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15 March 2024

finished day 2 (yesterday) onto Day 3 of 12. Did ok. IT (scale) seemed to creep up/down but IT seems to do that. Guess the one it kind of stayed on was 174.2, which is still more than I formally posted on scale here, so I'm going to continue to wait to put it down on the scale here. I did eat a bit more yesterday for dinner than I probably should, but again it was all in the allowed foods. Today I work offsite so I packed my lunch and hopefully I can find time and a place to eat it around mid day. I feel ok, kind of so-so but that is ok. As expected my BFF got me gift cards for restaurants (2) this was a day after I insisted how much I don't like to go out to eat, since everyone wants to take me out for my BDay right now. She did get them before that day I kept on insisting how much I don't like to go out to eat and that, "you know me, lol" I didn't want to hurt her feelings so I acted like I really was excited to get them, which in a way I was. They are for places we normally go together and I do enjoy their food. So I'll just wait until she is down here again and go with her there. She said she put alot of thought into and didn't really want to get me gift cards for grocery store since I would just use it for the kids, but uh, I shop for food for ME at the stores also, lol. or she thought about a clothes store, but I'm not really buying to many new clothes right now, and prefer thrift store, well that is right, lol. And said how much we enjoy going to those places, well ok. thats why I'll just wait until she is here and wants to go out (which I normally try to avoid going out) and then go there then. Maybe that is why she got them, so I WILL go out lol. Oh well, the thought is what really counts and she really didn't have to do anything, we are BFF no matter what :-) Hope ALL is well in FS-Land & Take care to ALL :-)

14 March 2024

13 March 2024

13 March 2024

13 March 2024

crazy crazy "IT" box (scale)! I have been eating within my woe but "IT" shows a BIG UP on the number on "ITs little face". Not putting that number in my 'scale post' (176). In the past that would be a 'reason' for me to just put my hands up in the air and say "oh forget it, I'm going to eat whatever!" and end up binging and feeling yucky. But I am trying to hold it together and keep on keeping on. I am switching my food plan around since I think with the other one I would eat too much dairy (yogurt & cottage cheese) even though it is the no fat one, I tend to overdo it. Along with the strawberries & cantaloup, well it says you eat as much as you want! But anyway. I feel good, have more energy and think my pants fit a little bit better anyway. But I'm tired of this woe, so I am starting another one I did years ago. They call it the Mayo diet but it is not from the Mayo clinic. Basically it is for 12 days off 2 and back on 12 / off 2 as needed. Everyday; Breakfast 2 eggs 2 sl bacon grapefruit & tea Lunch grapefruit meat salad & tea. Dinner grapefruit meat (or fish) salad or vegie (from list) & tea. evening snack tomato juice. You can use butter & seasoning. At least this one has more strict woe (which I probably need) again if the quantities aren't listed you can eat until you are full from foods listed and not eat in-between meals. So I will have to watch I eat just 1 or 2 small baked chicken thighs and not the whole package! It will be a challenge when I go to a certain job where I normally will just grab a protein bar since I don't break for a regular sit down meal time. ALso there are a couple days where people still want to celebrate my BDay by taking me out to eat. I might be able to maneuver around the menu if I know where we are going, but I wonder about 'sneaking' in a 8oz container of grapefruit juice? But I'll try. AND I really did enjoy my breakfast today :-) Hope ALL is doing well in FS-Land & Take Care to ALL :)

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