Joined December 2009
Weight History

Start Weight
260.0 lb
Lost so far: 5.0 lb

Current Weight
255.0 lb
Performance: gaining 0.3 lb a week

Goal Weight
210.0 lb
Still to go: 45.0 lb

Vesone's Weight History


last weighin: gaining 0.1 lb a week Up
last weighin: losing 2.3 lb a week Down
last weighin: steady Steady

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My dog "Chance"
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1 comment

I'm Down 45 Lbs. Since February 2010!
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We Don't Need No Stinkin' Diet!

Vesone's Latest Posts

P90X/Insanity Hybrid with 30 Miles of Running Per Week...
After doing these programs individually (P90X & Insanity), I've decided to combine the best of each program and sprinkle in some running to see how those results would stack up to the individual programs.

I started the hybrid workout in February 2010 and the results have been crazy.

The strength of p90x is the strength training (no pun intended) so I take all 3 of those days and replace their cardio workouts (Plyo, Kenpo and Yoga) with the 2nd month of torturous hour-long Insanity workouts.

I switch the yoga in and out of each week so I'm really doing every two weeks, just to keep up with flexibility (even though I hate that workout).

And everyday I don't do one of those workouts I run and I came up with a running schedule that works for me I guess...I run 7 miles on day, 5 miles the next, then 3 miles, then I repeat for a total of 6 days per week. I have to take a rest of the 7th day so I don't kill

All in all it seems to be working great and it's something I'm comfortable with, so for anybody who has these programs you could try it out too.

Oh and instead of making a calendar with specific dates on them, I created a word document that just has the workouts I want to do with a blank column where I put the date when I finish it, having the pressure of a written out calendar makes me feel behind when I don't do that workout. I go at my pace and it's definitely paid off.

My progress so far (hopefully the pic or the link shows up)

posted 13 Jun 2010, 06:35
P90X vs Insanity
Alot of people have lost weight with p90x or insanity, I'm one of them as well, I've been doing a hybrid of the two programs and I've lost about 45 lbs since February of this year.

I think if you want to tone up I would go with P90X if you had to chose one program. I know it's been said but it requires a big commitment (6-7 days a week) but the thousands who've had results lends to it's credibility.

Insanity is HEAVY on the cardio and I'm sure you could tone up with that as well but I would start with p90x...just my 2 cents.
posted 13 Jun 2010, 06:26
P90X and WOW
I love P90X, it's definitely worth all of the blood, sweat and tears...(not to scare you). I originally lost about 80 lbs. doing it about two years ago and gained it all back by the end of 2009. But I started a hybrid workout of P90X and Insanity in February and since then I've lost about 45 lbs, like I said it's definitely worth it when you stick to it.

Keep it up you'll love the results.
posted 13 Jun 2010, 05:55
Vesone has submitted 3 posts

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Everything Beachbody - P90X, INSANITY
This group is for anyone that is doing any of the Beachbody in-home products. Discuss and fitness nutrition

P90X Fitness Program
Group for discussing topics related to the P90X Workout system and how to best utilize FatSecret for tracking progress.

We Don't Need No Stinkin' Diet!
This is a group for those of us following our own healthy lifestyle plan to lose weight and/or maintain it.

Student Weight Loss
A group for college and university students who are attempting to lose weight.

20's with 25-50 lbs to Lose
20 somethings with 25-50 pounds to lose.

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