Joined September 2011
Weight History

Start Weight
216.0 lb
Lost so far: 0.2 lb

Current Weight
216.2 lb
Performance: losing 0.2 lb a week

Goal Weight
211.0 lb
Still to go: 5.2 lb
I am not good at writing these things so I will just say that I am me. I suck at losing weight and I need to re-charge myself.

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last weighin: losing 1.9 lb a week Down
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If you belive this, it is very sad and I do hope you find the help you need, because ED's are very serious, they are not healthy, they do not promote health and sometimes they push a disorderd thinking person over the edge. Things like this make me very sad.

posted 06 Dec 2011, 15:44
i really wish they would hurry up and make maryjane legal
hahaha Welcome to the interwebs, when you post a controversial topic such as the legalization of MJ than you usually get responses.

I know there have been a lot of controversial topics on this site (I have been a member here for well over a year - under a different name) I have seen majority of the controversial topics, but I also believe that in the past the rules have been sited to those too (or they were on a few).

I am not saying you are wrong at all, I was just pointing out that some people may not want their employer to know they said what they said and while you can prohibit people from actually reading your personal journal anything posted on the forums is open to the public, if you google it you can find it, and some people do have their profile pictures as themselves, and some have names that are close to their real names. I also know there are people out there who do not realize this which is why I pointed out that it was a public forum Smile

PS, talking about a piercing in a place that may not be their ears is a little less controversial than leaglizing pot, unless of course they include pictures of said piercings.
posted 28 Nov 2011, 16:17
i really wish they would hurry up and make maryjane legal
I know for a fact that Kstubb is not a Narc, and chances are she was far from offended by this post (I have yet to offend her and we have been buddies for over a year lol) she simply stated the rules. Does it say you should use it? no but at the discretion of the administrators it could be seen as a violation of the rules and it oculd be removed.

That being said, you people do realize that you are probably posting this from work, or that it will be easy to identify you and that these are public forums and that anyone that you work for can possibly read these right? Because I read the entire thing and while majority of posters are for legalization of pot, some have out right stated using it regularly, and some companies are against the use of any illegal substance.

Is pot a serious drug? In my world no - never has been. But it is illegal in most places and as such you should watch what you put out there about yourself.

do I think it should be legalized? yes, for many reasons. Majority being I know several people who have benifited from the medicinal use of it over anything that could have been prescribed.
posted 28 Nov 2011, 15:18
To warn or not to warn
1. these our PERSONAL journals... you know thoughts feelings etc. bound to be negative shit in there, no one is 100% positive all the time.

2. If you are really worried about upsetting someone with YOUR negative entry. Make your account private (For buddies only), that way only the people you are friends with will see it.

3. If you are writting a negative journal entry and feel the need to put up a warning than do so. I have done it in the past so my buddies do not have to read it if they don't want to.

I thought we were all adults, as such should we not beable to click the little x in the corner if we do not want to read something negative dont. IF it is because you are reading the tab under "everyone" stop, only read your buddy feed. Its pretty simple is it not?

PS. Kingkeld your profile pic is fantastic!
posted 04 Nov 2011, 12:28
Fat Secret and Privacy
You can change your profile settings to "buddies only" and then all anyone sees is your profile picture and your bio, your weight comes up as - and the only options are send message, add as buddy.

you may show up on a google search but no one will be able to read anything.
posted 07 Oct 2011, 16:15
phsmalls has submitted 5 posts

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