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28 January 2024

On Friday morning I did:
Kaleigh Cohen Strength - Upper Body & Abs with Dumbbells | 30 min
Followed by her:
POST-WORKOUT STRETCH for Injury Prevention & Flexibility

5kg weights felt good and I could feel I'd worked the abs all weekend. I feel like my muffin top is receding, but would need to find my misplaced measuring tape (or buy a new one) to establish that. Jeans aren't any looser yet so I know there is progress to be made - and now my holiday is creeping up - 7 weeks to go...

There are some size 10 items in my closet, which I'd love to fit into, but that might be a tad ambitious.

I'm still only managing two strength workouts a week and daily average calories are still hovering about 1850 - hence weight loss is slow. I did see 67.7kg on Wednesday morning, but I've made some bad choices (did someone say hollandaise?) since then so I have to 'own' it. Hoping I can claw it back this week.

I've decided that if I can get below 66kg by mid March that would be acceptable.

My step count has also dropped this week because I had the car to get to work most days and next week will be the same so I need to fit a walk in to my day at some point. I have managed to set my body clock to wake up at 7am though - so that is a baby step in the right direction.

Hope you all have a great week coming up! The end of Jan already - where does the time go? xxx
Weigh-in: 150.2 lb lost so far: 39.4 lb still to go: 6.9 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (2 comments) losing 0.1 lb a week

22 January 2024

This morning I did:

Heather Robertson - Full Body STRENGTH Workout with Dumbbells (Low Impact/No Jumping)

And on Friday morning I did her:
30 MIN Arm Strength Workout // HR12WEEK EXPRESS : Day 17

Still not managing to get daily average calories below 1900 calories, but I think it's still good to keep tracking. The scale said 68.1kg on Friday morning, but the day got away from me so I didn't record it.

So, that was two strength workouts for last week. I will try for 3 this week. Since it's only 20 mins of actual work I'm hoping doms won't be so bad, but also because of that I will possibly try to increase to 4 workouts a week. We'll see how it goes.

Thank you for everyone's support on my last post - I haven't been on the app as much as I'd like to, but will keep trying.

Have a lovely week everyone! xxx

17 January 2024

Lovely workout this morning with Heather Robertson - 30 MIN Full Body Strength / HR12WEEK EXPRESS : Day 58 with my 5kg and 2.5kg (for chest flyes) dumbbells

I like that it had a warm up and cool down within the workout so I didn't have to do a separate video after - so I've saved a few more of hers to do soon. Hoping to get back up to 6.5kg soon and increase steadily. Thanks to Wifey for the inspiration!!!

This morning I had Cliff Richard's song Summer Holiday in my head, which I'll keep as my motivation. These weeks before my family holiday at Easter will pass anyway so I may as well try to make them count - even if it's just the minimum effort I can manage. It's better than giving up and doing nothing.

This week I've had the all too familiar excuse that work got busy and I nearly just threw in the towel, but I just need to adjust my schedule a bit. So, on Monday and Tuesday evening I went to sleep at 11:15pm and 11:30pm and then I could wake up feeling ready for the day at 6:15am and then 6:30am this morning. I should be able to do a workout every second day at 7am.

Last week I only managed 2 and then on Friday I tried a Sydney Cummings one in the afternoon and ended up not having enough time to finish it and skipped a set so didn't feel like that was a complete workout and didn't diarise it.

On Sunday we did go for a nice walk with some friends so I ended up on over 13k steps. I'm nowhere near 10k a day, but still averaging over 6k average a day is fine for now.

Still trying to stay positive through winter and so far so good.

Hope you all have a Wicked Wednesday! xxx

12 January 2024

Weigh-in: 150.6 lb lost so far: 39.0 lb still to go: 7.3 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (1 comment) gaining 1.1 lb a week

10 January 2024

This morning I did:
Kaleigh Cohen Strength - Full Body STRENGTH TRAINING | BUILD MUSCLE!
followed by her:
POST-WORKOUT STRETCH for Injury Prevention & Flexibility

This one was a keeper so I've saved it to my favourite workouts list. Used 5kg weights pretty much throughout except for the shoulder press, for which I used 2.5kg. I think I can probably move those up now, but just easing back into it for a bit. The doms from Monday's workout were pretty intense so the stretch after this workout felt amazing. I need to keep incorporating those because they make such a difference. Oh, and I did the workout in 1.25 speed to save time - it didn't seem too revved up, but not sure exactly how much time I saved.

So far I'm still not managing to get up at 7am when my alarm goes off because it's still dark and my bed is just too warm and comfy. But, I did manage to move at 8am and get it done. It helps that work hasn't really started up yet this week, but I'll keep trying to get that earlier.

Motivation this week comes from hearing about two more people who've lost their lives this week and I'm just so conscious that every moment is a gift and not a given. Trying to make the most of my time and the blessing of good health.

Happy Wednesday everyone! The sun is shining here today so I hope there are sparks of sunlight (or tiny blessings) wherever you are too! xxx

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