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14 June 2024

Weigh-in: 149.9 lb lost so far: 39.7 lb still to go: 6.6 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   add comment losing 0.6 lb a week

07 June 2024

This week was not too bad, but also not that great, so improvement is needed. I had Wotsits for the last two nights and a large slice of carrot cake last night too. Snacking has been a bit uncontrollable so I think I will try to keep tracking calories this weekend rather than abandon it on Saturday.

Water intake was fairly good and step count so far is an average of 8200 steps. Last week only ended up on 6500, which is not that great. Thankfully we have walks scheduled on Sat and Sun and I'll be walking to work (for the third time) this evening. I've also consciously been trying to up my steps at work and taking more stairs whenever possible.

Thankfully when I saw the GP a while ago she said I don't need blood pressure meds right now, but said I would need some in the future, so I'm not completely out of the woods. Will get an ECG and blood tests next week and I've asked to check my thyroid function too so hope that's all fine.

This week randomly someone at work has Covid and they're still making her come in while wearing a mask. It's suddenly made me so paranoid and overanalysing how cold I've felt this week and the few fleeting headaches I've had and a runny nose I know is due to hayfever.

Anyhoo, next week I'll aim for below 68kg again and try to keep the trend going for a while. Hope you all have a lovely weekend! x
Weigh-in: 150.5 lb lost so far: 39.1 lb still to go: 7.2 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (4 comments) losing 0.3 lb a week

31 May 2024

Walked to work three days this week, twice in rain, but at least my work shorts have come out and I actually need a belt to keep them from slipping down. Last week I got a bit too fast and loose with my eating and somehow we ended up with a bakewell pudding, chocolate cake and scones in the house over the weekend and it just got a bit ridiculous. Hence I've started tracking calories again on Monday even though I still had some of the pudding to finish.

It's quite difficult when you're trying to eat up to 30 plant foods a week and then your husband brings home a giant loaf of soft white bread and another pack of scones randomly in a week where he's not home for lunch much - so I feel I have to eat it because I hate to waste food. I need him to stop buying things that are on offer - it's not a good deal if it doesn't fit into my plan to stay healthy and eat good nourishing nutrient dense foods. He needs to mosey down the fruit and veg aisles for yellow stickers instead of down the bread and bakery ones!

On the plus side at one point we also had some wonderful sweet dark cherries, blackberries, blueberries, peaches and a honeydew melon so those were delicious!

Anyhoo, so my step-count for the week wasn't bad and I got to chat with friends at a pub on the bank holiday Monday and also potentially made a new friend visiting her shedquarters at the end of her garden. She's a jewellery maker who also moulds reclaimed metals like copper and bronze so it was fun to see her little kilns, all her tools and paraphernalia and her beautiful little garden with lots of birds visiting bird-feeders and her little jack russell occasionally wanting us to throw his favourite bit of rock to fetch.

I feel very grateful to have met her and another lovely women whom I've been out on a few walks with through the monthly creative networking thing I've been going to since December. I feel like I'm slowly coming out of my perimenopause cocoon and making some new local friends, which was very much needed. I still value all the lovely friends I've made here on FS so I hope to be more active here when I have some time. Hope you're all well and wishing you a fab weekend!

On Sunday we'll be going to a family fair type thing in a park close to our new house. Not sure if I mentioned that before, but we had an offer accepted in early April. I am still not quite believing that it's all happening until someone gives me a date when we'll get the keys (or perhaps when we sign the contracts). Until then it seems rather tentative and fragile and I'm almost preparing to start looking on Rightmove again, but silently holding fingers crossed that the sale goes through smoothly.

That was my Friday morning occasional ramble. I will try to be more regular and start to get some weight shifting in the right direction again next week. I've taken the odd photo of my food, but then just don't seem to find the time to post it so I need to engage more. It can and will be done and some Rock Stars on FS have spurred me on! Keep on Rock'in! x
Weigh-in: 150.8 lb lost so far: 38.8 lb still to go: 7.5 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (3 comments) gaining 0.9 lb a week

17 May 2024

This is after two weeks of experimenting with not counting calories. In the first week, I went over 68kg again and now it's come down again.

Averaging around 9k steps a day and trying to drink lots of water. Also having 2 tbsp ACV a day either in herbal tea or I prefer it in food (savoury or oats) and beetroot, which I love anyway. Re-introduced those along with trying to reduce stress to get my blood pressure down to normal. I've finally bought a kit to take readings at home after another spike while seeing the nurse at the end of April. Still not sure if they'll put me on meds, but time will tell.

Sorry I've been absent on here. Not sure when my headspace will allow me to come back and be present so I've just been dipping in very occasionally. And sometimes, like this morning, the app is so glitchy and just annoys me.

Hope you're all doing well and living the good life! Have a lovely weekend! xxx
Weigh-in: 149.0 lb lost so far: 40.6 lb still to go: 5.7 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (2 comments) gaining 0.2 lb a week

03 May 2024

Weigh-in: 148.6 lb lost so far: 41.0 lb still to go: 5.3 lb Diet followed 100%
   (1 comment) losing 2.4 lb a week

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