enduring disasters of similar magnitude. It just seems to hit harder when it's closer to home. Still, I send the same thoughts to them all.
I've also been keeping an eye on the next system, Irene. The early track looks like it may come close to where I live. After riding out the hurricane last year, I have to decide ahead of time if I will stay or evacuate if it does.
Wishing you all success,
Weigh-in: 159.2 lb lost so far: 40.8 lb still to go: 9.2 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (7 comments) gaining 1.2 lb a week

25 August 2017

I met up with the ex for sushi and backgammon today. He's such a nice guy, it's a shame he friend zoned me. The interesting thing is that, for the first time EVER, he commented on my appearance. (!!!!) He asked if I was still following my WOE, because he noticed that in the last month since we last saw each other, I'm looking smaller. YEAH! He has NEVER made any comment about how I look, positive or negative. Whether I was dressed up on the cruise, or just out of bed, no comment. Today, he thinks I look thin, and great! Bazinga! Oh, yeah, and I beat him 4 out of 5 games of backgammon... *snicker* We've come to the conclusion that conversation and backgammon don't mix. When we play and try to talk, we both make stupid errors. LOL!

Yep, I will probably see a jump in the weight numbers from the sushi over the next few days, but it was SO worth it. Delicious, and deep down, I know it's healthy nourishment for this body.
I'm not logging the sushi feast, because I have no idea how to. But I will note the weight results, because I know what sushi rice does to my metabolism.
Today was a very good day, and I feel satisfied, happy and free.
Wishing you all a WONDERFUL weekend,

22 August 2017

Apparently, tossing and turning all night is good exercise! LOL!
After napping yesterday, I made a bowl of egg drop soup, unpacked the suitcase, played some computer games, and went to bed early. Now, after a really good night's sleep, I can reflect on my trip a little more happily.
One of the shining moments was when I was struggling to carry my suitcases down the stairs, and a young Black man offered to carry the big one for me. He did so with grace, and stayed to help me to the front desk. After the tensions in the US of late, I was very happy to see what we, the People, really are. I thanked him sincerely, and received a big smile in return. Moments of grace fill the soul.
I obviously didn't make the pilgrimage to Trader Joe's on that trip either. But there is one in Charleston, which is only an hour away from me, so I will still make one, and soon.
During the partial eclipse that covered my area (I think they said it was 98.6% of totality), we had a strong thunderstorm. I did get pretty dark, but I don't know if it was because of the clouds and rain, or because of the eclipse. I did have to turn on the lamp on my desk.
I'm still feeling a little tired, so I may take a nap this afternoon. Thankfully, I have the day off, since I was supposed to be travelling back from Columbia today.
Have a great Tuesday, Buddies!
Weigh-in: 157.0 lb lost so far: 43.0 lb still to go: 7.0 lb Diet followed 100%
   (8 comments) losing 5.6 lb a week

21 August 2017

TL;DR: The Eclipse weekend SUCKED!
Well. The much-anticipated eclipse weekend was a total bust, with an unanticipated bonus.
After making my hotel reservation 8 months ago to be in the path of totality for the eclipse, I drove a little more than 2 hours to be there. At first glance, the hotel seemed ok. Not top-notch, but good for the price. I expected it to be a busy weekend for them, so wasn't surprised that when I checked in, it was pretty much 'self-serve'.
I hadn't eaten all day, and was ready for a drink (bases covered in luggage there), but I had booked a smoking room (yes, I smoke) but there were no ashtrays. And there were no signs of an ice machine in the corridors.
I went to the front desk, to find out why I had no ashtrays, and to inquire about the ice machine. Turns out the reservation system neglected the smoking request.
Granted, this was a VERY busy weekend in the city, and they did have a smoking room available, just like the one I originally got. But I was offered no assistance in making the change, and the desk clerk acted very put out.
The new room was on the second floor, and there was no lift (elevator). Since I had multiple cases, I had to make several trips to relocate.
By this time, I was pretty hungry, and my plans for an elegant sushi meal were in tatters, I asked if there was something nearby for eats. I was steered to a long line of fast food. I saw that there was an Arby's nearby, and with the notion that all rules were off for the weekend, I got a double roast beef with potato cakes. There is no Arby's near me, and it was a real treat. I felt the need for a nap after that, so I laid down and slept for a couple of hours. I was wakened by a craving for Taco Bell. Went and got my customary favorites to go, and went back to the new room to enjoy. BLEH! Maybe Columbia, South Carolina doesn't understand The Bell, but my faves were insipid at best.
On the way back the the hotel, I spotted an Asian market. I stopped in, and was blown away with the variety vs. what's available locally. I fully intended to go back and shop there on Tuesday
Fast forward to Sunday night. One of the vloggers I've followed for 8 years was on Discovery Channel's "Naked and Afraid", and his episode played that night. Harrowing and sad.
As I was watching from the hotel bed, I realized that the bed was too hard, and the pillows were way too soft.
I kept trying to get drunk enough to fall asleep, but nothing worked. I got NO sleep last night, in a torture of tossing, turning, trying to find a comfortable position. Somewhere around 3 AM, I decided that I wasn't going to get any sleep, the computer said there would be overcast conditions for the day today, and the expedition would be a real bust. So I decided to come home early in the day, and checked out of the hotel at 7 AM. I got home around 9:30, had a cup of coffee, and climbed into my comfy bed. I got a good 4 hours of sleep before my cats realized I was home and wanted cuddle time.
The area I'm in was supposed to get 97% totality of the eclipse, but we were under a heavy cloud cover during the time, so I'm not sure the darkness was the eclipse or just clouds.
*Sigh* The nap helped, I saw the eclipse coverage on TV.
The upside to this story?
In spite of really bad diet, stress, and no sleep....down to a new low.
Go figure.
Weigh-in: 157.8 lb lost so far: 42.2 lb still to go: 7.8 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (13 comments) losing 1.2 lb a week

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