I'm in the United States for 13 months, or rather, I've already been here for 7 months, so I am more than half way already. What I would really, really love is for people to see, when I step off that plane at home, that I have lost weight. I've been big all my life, I am 22 years old and I've tried just about every diet there is, but nothing really works. Here is the funny thing, I work out. When I lived at home I went to the gym twice or three times per week for weightlifting etc. And since I didn't have a car, I walked 6.2 miles every day I worked out, usually every other day to. Nothing happened. Then I came here, spent a week at a preparation school on Long Island, NY (I'm an au pair), and I couldn't stand the food. During the whole week I didn't really eat anything, more than a few peices of candy from a vending machine. I lost 5 kg, that's about 10-12 lbs. And that's where I'm standing today, 10 kg from my all-time-high, on a plateau. Again. But this time it's just going to go downhill, higher numbers are not welcome on this scale!