Joined January 2011
Weight History

Start Weight
166.2 lb
Lost so far: 15.8 lb

Current Weight
150.4 lb
Performance: losing 1.1 lb a week

Goal Weight
110.0 lb
Still to go: 40.4 lb
This isn't my first time on the weight loss merry-go-round...
I know enough about nutrition and exercise to know better, but I still stall out in the motivation department. I also have difficulties not looking to food for emotional comfort. But I have let this go far enough and it is time for (yet another) new beginning. Oh well, at least I haven't given up...

Some other details about my journey...

I am single, with no children, but live in my own house with a roommate and my beautiful 1 year old boxer/black lab mix puppy. I work many hours a week in I.T. so finding, not only the time to exercise but the energy at the end of stress-filled days, is not always easy...though I am trying to make it a priority.

In addition to my job, I also sing professionally in 2 local jazz bands. I would love to exude more confidence on stage by being in better shape. Performance is all about confidence, which I've been lacking in lately due to my weight gain.

I also struggle with Rheumatoid Arthritis pain which makes working out very difficult when I have major flare-ups. Because of my condition, I am slowly attempting to cut gluten out of my diet which is known to help control the inflammation in my joints.

BrkfstAtTiffs's Weight History


last weighin: gaining 0.2 lb a week Up
last weighin: losing 0.3 lb a week Down
last weighin: gaining 0.1 lb a week Up
last weighin: losing 0.8 lb a week Down

BrkfstAtTiffs's Latest Posts

Dissapointed in myself
My weight has been an up and down roller coaster thanks to my job and schedule... For the longest time I did really well going to the gym right after work, but I got a puppy and I have to go home to let her out as soon as I am off work now. I've found it realllly hard to get back to the gym once I have gone home, plus it is like 15 miles out of the way so I can't afford the gas to go back.

I broke down and bought a treadmill at Sears this past week with part of my tax return. I'm determined not to let it become a clothes hanger but to actually use it daily.

It is hard to do, but not at all impossible.... If it were easy to be in good shape, then our country wouldn't be dealing with the obesity epidemic... But it is worth the effort.
posted 24 Jan 2011, 15:12
1st Day
I totally get the rich food and wine love! I'm a bit of a foodie myself. I'm just really trying to learn how to live by moderation instead of my usual all-or-nothing mentallity that usually leads to a binge down the road. If I make the occaisional pre-planned indulgence and option it helps me keep my sanity.

One practical bit of advice with Atkins though... Make absolutley sure you are getting LOTS of fiber and water in your diet. I got really sick before the end of induction phase when I did Atkins by not getting enough of those fiber-rich veggies in my diet.
posted 24 Jan 2011, 15:03
Tingling Toes
It could be a form of arthritis, or at least that is what it ended up being for me. I actually got the "tinglys" plus pretty severe pain in my fingers and toes as well as TMJ and once I finally got it checked out, I was diagnosed with early stage Rheumatoid Arthritis. While that's not great news, I'd thought that I was just an out-of-shape wimp for so long that I was kind of relieved to find out there was a cause... and that its treatable. But if it's not arthritis, my guess would also be that you should check the fit of your shoes.
posted 24 Jan 2011, 14:57
Is anyone else "All or Northing"?
I call this the "cookie factor." The thought that, I've ruined my whole day by having a cookie, so I might as well eat all the cookies I can stuff into me...

And I totally KNOW this is ridiculous. Yet it happens way too often.

I find I do best when I make sure to "budget" treats for myself into my meal plan every day. That way I don't feel deprived and I am less likely to binge. If one cookie is 150 calories, fine. I'll figure that into my eating for that day and try to remind myself that there will still be cookies for me to eat tomorrow when that "Feed me more!' voice starts in.

Somedays this technique works and sometimes it doesn't. But as I practice the habits, it starts to work more days than it doesn't. And since the point of this whole journey is about learning to change our natural reflexes and tendencies for an overall healthy lifestyle, you have to measure that as progress and forgive yourself the days when you slip up and find yourself face down in a full box of Krispy Kreme donuts...
posted 23 Jan 2011, 15:08
BrkfstAtTiffs has submitted 4 posts

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Go Primal For Health!
My life was dramatically changed when I cut out grains and sugars. Please join me!

Kentucky Girls
Girls (women) in Kentucky that need motivation and support.

Walk to a Destination
A virtual walk to track where you would end up if you were to leave your town and keep going.

Weight-Loss for Busy Professionals
A group for professionals who struggle with balancing weight-loss with careers. Support, tips & friendships are encouraged.

Looking to get it back before 30
This is a group for those looking to get that 'high school' feeling back before they turn thirty.

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