08willbegreat's Journal, 19 April 2008

Yesterday's overview:

Did go to the gym at 7 am (had set the alarm and let my gym buddy know the night before). Was dragging there..but managed to do 30 mins of elliptical and 20 mins of weights.

Later in the day, I tried to work from home, and then got ready and went out for dinner, and later to the Opera, and after that to the actors' cast-party.

The dinner was in a swanky place that's known for its' eclectic foods, and even their pizza! And they have awesome martinis. I tried to make sensible choices (skipped wine and martinis, and had an sugar-free ice tea instead), tried to order a low-fat salad (beet, feta, hazelnut vinaigrette--which ended up looking not as low-fat as I'd thought--as the vinaigrette had pieces of hazelnuts, and the feta was a little rich). I even had 3 pieces of bread and some of the olive tapenade their their butter chiffonade (it all looked too good to pass up, and I figured there's no way I'm going to keep this dinner from showing up on the scale tomorrow, so might as well have a good time!:)
For my entree, I had a mediterranean pizza with pesto, and feta (it was really good, and I took half of it home).
At the after-party, there were some appetizers that I didn't even look at, but did have a glass of wine.
Came home pretty late (1.30 am or so), and was hungry (or maybe just tempted), so had two slices from my leftover pizza.

Today so far...
Made an appointment to go to a crossfit class with my gym buddy at 9 am (but, how bizarre! I missed the alarm and her call--poor thing was waiting for me in the building lobby, and I didn't wake up until 9.15am or so!). So now, it was too late to go to the class, so instead we decided to just workout in the building gym. So I did 35 mins. of elliptical (340K), and 20 mins. or so of weights (downgraded to 8-10 pounds instead of my previous record of 10-12 pound weights--shows the effects of not working out lately!).
After that, showered, and went to the local farmers' market (it was a beautiful day today--sunny and very summer-ish!). THe fruits were excellent today--colorful, rich, and juicy..so bought many fruits (I'm still set for all other produce and groceries from my marathon trip to china-town last weekend!).
So was feeling pretty productive--got all this done by 12.30 or so, and the day was still only 1/4 done..while normally I'd be sleeping until 11 am or so!).
Although, after coming home, I was deciding which task to attack next from my long list of chores, but that got a little overwhelming and I decided to take a short nap..and ended up sleeping for 4 hours instead!! So I've missed out on going on my walk, which I was contemplating earlier..
The food's been better today--looking at all the wonderful veggies and fruits, I'm now feeling more ready to imbibe their healthy riches, rather than seek out other damaging snacks!
And I'm really gonna have to push myself to workout more--I'm somehow still dragging on that front...but, hey, something's better than nothing (here's my positive affirmation for the day!:)

I am continually grateful for this website, for my wonderful friends here who inspire me from their examples, their stories, their lessons, and their words and personal advise to me..Thanks again!!

Food entries so far:
Breakfast: cereal and soy milk (3), and last slice of leftover pizza (5),
Snack: 1 orange (1), 1 string cheese (2), 1 small bowl of grapes (2), 1 slice wheat toast (1) and chutney (0)
Dinner:Salad:Spinach, orange pieces, and litle bit of olive oil (1), and Pasta with chick peas, parsley, and olive oil (6)
Total points: 21

Weight has gianed (predictably so from the dinner last night and the last couple of days' misadventures). But from today I'm resolved to be re-focused and re-prioritize...Eat fresh, healthy foods first, and leave no craving for bad foods later. And when I'm eating out--really skim the fat out!! No cheating! For the short term, I really need to make some sacrifices, otherwise this is going to continue being an uphill battle.


Ok. Let's skip past the minor indiscretions and get to the good stuff! You've been exercising in the MORNING and, I'm so happy, you made a positive affirmation!!!! How awesome! I'm so happy/proud/thrilled/excited for you. You're making great progress today and I see nothing but good coming your way. Wooohooo! 
19 Apr 08 by member: evelyn64
I love reading your journals and vicariously experiencing all of your fancy-events and dinners!!! Here's my healthy living checklist: Two workouts - great! With a buddy - even more great! Ate consciously - yes! Nutrient rich foods - yes! Recorded and pointed it - yes! Proactive plan for improvement - check! Focused on goals - check! Positive affrimation thrown in - AMAZING!!! I'm so excited about that one!!! You are on the right track - huge fancy curly c-shaped checkmark!  
19 Apr 08 by member: massiverally
Thanks, Evelyn! Awesome, positive message...I can feel your positive energy coming through the cyberworld and into my computer!! I want to be better this week onward--for me, for my team, and for my FS buddies--I want to make everyone (and most of all, my biggest self-critic--me!), proud of my efforts!! Wooohooo to you for being here for me!! :) 
19 Apr 08 by member: 08willbegreat
Oops, Massiverally, our messages must have been posted at the same time here! Anyhow, thanks for helping me see the important aspects from my journals--and have those things to focus on--it really helps having that positive spin on things that I'd otherwise have been pretty negative about..!! I'm learning a lot from you guys about ways to look at the glass half-full!! Thanks for your support!!  
19 Apr 08 by member: 08willbegreat
Um...it's not half full...its 80% full...in my opinion :D 
19 Apr 08 by member: massiverally
Great job on working on it the morning as I know that's been one of your goals! Remember how good you felt when you did go to the gym and you wondered why you hadn't been going, maybe you can channel that feeling to inspire you to go! You usually eat very well and that's 80% of the battle, so just eat well and exercise when you can! 
20 Apr 08 by member: kimbulie
Good to hear you sounding much more focused again. Just take it a day at a time, and you'll soon get that exercising habit formed - you know you can do it! Good luck this week!! :) 
20 Apr 08 by member: Lucybell33


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