Food database and calorie counter Brand Type: Restaurant/Fast Food

Caribou Coffee

Calorie and Nutrition information for popular products from Caribou Coffee:
Popular Items: Bagels, Beverages, Breakfast Items, Coffee, Energy Drinks, Iced Coffee, Iced Tea, Latte, Sandwiches, Smoothies, Tea, more...

Caribou Coffee Bagels:

Everything Bagel with Cream Cheese
Plain Bagel with Cream Cheese
Asiago Bagel with Cream Cheese
Blueberry Bagel with Cream Cheese
Smoked Salmon on Plain Bagel
Cinnamon Raisin Bagel with Cream Cheese
Asiago Bagel
Blueberry Bagel
Cinnamon Raisin Bagel
Everything Bagel

Caribou Coffee Beverages:

Vanilla Caribou Cooler Blended Beverage - Small
Chocolate Caribou Cooler Blended Beverage - Small
Chocolate Caribou Cooler Blended Beverage - Medium
Chocolate Caribou Cooler Blended Beverage - Large
Chocolate Caribou Cooler Blended Beverage - XL
Coffee Caribou Cooler Blended Beverage - XL
Espresso Caribou Cooler Blended Beverage - Medium
Caramel Caribou Cooler Blended Beverage - Medium
Caramel Caribou Cooler Blended Beverage - XL
Vanilla Caribou Cooler Blended Beverage - Medium

Caribou Coffee Breakfast Items:

Just Egg, Roasted Tomato & Pesto Flatbread
Turkey Bacon, Egg & Cheddar Mini
Ham, Egg and Swiss Croissant
Gluten-Free Bacon & Gouda Souffle
Chicken Chorizo Burrito
Bacon, Egg and Cheddar
Sausage, Egg and Cheddar
Maple Waffle Sandwich
Chicken Apple Sausage, Egg & Cheddar

Caribou Coffee Coffee:

Everything Bagel with Cream Cheese
Coffee Caribou Cooler Blended Beverage - XL
Coffee of The Day - Medium
Coffee of The Day - Large
Coffee of The Day - Small
Coffee of The Day - XL
Coffee Caribou Cooler Blended Beverage - Small
Coffee Caribou Cooler Blended Beverage - Large
Coffee Caribou Cooler Blended Beverage - Medium
Cinnamon Coffee Cake

Caribou Coffee Energy Drinks:

Peach Mango Energy Drink - Medium
Peach Mango Energy Drink - Large
Strawberry Pineapple Energy Drink - Medium
Pomegranate Acai Energy Drink - Medium
Pomegranate Acai Lemonade Energy Drink - Medium
Blue Raspberry Energy Drink - Large
Blue Raspberry Energy Drink - XL
Strawberry Pineapple Energy Drink - Large
Blue Raspberry Lemonade Energy Drink - XL
Peach Mango Energy Drink - Small

Caribou Coffee Iced Coffee:

Latte - Iced - Medium
Crafted Press - Iced - Medium
Matcha Vanilla Tea Latte - Iced - Medium
Espresso Shaker - Vanilla - Medium
Matcha Vanilla Tea Latte - Iced - Small
Matcha Vanilla Tea Latte - Iced - Large
Cold Press - Iced - Medium
Crafted Press - Iced - Large
Espresso Shaker - Vanilla - Large
Mocha - Iced - Medium

Caribou Coffee Iced Tea:

Matcha Vanilla Tea Latte - Iced - Medium
Matcha Vanilla Tea Latte - Iced - Small
Matcha Vanilla Tea Latte - Iced - Large
Bousted Green Tea Lemonade - Iced - Large
Bousted Peach Black Tea - Iced - Medium
Tropical Green Iced Tea - Medium
Bousted Peach Black Tea - Iced - XL
Matcha Vanilla Tea Latte - Iced - XL
Bousted Green Tea Lemonade - Iced - Medium
Tropical Green Iced Tea - XL

Caribou Coffee Latte:

Latte - Iced - Medium
Latte - Hot - Large
Latte - Hot - Medium
Latte - Hot - Small
Latte - Nitro
Latte - Iced - Large
Latte - Iced - XL
Latte - Iced - Small
Latte - Hot - XL
Matcha Vanilla Tea Latte - Iced - Medium

Caribou Coffee Sandwiches:

Smoked Salmon on Plain Bagel
Just Egg, Roasted Tomato & Pesto Flatbread
Turkey Bacon, Egg & Cheddar Mini
Ham, Egg and Swiss Croissant
Gluten-Free Bacon & Gouda Souffle
Chicken Chorizo Burrito
Turkey & Provolone on Asiago Bagel
Bacon, Egg and Cheddar
Caprese Sandwich
Sausage, Egg and Cheddar

Caribou Coffee Smoothies:

Strawberry Banana Smoothie - Medium
Strawberry Banana Smoothie - XL
Strawberry Banana Smoothie - Small
Strawberry Banana Smoothie - Large
Kids Strawberry Banana Smoothie
Kids Strawberry Fruit Shaker
Kids Peach Fruit Shaker
Kids Berry Punch Fruit Shaker

Caribou Coffee Tea:

Matcha Vanilla Tea Latte - Iced - Medium
Matcha Vanilla Tea Latte - Iced - Small
Matcha Vanilla Tea Latte - Iced - Large
Earl Grey Tea Latte - Small
Bousted Green Tea Lemonade - Iced - Large
Bousted Peach Black Tea - Iced - Medium
Frozen Matcha Tea with Bubbles - Small
Tropical Green Iced Tea - Medium
Raspberry Green Tea with Bubbles - Large
Raspberry Green Tea with Bubbles - Small

More popular types of Caribou Coffee products:

Bread Burritos Cakes Candies
Chips Chocolate Chip Cookies Cookies Cream
Croissants Desserts Donuts Frozen Drinks
Granola Bars Hot Chocolate Milk Milk Shakes
Muffins Oatmeal Oats Pastries
Scones Sodas Water Yogurt

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