Got myself a new ruler! I did not even realized that while I was bitching that the I diet is not working I actually lost 19lbs in 6 weeks.
Wow... Could you tell it in your clothes? What a great surprise!
30 May 07 by member: amyf19
I know how you feel, and it highlights how important a positive attitude is with any diet. If you've got a crappy attitude, you're more likely to overlook the good things that are happening. Kudos on the weight loss. Keep it up, you'll reach your goal in no time!
31 May 07 by member: reeneejune
I know how you feel, and it highlights how important a positive attitude is with any diet. If you've got a crappy attitude, you're more likely to overlook the good things that are happening. Kudos on the weight loss. Keep it up, you'll reach your goal in no time!
31 May 07 by member: reeneejune
Thank amyf19 and reeneejune!
31 May 07 by member: Tsarina
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