Chris Batu
Joined July 2012
Weight History

Start Weight
175.0 lb
Lost so far: 4.0 lb

Current Weight
171.0 lb
Performance: losing 2.3 lb a week

Goal Weight
165.0 lb
Still to go: 6.0 lb
Video games, computer games, pizza, and soda. For a very long time, that was the extent of what I was doing with my life. I worked, went to school, went home, and immediately got in front of my computer or my tv screen and spent the rest of the evening gaming my time into oblivion. Sometimes, I miss those days because they were a lot of fun. What I don’t miss though is being around 210 pounds and having cholesterol levels almost in the 300s, and being only in my mid 20s. For a long time I didn’t care. In fact, I didn’t even know what was happening to me and where my life was headed. It took several potentially devastating life altering events to wake me up.

My mother has been dealing with Diabetes for a long time. It was just a normal part of life for my family and I to not eat too many sweet things. Sadly, she eventually became partially insulin dependent. My poor mother had to suffer two mild strokes and a life threatening infection that took the sight from one of her eyes to wake me up, to get my attention focused on where my life was headed. Thankfully, my mother, bless her heart, survived it all.

As if that wasn’t enough to worry about, my father contracted colorectal cancer. With great care the cancer was removed without the need of a colostomy bag, but it was close. At some points I wasn’t even sure if my father was going to make it at all. Those were hard times, but by a measure of grace my father has been clear of it since then (knocking on all the wood I can find!).

Enough was enough. If I didn’t get ahead of myself and turn the ship around I was going to end up with terrible diseases of my own. The day had come where I NEEDED to do something.

Beachbody has empowered me to take control of my life. I started with P90X and have since then worked my way through P90X+, All of the One on One series workouts, Insanity, Insanity: Asylum, Turbo Fire, ChaLean Extreme, RevAbs, P90X2, Tai Cheng, the Ultimate Reset, and currently Les Mills PUMP.

Chris Batu's Weight History


last weighin: gaining 0.1 lb a week Up
last weighin: losing 2.2 lb a week Down
last weighin: losing 1.4 lb a week Down
last weighin: gaining 0.1 lb a week Up

Chris Batu's Latest Posts

I've done the program along with many other Beachbody programs. I was skeptical of at home workouts myself too but now it's all I do. ChaLean is a great program. You really need to make sure you have adequate weights for it though. You have to do the workouts as prescribed so if Chalene says you only do 6 reps, you need the right amount of weight so that you're failing on rep 6. You can't have anything left in the tank or it won't be as effective as it should be.

I also found that if you're used to weight training and like to move quickly, it may test your patience because for many of the workouts, the reps are very slow and controlled. It serves to increase your muscle's time under tension which really gets a burn going in your muscles.

It's great when done properly Smile The workouts are good, most of them are under an hour or around 45 minutes max. Chalene is a great trainer, lots of fun, great music, and the nutrition guide is great too.

I know this is an old post but what did you decide on doing hayleyrobs?
posted 11 Jul 2012, 12:55
Butt Booster???
You could also try the Brazil Butt Lift program from Beachbody, it's a really great program targeted, obviously, for the rear end and the surrounding areas. It might look a little silly if you watch a video, but trust me, the leg workouts Leandro puts together are fantastic.
posted 11 Jul 2012, 12:50
Diet Soda - HELP
It's not just the insulin impact that makes diet sodas an unwanted part of your diet. Granted, everyone, from time to time, will consume something they shouldn't. You shouldn't beat yourself up, and don't allow anyone else to beat you up either, about not being 100% perfect when it comes to what you drink. Is it idea to have the occassional diet soda? Of course not. Is it going to destroy your health? Most likely not by itself. When it comes to soda, especially diet soda, I personally avoid it as much as I can because of the chemicals. If it's zero calorie and it's not water or tea, it probably has things in it that I don't want in my body.
posted 11 Jul 2012, 10:00
You got it!!! If you need any tips or advice, feel free to ask, I've got lots of experience with Insanity and got great results from it myself Smile
posted 11 Jul 2012, 09:51
Is there a "near death experience" category? lol I would go with what gtx73 is saying, find a way to track your personal expenditure and then input that. I remember one day during Phase 2 when you have to do the Fit Test with Max Plyo Cardio Circuit or whichever it is, I topped 1000 calories that day, so my heart rate monitor said.

How long have you all been doing the program?
posted 06 Jul 2012, 10:27
Chris Batu has submitted 5 posts

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